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the yes or no game

Yes I would. It would be a great party.

Do you like to party, get down and boogie?
Nope ... Party is ok! ... but I do not know what is boogie ...

Do You like to watch earthquakes?
No, to scary.

Boogie:An instrumental version of the blues (especially for piano) and you dance to that type of blues music.

Do you like watching sitcoms?
If You mean - watching TV - NO!

I know what is boogie ... I do not know what means get down and boogie :no:

Play piano?
Yes I play piano. Can play by ear. What I mean by that is I can memorize notes to a piece and then play it.

Get down and BoogieTo me it means to dance. It might mean something different to someone else.

Do you read books at night?
No ... Usually I am felt to a bed and sleep all night long ... with short breaks for fud consumption :lol:

Do You think that we all are pretending?

Only when you talk about flying in a space ship or being a pirate thats all pretend. Or pretending to be an alien follower with Sentinel, Ripley and Schizander. Mostly what I say here I am not pretending. I don't lie. Well for one, I'm not very good at it and it is not a good way of making friends.

Do you lie about what you say here in this site or in these message boards?
Always! I am lying all the time! I made resolution to stop lying for several times ... but it is much stronger than me :bawl:

Do You think that my lies are not so good for this site?

So on this site you lie all the time?

Was this the truth or are you telling a lie about you lying?
No/Yes I do not understand You properly.

Did I lie about lying?

Am I messing with your head this morning? lmao

Think you need your cup of coffee to get your brain started this morning.
No! Just waiting when you will leave. I'll be a winner.

Did I tell truth?
Yes you did...Until I came back for lunch.

Have you ever helped your brothers or sisters when they were in a fight?
Nope ... I have only one sister and she always fighted me ... how did I can help her?

Do You like fighting?
No, But I will protect my family. I will not start a fight with someone. But if someone comes and attacks me or my family then I fight back.

When you go out with your spouse, do you hold open the car door for her/him?
Yes for her ... No for him! That' my principles.

Do You like when Your spouse is opening the doors?
Yes...it shows a sign of respect.

Do you take time out of your busy week and spend some quality time with your spouse?
No! Never! All quality time is only for me! I wont share it with somebody else!

Do You like to share Your quality time?
Yes...this is my quality time.

Otherwise at night I spend it with my hubby. Or if I end work early, I spend that time with my hubby as well.

Do you like flavored coffee?