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The Derailed Thread

This sounds like a trap.

Just trying to keep the other threads on topic. I may be the only member here in saying this, BUT, I believe there are other things going on in the karaoke world to talk about other then SC/CB and the piracy issue.:winkpill:
Just trying to keep the other threads on topic. I may be the only member here in saying this, BUT, I believe there are other things going on in the karaoke world to talk about other then SC/CB and the piracy issue.:winkpill:

Well IN MY OPINION, to "invent a rule" and THEN deciding to make it retroactive, going back and moving stuff around that was posted before you invented the rule in the first place is simply unfair. What is especially evident is not the posts you've decided to move, but those you've left in place. IMHO, it hasn't been an unbiased extraction.

What's next? Are you going to sift through all the ancient threads and decide who to ban based on a post made months ago?

It just appears that you've gotten into a mood to ban somebody.... for whatever reason... and you're simply looking for (or encouraging) the opportunity to do so. The "hand out bans like candy" comment is not a statement, it is simply used as a threat.

It's the "itchy trigger finger syndrome."
Well IN MY OPINION, to "invent a rule" and THEN deciding to make it retroactive, going back and moving stuff around that was posted before you invented the rule in the first place is simply unfair. What is especially evident is not the posts you've decided to move, but those you've left in place. IMHO, it hasn't been an unbiased extraction.

What's next? Are you going to sift through all the ancient threads and decide who to ban based on a post made months ago?

It just appears that you've gotten into a mood to ban somebody.... for whatever reason... and you're simply looking for (or encouraging) the opportunity to do so. The "hand out bans like candy" comment is not a statement, it is simply used as a threat.

It's the "itchy trigger finger syndrome."

Chip, you can take however you want to take it. The FACT is we are tired of every thread getting derailed with the entire SC debate or dislike of other members.

I did not start this thread to trap anyone into being banned. It is simply an area to place any derailing post without deleting them.

You, or anyone else are free to contact Dan if you feel that I have wrongfully moved a post.
DJCC said:
Chip, you can take however you want to take it. The FACT is we are tired of every thread getting derailed with the entire SC debate or dislike of other members.

I did not start this thread to trap anyone into being banned. It is simply an area to place any derailing post without deleting them.

You, or anyone else are free to contact Dan if you feel that I have wrongfully moved a post.

I believe you don't understand my comment... It's not what you moved, it's what you LEFT that does not appear to be unbiased, IN MY OPINION.

If you're going to invent a rule - and then decide to make it retroactive - and then decide to remove posts, you can at least be fair or unbiased about it. Instead you've decided to remove only those posts that you disagree with while leaving others in place - whether or not they are abusive, condescending, disparaging or inflammatory to others.

If you're going to "make a rule" then make it first, and THEN enforce it. Don't make it retroactive in order to enforce only what YOU don't like. Cops don't drop the speed limit to 25 and then go back and hand out tickets to everyone they think were speeding the week before.
c. staley said:
I believe you don't understand my comment... It's not what you moved, it's what you LEFT that does not appear to be unbiased, IN MY OPINION.

If you're going to invent a rule - and then decide to make it retroactive - and then decide to remove posts, you can at least be fair or unbiased about it. Instead you've decided to remove only those posts that you disagree with while leaving others in place - whether or not they are abusive, condescending, disparaging or inflammatory to others.

If you're going to "make a rule" then make it first, and THEN enforce it. Don't make it retroactive in order to enforce only what YOU don't like. Cops don't drop the speed limit to 25 and then go back and hand out tickets to everyone they think were speeding the week before.

I started talking this over with Dan yesterday when Dave's "Status Of Labels" thread was quickly derailed. I got the go ahead this morning and moved the post then.

I do believe that I have, and will continue to be, fair and unbiased in what post were/are moved.

What post do you think I should have moved but did not?

Pleased to here any and all comments.
another great used cdg buy

I didn't suggest that anyone needed my permission to be offended. I said your offense was unfounded. I can point out that referring to oneself as a "good Jew" in that reference could be construed differently and without offense. That is ONE alternative. I certainly didn't perpetuate a stereotype with MY comment.

Get a grip... neither you nor Mr. Birdofsong have any clue of my ethnic or religious background so you have absolutely NO standing to tell me what I can voice as my own opinion.

“These three are the marks of a Jew - a tender heart, self-respect, and charity”

Stereotypes only hold power over those who believe in them. Your offense is a waste of your precious energy. These are the High Holidays. Peace be with you sister. Though your shoes do not fit me, I may have shared your path from time to time.

Stereotypes hold power for those who believe in them AND those that are victims of them. By perpetuating a stereotype, Athena is victimizing the rest of us. I can't even begin to tell you how often that type of attitude has been a problem in my life. People judge me without even knowing me based on this type of thing.

Btw, these are NOT the high holidays. Those are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Chanukah is a small celebration ...full of warmth and family, but with very little religious significance.

You said:

Your offense taken is unfounded.

This was not your "opinion" this was a "statement." Nowhere in your post did you state that anything was your opinion.

