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the yes or no game

I think That life is a very precious thing to have along with your family. Your family is there to help you, support you, love you and care for you. You only go though life with only a handful of friends. Some friends you will be closer to than others. With good friends and family life is good.

When you sit down with your close friends, are you the type of person who opens up completely to them. Telling them your most inner thoughts and feelings. Or are you the type of person who being close to your friends will keep some secrets hidden from them?
Yes/No ... No to open, yes to hide

Have You ever read the things You wrote before?
Yes...the last post I wrote. No...not past posts.

Since you already have children, do you wish to have more? lol
No ... I think no ... may be later ... now I am totally exhausted with my current two.

Do you have a shovel?

Is there an agenda behind that question?
Yep ... I'll chek if fresh dirt is sticked to it.

So, Did You tell us that You like a gardening?
Yes...I like gardening. I have vegetable gardens in the summer. Only thing I don't like about gardening is pulling up the weeds and being chased away by bees..*shudders*

Do you like gardening?
Nope. It is useless, because squirrels will eat everything You put into a ground ... Deers will eat everything that will grow. But I love garden and food growing there.

So, You are spending alot of time in Your 'garden' alone?
Yes...tryed to get my children involved with gardening. After the first time they had to pull the weeds then they thought this was to hard. So yes I do the gardening alone.

Do you own a bird feeder?
Nope ... hate birds, cuz they are noizy and they are trying to sit on Your head and to pick Your carrot :mad:

Uh-huh! Are You hideing all Your secrets with help of Your children?
I dont like confrontation, but i love competition! I dont like to get really mean and smartalick about it though, its all fun and games!

Do you have tivo/DVR?
No! I do not watch TV ... That's kinda killing Your time :nod:

Do You watch TV?
Yes...only at night when I'm ready to go to sleep.

Do you wear glasses?
Yes ... only sun glasses whe riding bike ...

Do You like to be violent?
No....I don't like violence

Do you know how to write "Hi how are you" In Russian?
Yes! ??????, ??? ????(Privet, Kak dela?)

Do You have a spaceship?

Your suppose to have one also Lobo. In order to be a member of Alien Soup, that was one of the requirements. If you don't have one I will call up Alien and order one for you. What color space ship do you want?
Yes, it should be an orange with green dots.

Do You remeber the game we are playing?
:doh: I forgot...yes I remember it is the yes or no game and I didn't ask you a yes or no question. Jeeezeee.

If you had your own space ship, would you invite all the soupers to come for a ride?