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The Confabulation Thread

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What kind of hosting are you on? shared or something more powerful?
They are still kinda pricy, worth it though for something like a forum.

What made you go for vBulletin?
They are still kinda pricy, worth it though for something like a forum.

Aye. The problem is though, they get even more expensive as the forum grows. :(

What made you go for vBulletin?

Familiarity and customization, mostly. I've had some experience with vBulletin boards in the past, and have always found them to provide me with the sort of functionality/features that I want on a forum. Also, there's plenty of plugins/mods out there for it, and plenty of support.

I have used phpbb before, but I always found that to be a bit too "basic" for my tastes. IPB was another option, but if I'm going to spend money on something I just figured I may as well purchase a one-off license for vB. I discovered Xenforo recently, but having messed around on a few of their boards I found them to be...I don't know...not suitable.
phpBB is indeed pretty basic, the best free options have to be either MyBB or SMF, also full of modules and stuff, and very easily customizable.

I have a thing to not pay for software if I can help it :p
I have a thing to not pay for software if I can help it :p

I can't say I blame you, given how much I've spent thus far, but I felt if it was going to be a long-term project I may as well take the legit route as far as vBulletin goes. I had intended to make the costs back through advertising, but Google AdSense won't work on here due to the Sex/Depression subjects and not many people are going to want to submit ads to a new forum. Subscriptions/Donations are our way forward financially for the first year or so.

That said, I have a license I can sell off if need be, and I have full-control, so it's not too bad. Now if only I knew how to code...
Monetizing is harder than people make it seem, especially via adsense, they are super picky.

if only I knew how to code...

Some members do, *hint* *hint*, if it's quick stuff I don't really mind giving you a hand.
Some members do, *hint* *hint*, if it's quick stuff I don't really mind giving you a hand.

If we need something doing and me and [MENTION=12]sileter[/MENTION] are stumped, we'll come to you. ;) :)
Better start getting ready to go out, behave while I'm gone 'fabbers! :p
Wow, there is like no one at work today and nothing to do anyway. Wonder if I can find a reason to leave early along with feeding my dog..
Quite looking forward to going out tomorrow. Seeing a local band in a pub with some mates. Should be fun :)
i was so hydrated for my run it was amazing i actually had energy and could RUN excellent a+++ would drink 24 ounces of water before exercising again
now i have to pee so bad though
I've typed on sooooo many forums today. My fingers hurt. :(
Had a lovely day in the sun and now having a family film :)
All I need now is my Kirk <3
*waves frantically at newcomer*
*waves back even more frantically and dramatically*
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