Look again carefully at a Menorah.... (you know... the "candle holder thingy"). Are there 8 or NINE candles there for this celebration oh wise one?
(tell me you didn't assume that all Menorahs have only 8 candles?)

- 6 dictionary results
Jew Definition
? ?/d?u/ Show Spelled[joo] Show IPA
1. one of a scattered group of people that traces its descent from the Biblical Hebrews or from postexilic adherents of Judaism; Israelite.
2. a person whose religion is Judaism.
3. a subject of the ancient kingdom of Judah.

4. Offensive . of Jews; Jewish.
–verb (used with object)
5. ( lowercase ) Offensive . to bargain sharply with; beat down in price (often fol. by down ).

The "grip" is all yours to get.
DJCC said:
What post do you think I should have moved but did not?

Pleased to here any and all comments.

The original "Jew" post. Thank you.
The original "Jew" post. Thank you.

The below post that you are referring to is in the "another used cdg buy" thread and is on topic of the OP. The post that followed that were in response to the "I'm a great Jew" comment were not on topic of the OP and were moved here.


"well the binder of CDGS I found after calling on some small bose speakers... I love to chat and the lady remembered she had a "book of discs somewhere" ...I said yes sight unseen after she named some of the brands. (I must pat my own back for negotation skills(I'm a great jew"))Someone else got the speakers Darn it but I got the disks.

The system I posted pics of was a straight Craigs list buy...had been listed and had oriced dropped e times...wen looked listened and pulled out cash...down went the price again. Now he has enough to take russian wife to see the nutcracker and buy her a new dress

yardsale discs...just pure luck.

shoes are clean and concious clean"

end quote
The below post that you are referring to is in the "another used cdg buy" thread and is on topic of the OP. The post that followed that were in response to the "I'm a great Jew" comment were not on topic of the OP and were moved here.


"well the binder of CDGS I found after calling on some small bose speakers... I love to chat and the lady remembered she had a "book of discs somewhere" ...I said yes sight unseen after she named some of the brands. (I must pat my own back for negotation skills(I'm a great jew"))Someone else got the speakers Darn it but I got the disks.

The system I posted pics of was a straight Craigs list buy...had been listed and had oriced dropped e times...wen looked listened and pulled out cash...down went the price again. Now he has enough to take russian wife to see the nutcracker and buy her a new dress

yardsale discs...just pure luck.

shoes are clean and concious clean"

end quote

It may be on topic, but it's offensive and should be moved. But go ahead...just get rid of the complaint and not the the post that was offensive in the first place. I can't say I'm the least bit surprised.
It may be on topic, but it's offensive and should be moved. But go ahead...just get rid of the complaint and not the the post that was offensive in the first place. I can't say I'm the least bit surprised.

This thread is not about what myself, the other mods, or members find offensive. It is about keeping the threads on topic.

If I were to take action, as a mod, based on my opinon or belief , I would DELETE about 80% of all post made.

You must be kidding right? You're defending KEEPING the post up?

That's fine but does this mean that if I post something truly offensive... as long as I frame it with the topic at hand, does it stay there too under your same guidelines as above?

This is EXACTLY what I meant by you removing only what YOU want and not being unbiased. Even the dictionary defines it as "offensive."

If it doesn't offend YOU personally, it must be okay huh?
please I plead again anyone who feels viictiimized by me or my posts use the ban button and ban me.....I try very hard to refrain from flaming,baiting or trolling but I am not a mind reader as to everyones triggers or how thin skinned some people are.I did a personal poll with the exact post in question of everyone in my large email list( aprox 600) of every religion so far 97 saw nothing wrong with it.....8 said it could be taken wrong...... and 1 said it was offending.(of the group that replied so far 54 are jewish by blood or religion) 3 of them said it could be taken wrong. the one who said it could be offending was a UU

I like posting here and the cyber friends I have met but I will not walk on eggshells trying to see any way a post can be warpped and made offending.


You must be kidding right? You're defending KEEPING the post up?

That's fine but does this mean that if I post something truly offensive... as long as I frame it with the topic at hand, does it stay there too under your same guidelines as above?

This is EXACTLY what I meant by you removing only what YOU want and not being unbiased. Even the dictionary defines it as "offensive."

If it doesn't offend YOU personally, it must be okay huh?

Chip, There is discussion in the mods room about the post.

The post were moved because they had nothing to do with the OP. Period.

I have not stated how I feel about any of the post involved outside of the SC/CB crap.
Is this the post you're all complaining about?
well the binder of CDGS I found after calling on some small bose speakers... I love to chat and the lady remembered she had a "book of discs somewhere" ...I said yes sight unseen after she named some of the brands. (I must pat my own back for negotation skills(I'm a great jew"))Someone else got the speakers Darn it but I got the disks.

The system I posted pics of was a straight Craigs list buy...had been listed and had oriced dropped e times...wen looked listened and pulled out cash...down went the price again. Now he has enough to take russian wife to see the nutcracker and buy her a new dress:winkpill:

yardsale discs...just pure luck.

shoes are clean and concious clean:biggrinpill:

If so, I read it as Athena called herself a Jew. The fact that you took offense to it is your problem. Not hers, mine, or Curts.

