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TLC has new show called Extreme Couponing

Hell I'm 37 and my period is lighter than it used to be.

Mine was too for a long while but not anymore. Everyone is different. They say some people experience issue for 10 years before its totally over. I just want it to be DONE already. Not birthing out any more babies and I don't want to be bothered anymore.
My mom doesn't tell me anything ... I had no clue the change meant that kind of change, too. Just like nobody warned me about the flow after giving birth.

They come in handy for lots of stuff, though ... DS is almost night-time potty trained, so I've put them in his undies ... they soak up just enough for him to wake up, but not wet the bed. :quiet:

OMG me too--no one told me I would be bleeding for DAYS--
YIKES I decided to start redoing my stockpile room and I am truly a hoarder. Someone get me on that show Clean House so they can come and clean it out for me. :lol:

I had so many bottles of Snuggle and Downy that I couldn't even get to. MUST stop shopping........
what a young one...lol

Compaired to how I look ya mean? :surrender:

Fuzzy well there's always going to be laundry so you know you'll use it.

Ya know I've never once used liquid softener. I just use a dryer sheet.....it's all my mom ever does so I don't know how to use the luquid. :lol:
My cousin is a GYNE/OB and she told me that you will start getting it every 23 days when you body gets older. Low and behold at 46, I'm getting it every 23 days and heaver then E.V.E.R. She was telling me I can go in for a D & C if it gets worse. Umm I'm horrible at going to my GYNE but I have to get there soon because I feel weak and need something to make me feel better.

This has started to happen to me at 41. Yikes.......I am OLD:hurt:

Back on this Tuesday/Wednesday

Profiles of shopaholics who go to great lengths in their use of coupons.
Tue 3/19:00-10:00pm CT
Wed 3/212:00-1:00am CT
I hear ya

oh I hear ya

I saw my cousin last week at a party and she said to go get a D & C to take care of it once and for all. I need to get to the doctor soon because this is killing me. I feel so weak all the time when it comes.
looks like a repeat.
Hey one of my cashiers follows KCL when I asked her. I gave her the contact info me and CW. Let's see if she comes to the good side.:giggles:
Mine was too for a long while but not anymore. Everyone is different. They say some people experience issue for 10 years before its totally over. I just want it to be DONE already. Not birthing out any more babies and I don't want to be bothered anymore.
Talk with your Gyno I had VERY heavy bleeding and clotting after I was done nursing my son(He was our last so had tubes tied during C-section). Tried the IUD was supposed to help with the heavy periods did not for me so I had my uterus lining lasered(outpatient) VERY MINOR discharge or bleeding after it. And NO MORE PERIOD!!!!! That was almost 3 years ago.:bliss: