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The Science Of Sexual Orientation

I must say Irish, you are a man of few words this evening....:icon_cat: cat(s):cat: got your tongue??? :p
Especially when your immune system is compromised with diabetes. It takes twice as long to recuperate.
Hey BB you can do my laundry. It is the science of sexual orientation - women do laundry! LOL
I dont know what to type? I think i might check into me hosting a chat for BA...i'll check it out l8r...
Yeahhhh that would be fun, I'd like that! Woohoo!
Chatting needs to be hosted? And who will pour? After all if one hosts a party they need someone to pour the drinks. Ever read the society pages? It is imperative to have a someone assigned to pour!
Chatting needs to be hosted? And who will pour? After all if one hosts a party they need someone to pour the drinks. Ever read the society pages? It is imperative to have a someone assigned to pour!

Also please make it someone that can hold a bottle and doesn't spill it all over you! :D
I was thinking of tea or coffee! Perhaps lemonade! LOL Prohibitionists in my household! HA!
What does any of this have to the science of sexual orientation.......hmmmmmmmmmmm?? Guess I am too blame discussing hot laundry!! :p
Women do laundry; men whack weeds! Nova still hasn't answered the question: Do you have a weed eater?
Closet case.... seem to attract those in my life!! :)

Actually he has abandoned us for WoW, he is freakling addicted. Just like me BA. I swore to myself I wasn't going to post today......

Anyway show of hands people who owns a weed eater?? Personally I always thought they were called weed whackers!! :p
I don't like getting my hands dirty. Anyhow the only two times I used one I snipped the electrical cord. I could have been electrocuted for Heavens sake. Not my scene those weed whackers!
I own a weed wacker, that's what I have always called it.