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The last vendor standing



OK, there have been lots of inane karaoke threads lately, so, here's another one. :sqlaugh:

Let's do a semi-serious analysis...

SC is suing anybody that runs a computer show. They're casting a wide net and those guilty and innocent are being caught in it. Guilty or innocent if one of the the SC storm troopers catches you, you're on the law suit list.

OK, this has pissed many legitimate computer hosts off and they are boycotting SC. So, SC ain't gonna catch them.

But now SC has gotten some of the other boyz in da hood involved and they may be going this route. This will get many legitimate computer hosts pissed at them too and the boycott gets bigger.

Soon, you have computer hosts boycotting most of the vendors and lots of their stuff becomes shelfware in the stores.

And, since it is more convenient to be a computer host, eventually, the computer hosts get pissed enough to just walk away. This leaves the Luddites like Joe which he may not have a problem with.

So, in all of this, who will be the last vendor standing?

As a side note, I am walking away from karaoke so I will soon have no cat in this fight; however, just to be the complete **** that I am, I will attend karaoke shows and turn in the names of any computer KJ I see. This has two ends; 1. Inundate the vendors and 2. complete enjoyment on my part; mmmwahhh ha ha. If I walk into a show in my area and the KJ shows a logo, I'm making note, will get the company name, and will turn it over. Also, please note, I am a member of a few private clubs so watch out!

Also, as a side note, should this come to pass as indicated above, that is, the majority of the computer shows shut down, what are the other consequences? Well, the disc based shows will be left and, duh, you can still pirate the discs. So, what has all that gotten the vendors me buckoo? Nada! Just a different pirate, that's all. So, the pirate buys a disc replicator for a few hundred, so what? There will still be people that will see this as an easy way to make money, they'll buy the karaoke players and the replicated discs and things will still be the same. It is human nature to want to make money the easy way.

So, what's my advice to the karaoke hosts? Well, I could tell ya to go out and get a real job but, having done the hosting thing I know it is a hell of a lot of work. So, just roll with the punches. It will either get better or karaoke will die. I don't think the world will really care either way.

If karaoke dies, only the singers lose.

I will try to answer this as clearly as possible.

Sound Choice is going looking for the most part at multi riggers and computer shows that have extremely large libraries because that is where most of the abuse can be found!

So far from what I can see there are no legitimate computer KJs boycotting Sound Choice, from my personal knowledge the only one I know boycotting Sound Choice at his show is a pirate, but he slipped through the cracks the first time around, I am hoping that with the correct address and name they will be able to serve him this time!

If you look at the results of the poll that was done on the boycott issue you will notice that only 3 out of 21 are doing so!

The fact that other manus are going to be following the same path isn't going to change the results of any poll the pirates will be making songs that the three manus are looking for disappear from their systems and claim they are boycotting, on this site the results would still be 18 to 3!

The host legitimate and "former pirate" who want to continue in the business will begin to purchase more not less product from these companies because the companies will begin to produce more product as the profit loss sheets start to balance out! The pirates who were not purchasing PRODUCT to begin with will fold up shop or go strictly private and that will open up more market for those that are legit!

The only computer host who will walk away will be those who were pirates anyway, and even if it got to the point that computers couldn't be used going back to a disc system is a very simple matter for those who actually have the disc!

As for turning in Host who use computers! "do me first"!

You apparently got lost in the computer issue these suits include those using copied disc as well (which are very easy to spot)!

It is already getting better and it hasn't even gotten started good, and those of us for whom it is a large portion of our income really don't care what the world thinks!

As the bands all said back in the 80's, "karaoke is a fad and it will die out in a year or so"!
Well, I'm not a pirate and I'm done with karaoke. At this point in my life I just want to enjoy myself while providing a good time for others and, even though I am not a multi-rigger, I just don't want to keep on looking over my shoulder to see who might be taking notes. I don't think that I am alone in this. Looking over my shoulder eliminates the enjoyment on my part.

I know plenty of KJ/Hosts that run from a backup set of discs as well. They too are on the hot seat, as you said.

The discs will get donated to the lodge. That way, if they choose to have karaoke every so often I would have no problem hosting on their disc system (they do have one). So, karaoke would not go completely by the wayside there and I can take that drive space and use it for something else.

I enjoy hosting karaoke but I just don't need the hassle and opressive atmosphere being set up over it.

Good luck.
TommyO said:
Well, I'm not a pirate and I'm done with karaoke. At this point in my life I just want to enjoy myself while providing a good time for others and, even though I am not a multi-rigger, I just don't want to keep on looking over my shoulder to see who might be taking notes. I don't think that I am alone in this. Looking over my shoulder eliminates the enjoyment on my part.

I know plenty of KJ/Hosts that run from a backup set of discs as well. They too are on the hot seat, as you said.

I enjoy hosting karaoke but I just don't need the hassle and oppressive atmosphere being set up over it.

Good luck.

Clap! Clap! Clap!...

Somebody give this man a CIGAR! Or better yet, a whole BOX of cigars!

Well put...
Like most folks here, I run my show off of my computer. I have a relatively small song list of less than 10,000 songs. I am not looking over my shoulder and if someone comes in and asks questions, I'll be glad to talk to them after the show. If SC or any other company wants to check me out, I'm good with that, and I'll still buy their products. I'll keep buying SC and CB till the day I retire.
Thunder said:
As the bands all said back in the 80's, "karaoke is a fad and it will die out in a year or so"!

Apparently they were correct -- based on what I am hearing and seeing.

Many of you hosts are fighting over scraps of what's left, and blaming the mess on pirates, instead of seeing the market issues...

The karaoke bubble exploded ages ago. It's been relegated to a tiny niche market, comprised of hard core wannabe idols, or drunks who don't know any better.

If you really want to blame something -- blame the internet. Almost anybody can make a YouTube video, upload it, and get their 15 minutes of fame, in front of a much larger audience...
I guess it's time to hire a good cover band and software developer and start a computer format Karaoke company.

You'll be rich overnight.

I don't know how it is going to turn out but I want to ride it out and see. If karaoke goes away on every street corner, I don't see that as a bad thing. I think part of what is "killing" it is so-so karaoke that is just thrown at the wall by a bar to see if it sticks. There well may be a certain backlash or depression at first but it is sort of like levelling things and then rebuilding something that got trashed.

There are a lot of dynamics that go into why people go to a show and there can be as many reasons as people. We are in such a depressed area that we are playing up the Jimmy Buffett element--no not the songs but the few hours of relief from realty and troubles and providing a place for people to have fun, make friends and be creative. Hey, stealing Jimmy Buffett's business plan worked for Kenny Chesney pretty well. People are really getting into the humor and fantasy element and suggesting props they want us to get. I realized that each one who comes to our show makes it what it is and adds something that makes others want to come and join, also. I think there will always be a niche for escapist entertainment and the genie is out of the bottle as far as it not just being going to watch someone else. Now people know they can be the entertainment themselves. And for some reason they are paying the bars for the privilege instead of vice versa.

So, it could be the end, or it could be a new beginning. Only time will tell.
TommyO said:
Well, I'm not a pirate and I'm done with karaoke. At this point in my life I just want to enjoy myself while providing a good time for others and, even though I am not a multi-rigger, I just don't want to keep on looking over my shoulder to see who might be taking notes. I don't think that I am alone in this. Looking over my shoulder eliminates the enjoyment on my part.

I know plenty of KJ/Hosts that run from a backup set of discs as well. They too are on the hot seat, as you said.

The discs will get donated to the lodge. That way, if they choose to have karaoke every so often I would have no problem hosting on their disc system (they do have one). So, karaoke would not go completely by the wayside there and I can take that drive space and use it for something else.

I enjoy hosting karaoke but I just don't need the hassle and opressive atmosphere being set up over it.

Good luck.


I don't know if you are aware of this or not but you are playing in a PRIVATE venue there is no reason for you to look over your shoulder for two reasons (and I realize that you are smarter than you are trying to make out so this thread is really just your attempt to poke at the Sound Choice issue)

1. No one is going to come into a Private event to investigate you!

2. Even if they did, one look would tell them you were playing off of disc!

Donating the disc to your lodge would be a good thing since it would free you up from a FREE performance, which would give you reason number 3 for why you wouldn't need to look over your shoulder!

3. You are not displaying karaoke for commercial gain!

Don't be a total putz!
I know you're just gonna say my area isn't representative of the whole country but here in VA Karaoke is bigger than it's been in the last 8 years.......It's coming back full swing, and i have 3 hour rotations if not more, maybe i need to visit some other areas of the country but some of the things said here do not reflect what happens in this state at all. NO bars are shutting down because they're scared of Sound Choice, Karaoke is growing in popularity , NOT dying out, The only people banning Sound Choice here , truly are Pirates who are scared ( For Good reason ) And unfortunately i know it may not be true for all of you but just the outright banning of Sound Choice paints a target on you more than it helps you. Tommy, if you are really legitimate then there is no reason to be looking over your shoulder you'll be fine, I'm busier then i've ever been and i've been through it, I can't emphasize that enough. I love Karaoke and i love my customers that come to sing it , and i couldn't imagine getting out of the business of something as miniscule as these Sound Choice suits. They are only something to worry about if you have something to hide, everything else i read here is speculation that i know won't happen because it didn't happen when they came through here. Good luck with your decisions?
SoftJock Rick said:
Apparently they were correct -- based on what I am hearing and seeing.

Many of you hosts are fighting over scraps of what's left, and blaming the mess on pirates, instead of seeing the market issues...

The karaoke bubble exploded ages ago. It's been relegated to a tiny niche market, comprised of hard core wannabe idols, or drunks who don't know any better.

If you really want to blame something -- blame the internet. Almost anybody can make a YouTube video, upload it, and get their 15 minutes of fame, in front of a much larger audience...

Well that may Rick but the fact is that right now country wide there are a lot more karaoke shows running per week than there are cover bands playing!

Yes the pirates and some legit host are fighting over scraps, there are some out here who also make a better living with just Karaoke than 99% of those who just DJ!

Well the bubble may have burst but karaoke is now mainstream entertainment with a higher participation rate than those who go out to listen to cover bands and DJs! As you stated in another thread the home market is rather large as is the karaoke bar/club scene combined that is a lot of people doing karaoke!

Where do you think 90% of the music comes from for U-Tube videos?
And you are wrong on what the "singer gets out of a U-tube video, there is no return from the audience that is gratifying to the performer!
Thunder said:

I don't know if you are aware of this or not but you are playing in a PRIVATE venue there is no reason for you to look over your shoulder for two reasons (and I realize that you are smarter than you are trying to make out so this thread is really just your attempt to poke at the Sound Choice issue)

Yes, thank you, I am smarter than I look.

Thunder said:
1. No one is going to come into a Private event to investigate you!

True; however, we do have open to the public events. Our Steak and Shrimp night, for example, is one. Additionally, Friday nights is when we encourage members to bring in non-members to promote the place and gain members. So, you just never know when that storm trooper will be in the mix.

Thunder said:
2. Even if they did, one look would tell them you were playing off of disc!

Where did I say I was playing off of disc? No, I use my computer system. The lodge owns a disc system but the CDGs are no where near a decent library, yet.

Thunder said:
Donating the disc to your lodge would be a good thing since it would free you up from a FREE performance, which would give you reason number 3 for why you wouldn't need to look over your shoulder!

Did I say that I wantewd to be freed up from a FREE performance? I have no problems giving the FREE performance. I do things like that for people I like. Plus it gives me a chance to try things.

Thunder said:
3. You are not displaying karaoke for commercial gain!

And you really think that would stop the storm troopers?

Thunder said:
Don't be a total putz!

But you've taught me so well. I'd hate to throw the education away.
TommyO said:
OK, there have been lots of inane karaoke threads lately, so, here's another one. :sqlaugh:

Let's do a semi-serious analysis...

1) SC is suing anybody that runs a computer show. They're casting a wide net and those guilty and innocent are being caught in it. Guilty or innocent if one of the the SC storm troopers catches you, you're on the law suit list.
OK, this has pissed many legitimate computer hosts off and they are boycotting SC. So, SC ain't gonna catch them.

But now SC has gotten some of the other boyz in da hood involved and they may be going this route. This will get many legitimate computer hosts pissed at them too and the boycott gets bigger.

Soon, you have computer hosts boycotting most of the vendors and lots of their stuff becomes shelfware in the stores.

2) And, since it is more convenient to be a computer host, eventually, the computer hosts get pissed enough to just walk away. This leaves the Luddites like Joe which he may not have a problem with.

So, in all of this, who will be the last vendor standing?

3) Also, as a side note, should this come to pass as indicated above, that is, the majority of the computer shows shut down, what are the other consequences? Well, the disc based shows will be left and, duh, you can still pirate the discs. So, what has all that gotten the vendors me buckoo?.

4) If karaoke dies, only the singers lose.

Let's see what I can do with this, Tommy...

1) Starting with other companies jumping in: There is no guarantee that they will act in the same manner as SC. They have been hanging back, and I believe they have been watching and learning. They are active karaoke music producers, unlike the Sound Choice company- the difference being that they have customers to lose, while SC does not.

They are also in better shape than SC, not having made the mistakes that SC did. This means they may be able to afford actual investigation, causing MINIMAL disruption to their customer bases.

The only HINT of slight activity at this time seems to be from Stellar, and they are moving very carefully.

If the other companies DO jump in, but act responsibly, no one will boycott them.

Just another option.

However, if all act as SC has, the last vendor standing will probably be based in the UK.

2) See #4- I like to watch karaoke when I'm not working- it make people happy. I may gain business, but I lose some joy too. Also, I like to go when I travel - out of my area of competition. I lose again.

3) This one is interesting. Yes, there can disc based piracy. BUT, thanks to those who went and used MP3s in public shows, there are big differences.

MP3 piracy is virtually FREE for anyone who owns a PC, and most household have one.

Pirating CDs my be cheaper than buying them, but free they ain't. As a major pirate producer, you would have to buy the actual discs, A fast stand alone burner (PC too slow), an industrial labeling machine, form a distribution network, pay shipping charges, etc... In other words, you would have many of the expenses of a legit producer ( yes, a legit producer's mark up is HUGE).

Ah, you say one of your buddies will copy his set for you at home. Do you think that a single person will sit and burn, label, and package a few thousand discs for you for FREE? Keep in mind, that even burning at 8X (not recommended, but often done) takes about 7 min per disc. Say he only has 1000 discs. 7 THOUSAND minutes ( almost 112 HOURS ) burning time ALONE, not including master changes, labeling, etc...

Even at ONE dollar per disc ( and the guy selling them would be nuts at that price- would probably be 3 or 4 or 5 bucks per) your buddy's set will COST you.

B) As the exercise impaired folks have claimed when going to the PC darkside, discs have bulk and mass, unlike MP3s.

How many 100K track shows do you think you'll find that are disc based? One would have to CARRY around SIX THOUSAND DISCS.

Tommy, these people went PC because carrying even a thousand was too tough for them.

This is the main reason that the average disc show is of no concern to the mfrs. Also, disc based shows usually have more eclectic mix of mfrs., so no ONE mfr. has much interest.

It's also the reason that most disc based single ops aren't pirates. You just don't save much money.

A multi might do it, because it will bring a whole new income producer on line, because he already has the discs, and can take the time in small increments to copy at leisure, and finish when he gets around to it- but it's just not worth it for a single op.

If all shows went disc ( which won't happen, I'm just saying), the pirate problem would would drop by the same proportion it leaped when MP3s came into play.
Thunder said:
Well that may Rick but the fact is that right now country wide there are a lot more karaoke shows running per week than there are cover bands playing!

Yes the pirates and some legit host are fighting over scraps, there are some out here who also make a better living with just Karaoke than 99% of those who just DJ!

Well the bubble may have burst but karaoke is now mainstream entertainment with a higher participation rate than those who go out to listen to cover bands and DJs! As you stated in another thread the home market is rather large as is the karaoke bar/club scene combined that is a lot of people doing karaoke!

Where do you think 90% of the music comes from for U-Tube videos?
And you are wrong on what the "singer gets out of a U-tube video, there is no return from the audience that is gratifying to the performer!


Sometimes I think you live in a bubble down there. There's like 15 million people within an hour of me, and karaoke is dead in the water -- has been for some time.

As far as I know, there are no Baja Beans in our area, and Applebee's serves food -- not entertainment. We actually have clubs in our areas. They have bands -- hundreds of people go to see the bands, dance and drink.

I scoured the local club calendars for this season, and I can't find a single karaoke show. I could probably go out to Gail's Place, and find a drunk singing to a handful of people...

Karaoke was big here back in the early 90's, then it died a slow death.

I realize that things happen on the right or left coast first, and then find their way to middle America a couple years later -- seems it took a few decades for this one to reach you hokeys... :rofl:

My brother's in Spotsy -- they just found out about ballroom dancing... :sqerr: :sqlaugh: