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ripping question

On my goodness how inconsiderate of me!

Since it came from the internet and is still on the internet and I never removed it from the internet or placed it anywhere that it wasn't already located then I consider myself clear of any wrong doing!

But thank you for your concern!
ripping question

Randycreel....Thank You
how did they go over with your crowds? and what was the quality like?
ripping question

Thunder said:
On my goodness how inconsiderate of me!

Since it came from the internet and is still on the internet and I never removed it from the internet or placed it anywhere that it wasn't already located then I consider myself clear of any wrong doing!

But thank you for your concern!

Priceless logic.... spoken like a true Clarence Darrow...

Let's use this sterling example and apply it to karaoke tracks instead of pirated/stolen graphics.....

As you walk into Fred the Pirate's show and see that he is "streaming karaoke" in the club. When you accuse him of pirating karaoke, he says to you:
Fred The Pirate said:
Since the karaoke tracks came from the internet and are all still on the internet and I never removed any of them from the internet or placed them anywhere that they weren't already located then I consider myself clear of any wrong doing!
(Okay, I'll play your little game...) So if there is no genetic Jewish factor, how do you explain Tay Sachs Disease?

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke said:
Infants with Tay-Sachs disease appear to develop normally for the first few months of life. Then, as nerve cells become distended with fatty material, a relentless deterioration of mental and physical abilities occurs. The child becomes blind, deaf, and unable to swallow. Muscles begin to atrophy and paralysis sets in. Other neurological symptoms include dementia, seizures, and an increased startle reflex to noise. A much rarer form of the disorder occurs in patients in their twenties and early thirties and is characterized by an unsteady gait and progressive neurological deterioration. Persons with Tay-Sachs also have "cherry-red" spots in their eyes. The incidence of Tay-Sachs is particularly high among people of Eastern European and Askhenazi Jewish descent. Patients and carriers of Tay-Sachs disease can be identified by a simple blood test that measures beta-hexosaminidase A activity. Both parents must carry the mutated gene in order to have an affected child. In these instances, there is a 25 percent chance with each pregnancy that the child will be affected with Tay-Sachs disease. Prenatal diagnosis is available if desired.
ripping question

OOPs! My Bad.
I didn't realize the standardds were different for other media like video and clipart.

Could someone post a conversion table (you know like the Metric vs English system) so that I can keep up with the constant conversion factors for cheerleader integrity?

PS: Just got in from another $575 karaoke night - and didn't happen to notice any pirates getting in my way. :)
Paradigm Karaoke said:
teacher of rabbi's.....rabbi of rabbi's?

is that like table mesa in AZ......table table?....pizza pizza

Um, no. In case you didn't catch the original post, I was referring to Rabbi Bernard Revel- the man who founded the school that taught and certified ALL U.S. Rabbis through the 60s + now I hear the early 70s
Thunder said:
And again you are missing the point I made concerning "family lineage" when it comes to actually being a "JEW" you have to have the "Bloodline" of Judah!

As for Satan try, Abaddon, Apollyon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Belial, Lucifer, and there were many more from before the greek translations!

1) No

2) Yes, no disagreement. Then again, had nothing to do with my post on ""SATAN", so why did you bother posting it?
c. staley said:
(Okay, I'll play your little game...) So if there is no genetic Jewish factor, how do you explain Tay Sachs Disease?

I was actually expecting this much earlier in the discussion: Taysachs - often atribbuted to Russian Jews, is actually found in the genetics of one very widespread Russian family- SOME of which are Jewish. Kind of like the "Blue People" of Tweed, and the "Deafs" of MA. An inbreeding problem not related to Judaism. Remember, this is not attributed to German, Isreali, or other Jews ( did I mention Swedish? :laughpill:) but to a specifific Russian link. If it was a JEWISH thing, than it would be connected with all semitic, European, and other area Jews.
JoeChartreuse said:
I was actually expecting this much earlier in the discussion: Taysachs - often atribbuted to Russian Jews, is actually found in the genetics of one very widespread Russian family- SOME of which are Jewish. Kind of like the "Blue People" of Tweed, and the "Deafs" of MA. An inbreeding problem not related to Judaism. Remember, this is not attributed to German, Isreali, or other Jews ( did I mention Swedish? :laughpill:) but to a specifific Russian link. If it was a JEWISH thing, than it would be connected with all semitic, European, and other area Jews.


The incidence of Tay-Sachs is particularly high among people of Eastern European and Askhenazi Jewish descent.

"Askhenazi" ARE European Jews. The Middleastern Jews are "Sefardic"
No, you didn't miss the point or no the Bloodline has nothing to do with being a Jew?

Actually it was in reference to Satan not appearing in the bible from before the 13th century. The word Satan is an untranslated Hebrew word and appears at least 20 times in the untranslated Hebrew texts, here are a few of them: 1 Kings 11:14, 1 Kings 5:4, 1 Samuel 29:4 the Greek, German and English translated versions used other wording and twisted the actual meaning of the word satan!

But the "word" satan was used in the original texts from as far back as 950 BC.
c. staley said:

1) The incidence of Tay-Sachs is particularly high among people of EASTERN EUROPEAN AND Askhenazi Jewish descent.

"Askhenazi" ARE European Jews. The Middleastern Jews are "Sefardic"

Please note your own quote- Jews and NON-Jews alike....

As for Ashkanazi and Sefardic: Strictly political, and majority/ minority have changed often in several regions.

The Jewish population of the U.S. was primarily Ashkenazi until around the late 70s/early 80s. Now it's Sefardic. BTW- one way to tell the difference is by use of the Hebrew language. For instance, the Sefardit don't use the "S" sound in the beginning or end of words, and only rarely elsewhere.. Example: Bas Mitzvah ( Ashkanazi-The way it was said here up until the Sefardic pronunciation became popular in the decades mentioned above) is now Bat Mitzvah. Simchas Torah is now Simchat Torah.

Having a Jewish dad, I learned to read and write Hebrew as well. As a kid, I and all others were taught Ashkanazi ( and Hebrew books were printed that way), While kids today are taught Sefardic.
Thunder said:
No, you didn't miss the point or no the Bloodline has nothing to do with being a Jew?

Actually it was in reference to Satan not appearing in the bible from before the 13th century. The word Satan is an untranslated Hebrew word and appears at least 20 times in the untranslated Hebrew texts, here are a few of them: 1 Kings 11:14, 1 Kings 5:4, 1 Samuel 29:4 the Greek, German and English translated versions used other wording and twisted the actual meaning of the word satan!

But the "word" satan was used in the original texts from as far back as 950 BC.

THAT word- "SATAN" -never appeared, and not in reference to The Adversary. That association ONLY came about in the 13th century, and for the reason given.

"The word Satan is an untranslated Hebrew word"

First, no. It was a ****ization of a Pagan term.

Second, please read the above statement that you made again. Anything bother you about it?

Third, You're quoting from a POST 13th century Bible.
I find it funny that you guys are arguing about the writings of primitive, bronze age nomads. Shall we also debate how many fairy's can dance on the head of a pin or whether Darth Vader was truly evil? :laughpill:
Bazza said:
I find it funny that you guys are arguing about the writings of primitive, bronze age nomads. Shall we also debate how many fairy's can dance on the head of a pin or whether Darth Vader was truly evil? :laughpill:

Baiting or trolling Bazza, which is it today?
Bazza said:
I find it funny that you guys are arguing about the writings of primitive, bronze age nomads. Shall we also debate how many fairy's can dance on the head of a pin or whether Darth Vader was truly evil? :laughpill:

Don't care about the fairies, but I feel that Darth Vader went through some very traumatic experiences as a young man, which deranged him a bit, which allowed him to be manipulated. Poor fella was a victim of circumstances....:laughpill:

How bad do you think the inside of that mask smelled after all those years?
c. staley said:
Baiting or trolling Bazza, which is it today?

Neither, I think. He's right- This forum is probably not the place for a historical/religious debate. We have debates aplenty as is in regards to thesubject of this forum- Karaoke.
ripping question

c. staley said:
Priceless logic.... spoken like a true Clarence Darrow...

Let's use this sterling example and apply it to karaoke tracks instead of pirated/stolen graphics.....

As you walk into Fred the Pirate's show and see that he is "streaming karaoke" in the club. When you accuse him of pirating karaoke, he says to you:

The big differance is that there was no intent or realization of montary gain on Thunder's part or loss of revenue for the original you tube poster.
ripping question

rumbolt said:
The big differance is that there was no intent or realization of montary gain on Thunder's part or loss of revenue for the original you tube poster.

You're saying it's "okay" to pour yourself a glass - as long as you first let someone else steal the bottle?

The person not being compensated here is the Graphic Artist who put that image up for sale - hence the watermark. The image is clearly identified in the video as stolen property.

Thunder is propogating the loss by kowingly expand the unauthorized use of the images, and there is a benefit to his self-interest or he would not have linked to it.

It's just ironic that there are so many stone throwing cheerleaders living in glass houses.
ripping question



As far as I know if he is using a streaming karaoke program then he wouldn't be a pirate, his show would suck and he wouldn't have any patrons, but I wouldn't have a problem with him or call him a pirate, might call him an idiot though for trying to run karaoke that way.

For him to be a pirate he would actually have to steal it, if he were paying for stream on a per use basis I see no problems with it.

I don't know if you are aware of it nor not but the U-tube file is still on U-tube it hasn't moved only a link was added here!