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teen mom

Poor Maci...The man should move for you, not you for the man...

Right then he dumped her. She's so cute and "together" (ish for a teen mom).....she deserves someone GREAT!
it upset me to see
Gary (he gives me the heebie jeebies theres something about him) caught up in this cycle of abuse buying her flowers begging her to take him back its wierd to see it the oppisite way usually its the chick begging the skm bag
Right then he dumped her. She's so cute and "together" (ish for a teen mom).....she deserves someone GREAT!

I think it was good he dumped her now then say in a year, I think she got there and all of a sudden it was 'full time Maci a mommy' and it freaked him out.............I liked it when he said 'you need a hobby' and she said 'my hobby is being Bentleys mommy' or something like that made me proud of her

I coldnt find the applause smily darn it
I think it was good he dumped her now then say in a year, I think she got there and all of a sudden it was 'full time Maci a mommy' and it freaked him out.............I liked it when he said 'you need a hobby' and she said 'my hobby is being Bentleys mommy' or something like that made me proud of her

I coldnt find the applause smily darn it

Oh yeah I'm not saying they should've stayed together. She needs someone mebbe a couple years older and more mature. Or a much older hawt sugar daddy. :snicker:
I kinda think they might get back together...he loved the baby too much

And the guy who went out with amber, wtf was up with that? he said he loved Leah, when did he meet Leah and please tell me Amber did not let thiss ex (or is he a current one) con meet her 1 year old.
Yeah I thought that guy was trying too hard!!! WOW!!!
And he was in jail. Amber needs to grow up and be single for awhile.
Yeah I thought that guy was trying too hard!!! WOW!!!
And he was in jail. Amber needs to grow up and be single for awhile.

He was trying to hard and seemed crazy...the best day of my life was when he met Amber. He has known her for 3 seconds
I know that I am one or two episodes behind... but I just watched the one where crazy Amber goes all crazy on Gary (again)-- and she puts Leah in her crib with no crib sheet, and a crib thats FILLED with so much crap... WTF is wrong with her!!!?? I hope Gary does get her!!
That's all.
I don't like any mom to drag around her kids to guys they really don't know. This is how 95% of Steve Wilco's guests are accused of abuse/sexually abusing the kids.
Uh... I feel so sad for Farrah.. She just met with Derek's sister... Poor girl.
OMG... AMBER is a TOTAL WENCH... WHY didn't Gary just call the cops?? **** her.
OMG... AMBER is a TOTAL WENCH... WHY didn't Gary just call the cops?? **** her.

becouse alot of the time the abused dont call the cops until the abuser almost kills them.........................I cant believe Gary took the baby back to Amber
I'm amazed that most of them have NO jobs but have nice cars,cell phones, smoke & are able to go to school & have their own place.Someone tell me how to get a free ride please.

they get paid to be on the show I think I read they get $5000.00 per episode. So although they like to cry poor I think this is a pretty good living... even without a second job.
I missed a few episodes, i think...So Maci moves for that new guy and he dumped her after she moved there?
they get paid to be on the show I think I read they get $5000.00 per episode. So although they like to cry poor I think this is a pretty good living... even without a second job.


Is it too late to become a pregnant teen dropout? :surrender: