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That ONE thing your spouse / SO does that drives you nutz????

I could write a book but, I would say what others have said...DOES NOT LISTEN and CANNOT follow a schedule as well as having no concept of time..mine likes to fish too!
I think my DH does most of the annoying things listed..... And more.

And he thinks he's all around amazing... Gross.
What's your one thing?

Well mine would be an Ex and my answer would be BREATHE !! I never knew I could have so much YUCK for one person !! He is such a **** !!

Ok.............I feel MUCH better now.............Thanks !!
Mine doesn't say what's on his mind. I know I'm not easy to live with but he just smiles and says everything is "fine"

Talk to me!!!!
Has no aim ... seriously ... NO AIM. And he doesn't "notice" ... I hate that we have only one bathroom. If we had two toilets ... life would be grand.

And that he is incapable of retaining what I tell him and tries to force me into being a nag which I refuse to do. This is a shrew free zone! i.e. If the gas bill is due on the 20th, I'll tell him when the bill comes in, and will mention it again around the 10th or so, MAYBE even again on the 15th. So WHY is he surprised on the 20th? And WHY does he ask me why I didn't remind him? :gah:

I refuse to nag him about things! He's a grown man, (asking for something to be done once maybe twice should be sufficient).

Mine is:

"Well if you did this/this way/like this/over there/another way/exactly the opposite of how you do it now...."

STFU. No likee? You doee or No talkee.


Perhaps he keeps wetting the rug...you may need to take him to the vet...at least it's not curtains--those are dry clean only.
I'm spoiled, really!
One thing?
I could write a book with a few sequels on this topic.
Basically everything some of you have said.
If we are going out and I spend (cough*forever*cough) getting ready why does he have to wait until I'm ready to go to say "can you iron my shirt"? Ummm...you've been watching TV for the last 2 hours, are an expert at ironing and you want ME to do it, NOW? Ugh!
What's your one thing?


Mine, my husband is the type that HAS to have noise, every room he walks into he turns on TV, probably a game, and then sometimes add a cell phone noise.

Seriously I could go all day and NOT turn on the TV!

I'm trying to get my end of the month work done (so I don't have to deal with issues with power/internet) and he makes soooo much noise!


Wow! Our husbands may have been separated at birth! Mine does the noise thing too, and it drives me I-N-S-A-N-E. He even complains that he can't sleep because it's "too quiet" despite the fact that he has a turbo fan going in the bedroom to make noise. When he goes to visit his parents, I don't turn on the TV, radio, or anything that makes a peep the whole time he is gone.
OMG!!!!!!!! I thought mine was the only one.

Ours goes this way "so, I guess I will put soap in the bathroom since we haven't had any in there in THREE DAYS" (ummm, I threw the last one away within hours.....there it is....in the bathroom trash!!!!)

evidence doesn't matter...it has been weeks!!!!

Today....we (I SWEAR!!) used THREE bathroom rugs. Cause, he thinks it has been DAYS since it was changed!!!! I finally said "ok, what was wrong with the rug you threw downstairs?!?! That was the SECOND clean bathroom rug for today....now we are putting a THIRD one in there"

if someone is doing something in the bathroom that we need THREE rugs a day?!?! it needs to stop!!!!

Bwahaha. Sounds like my house. And it is always.......I asked you 3 days ago. Everything is 3 days. It has not even been 12 hours in real time but in DH's world it is 3 days.

You may very well be married to his long lost twin.
Anyway my DH is generally good and I don't care to waste time mulling over his faults all the time but the one common theme I see here is our DHs LOVE TO RUN THEIR MOUTHS.

Like mine never shuts up. He always has to be yammering on about something. And now that he's getting older he wants FEEDBACK. EVIDENCE that I'm listening, like Swagbucks TV. But the stuff he talks about is stupid and repetitive or minutae about youth sports and their coaching plans that I DONT CARE ABOUT!

if I say something to him about something, he says I am sorry if its not good enough for you. That f'ing pisses me off soooo bad, he did it to me on the phone yesterday and I flipped out on him, asked him if I had said it wasnt good enough, asked him if I had implied it wasnt good enough, etc. wtf, I think he just says that because he has a guilty conscious and KNOWS it isnt good enough. and yeah I KNOW things arent good enough, but I dont say anything because I love him. 3 days until our 1 yr annv. really not sure there will be any more after that at the moment.
Oh, and I forgot my DHs FAVORITE question is:

"Don't you remember......."


I have actual IMPORTANT things to remember and there is only so much room in my brain!

My ex's thing is the semantics game. It's not gray. It's blue gray. :hurt:

He still does it, but I don't respond to it anymore. I walk away laughing usually telling him, "Oh that's my exit cue." :lol:
It has been a rough week with dd starting kindergarten and me being sick and working. So I could go on for hours about what my dh does. Right now he is sleeping because he went out yesterday and came home at 3. I don't usually have a problem with that, but he is now sleeping. I can't wait until he tells me that I sleep during the day...I work overnight...DUH. I will be laughing at him all night and I do mean all night when he can't sleep because he slept all day :)
Oh, and I forgot my DHs FAVORITE question is:

"Don't you remember......."


I have actual IMPORTANT things to remember and there is only so much room in my brain!


OMG, my husband does that, plus "Guess what?"
No, I am not guessing, anything you want to tell me, tell me.
The kick is: his father does the same thing.