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That ONE thing your spouse / SO does that drives you nutz????

FIL is an idiot, dh is determined to be just like him, they have no common sense!
I spent whole morning looking for the garlics that I bought 2 days ago, someone put them in the basement together with the detergent!!
Didn't you all ever see Steel Magnolias? All gay men have track lighting and all gay men are named Mark, Rick or Steve :lol:

I couldn't find the clip on YouTube....

Kinda makes you think twice about naming your sons Steve doesn't it?

Steve--the other one:lol:
SteveBass was the guy who cooked and made incredible looking dishes. He got on CW early on. He got busy with the neighbor lady then gave her the boot. Last 'real post (more than 5 or 6 words, I mean) was announcing he was engaged and planning a wedding.
Anyway my DH is generally good and I don't care to waste time mulling over his faults all the time but the one common theme I see here is our DHs LOVE TO RUN THEIR MOUTHS.

Like mine never shuts up. He always has to be yammering on about something. And now that he's getting older he wants FEEDBACK. EVIDENCE that I'm listening, like Swagbucks TV. But the stuff he talks about is stupid and repetitive or minutae about youth sports and their coaching plans that I DONT CARE ABOUT!


OOOOHHHH! I can fix this! Next time he starts in, say "But you just told me that same thing a couple of hours/minutes/days ago." Do this on a regular basis, then ask him if maybe he should get a checkup 'cause he seems to be forgetting things on a regular basis and wasn't his mother having some memory-loss issues?"

really, really nasty but effective