As a fat guy I'm not allowed to crack fat jokes on myself because another fat guy might be offended? Jeez find somewhere else to get all offended.
Geesh and I thought I was sensitive.

Can we at least ATTEMPT to keep some perspective here?? People are different, what one person finds offesive may not be to a different person. As long as the mods are CONSISTENT i don't CARE what gets left up and what gets moved.

So to answer someone else's question, yes I personally believe if DJ found something to be offensive, but relevant to the topic, he would keep it in the original thread and not move it.

Since we cannot control the responses of OTHER people, but only how we RESPOND to something perhaps we can CHOOSE to either accept the person's comment at face value or IGNORE it entirely.

In my opinion, stereotypes are perpetuated when people FOCUS on them.. If no one gave them creedance or paid any attention, it would just go away.

Its the basic law of entropy - you have to keep putting energy into something in order for it to keep going. *my dumbed down version of it*

in my opinion, people are only victims if they CHOOSE to be. i will say it again we cannot control anything anyone does or says to us we can only choose how we will react to what happens to us.

Notice I am not talking about the morality of right or wrong, or whether something is just or unjust. There are times when CHOOSING to be a victim is an understandable and appropriate response, but its still your CHOICE.

Is this the post you're all complaining about?

If so, I read it as Athena called herself a Jew. The fact that you took offense to it is your problem. Not hers, mine, or Curts.

As a fat guy I'm not allowed to crack fat jokes on myself because another fat guy might be offended? Jeez find somewhere else to get all offended.

That's not what she did, Dan. She equated being a "good Jew" to being someone who negotiates a good deal. That was a universal statement, not just one that related to her. Find somewhere else? I think I"ll do just that.

You people are such a piece of work here. Screw this crap. I am a very level-headed and generally happy person, but here, I find myself angry much of the time, and whether you think it is warranted or not, I'm entitled to feel how I feel. I came here initially because of all the attacks being made on my husband, simply because he did not agree with Sound Choice tactics. Even recently, I've seen posts with certain "cheerleaders" egging the manufacturers on to try to sue people like us who don't agree with the tactics. I'm an honest person, and the idea that I should get served with a lawsuit for disagreeing with their position is ridiculous and petty.

Time after time, I've been called thin-skinned and a whiner, most of the time as I've watched people like Thunder and Athena (no...them, not people like them) get little digs in, even in threads we're not even posting in), and the mods blame us for being overly sensitive or "reading things in." I'm so incredibly tired of it.

I realize this particular post was not aimed at me, but it was incredibly offensive and the idea that you would pull the post that says so, but not the offensive post itself, is simply another instance of unfairness in this forum.

Feel free to take some parting shots folks, because this is an unhealthy place for me to be, and I'm gone. Enjoy your arguments, smugness and pettiness. I'm taking my ball and going home. There are much better, more balanced places to discuss actual Karaoke. I'm looking forward to them.


Status of Labels

This seems to be your sticking point. This is the only manufacturer offering this unique product.....

Serious question here, because I must have missed something: What's unique about the product? I don't have it, which is why I'm asking. Is there something besides MP3 karaoke tracks on the discs? Some kind of graphics or video or something?
another great used cdg buy

how dare I? Really? I am of Jewish decent (my mother is full blooded and my father 1/4 blood)and am allowed use these terms about myself I am of the jewish race my religion however is another matter.

Just a point of interest, Athena. My father was Jewish ( Chartreuse is actually a fairly horrible Americanization of a Russian name- most of my family members have changed it since then), my mother is not. There is no such thing as a Jewish "race" any more than there is a Christian "race". Many Jews are Semitic, as are Arabs, Italians, Turks, etc...- but not all. There are black Jews, Asian Jews, Semite Jews, Mongol Jews, etc....

Judaism is a faith, a religion- just like Christianity, Hindu, Buddhism, Wicca, Moslem, Shinto, etc... No one is "half or quarter Jewish". There is no such thing as "Jewish blood".

One either believes in and follows that system of faith, or one doesn't.
please I plead again anyone who feels viictiimized by me or my posts use the ban button and ban me.....I try very hard to refrain from flaming,baiting or trolling but I am not a mind reader as to everyones triggers or how thin skinned some people are.I did a personal poll with the exact post in question of everyone in my large email list( aprox 600) of every religion so far 97 saw nothing wrong with it.....8 said it could be taken wrong...... and 1 said it was offending.(of the group that replied so far 54 are jewish by blood or religion) 3 of them said it could be taken wrong. the one who said it could be offending was a UU

I like posting here and the cyber friends I have met but I will not walk on eggshells trying to see any way a post can be warpped and made offending.


Athena, while I do believe that there is good reason why one could take offense at that post ( PC it wasn't), I also believe that you had absolutely no intention of being offensive.

While I might not have felt the same if someone else had posted it, I keep your good heart in mind at all times...:smilepill: