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Um guys, I went to the Doctor................


Hanging Out!
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Back story: about two years ago I had a blood clot in my leg (not a deep vein one). It went away on it's own with putting my feet up and a heating pad.

So I've been having throbbing in my leg again. I went to a new doc today. She had me give blood for a test that tests for a clot (it's a new test apparently). She said they would call me tomorrow with the results. Well she just called (8pm) because the lab called her with the results because they're pretty bad. Looking like there's def. a clot and probably a deep vein one (the bad kind that could travel to my heart or lungs). She wants me to go in for an ultrasound tomorrow to try and find it. Then once they do, will give me intraveinous meds at first then put me on blood thinner meds. Then she's gonna be trying to figure out why I'm getting these.

****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have I told you all how much I ****ING HATE DOCTOR STUFFS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As it is I had a damned panick attack before the appointment. I tried to get DH to reschedule it for me, but he wouldn't........guess that was a good call.

Oh and I don't smoke btw.............why the hell am I getting these?!!! :ranting:

So in case my number is up soon, I'll tell you guys now how much I lubs you. :grouphug: (I'm only half kidding)

Oh and don't forget, SOA is on tonight. ;)
Glad you went. We'll keep you company while you're taking your meds.

lubs you too... so glad you went.

I know someone who just had the leg ultrasound done (I was actually in the room for it) and it's painless. Just take it one step at a time, babe. Just focus on one thing, even if that's just getting in the car and making it to the appointment. One step at a time.

ETA: I hate doctors too, but just think how many more doctors and how many more hours you would have to spend in the hospital if you totally ignore it and have a stroke or pulmonary embolism..... So try to tell yourself that you're seeing fewer doctors by taking care of it now.
Oh MrsMom! I lubs you tooo Honey! You are gonna be just fine. Just do it. Don't forget we are all here for you! Wubs you man!
Thanks guys. Yeah KG I had that leg ultrasound a couple years ago.........it's easy. Just scares me that she said if they don't find it in the legs, they'll check for a clot in my lungs (because I mentioned I've also been having chest pains but the new ekg they did today didn't indicate a problem).
:grouphug: take care of MrsMom. She's the only MrsMom we have.....
Thanks guys. Yeah KG I had that leg ultrasound a couple years ago.........it's easy. Just scares me that she said if they don't find it in the legs, they'll check for a clot in my lungs (because I mentioned I've also been having chest pains but the new ekg they did today didn't indicate a problem).

I would be scared too :huggy: Just try not to think too far ahead. And maybe you can reward yourself with something after each appointment.
MrsMom, this sounds like serious stuff!! Good thing you went to see the doctor, as much as you hate doing that. My dh had a blood clot in his leg last year too, and had to get the ultrasound too. Totally painless, no problem at all. BUT, the meds he had to take to dissolve the clot can be quite costly, so I hope you have good prescription coverage! (we need to all start hunting for prescription qs for mrsmom!!) AND, ummmm.....well.....I HOPE you don't have to do this but, um....he had to have lovanox shots...um...twice a day...SOO hope you don't have to do that!!! Take it one thing at a time, go get the IV meds tomorrow, and feel better!!
I hope you feel better soon! It must seem scary, but hopefully they can help you to keep this from happening again.
MrsMom, this sounds like serious stuff!! Good thing you went to see the doctor, as much as you hate doing that. My dh had a blood clot in his leg last year too, and had to get the ultrasound too. Totally painless, no problem at all. BUT, the meds he had to take to dissolve the clot can be quite costly, so I hope you have good prescription coverage! (we need to all start hunting for prescription qs for mrsmom!!) AND, ummmm.....well.....I HOPE you don't have to do this but, um....he had to have lovanox shots...um...twice a day...SOO hope you don't have to do that!!! Take it one thing at a time, go get the IV meds tomorrow, and feel better!!

CRIPES!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm fine with needles, but I just want this **** to go away. :surrender:

ETA: Oh and I have good scrip coverage (thanks be to God). ;)
:huggy: I'm so glad you finally went. I wubs you! Please PLEASE promise you will do everything they tell you to do. I know how scary it all is...but the ramifications of not doing it are scarier. PLEASE!?

There are lots of things that can cause leg clots, and there are things you can do to help lessen your risk....if you spend a lot of time sitting...stop it! :giggles: seriously....and when you are sitting for extended periods of time scoot forward in your chair so the back of your legs are not compressed against the chair. Please keep us updated :huggy: I'll be praying for you!
I'm glad your DH wouldn't cancel the appt for you. I am a nurse and I also hate going to the Dr. I go for my yearly pap and mamo. Fortunately ever thing is fine. I have to go to the dentist to get some work done on my teeth but I am dreading that too. See if you can get some meds for anxiety to help you if you don't already have some. Early detection is the key to taking care of things..It's not the end of the world if you have to go on meds to prevent this from happening again. Like was mentioned, you don't want to have a stroke or worse and end up in NH or something. You have to take care of yourself, so that you can take care of everyone else. You have to put yourself first sometimes. I hope that all goes well for you cuz we need you around alot longer.
I hope everything goes well. You'll be in our thoughts! hugs!!:grouphug4:
Joan it looks like my daily schedule of sitting on my hard wooden chair at my puter eating bon bons have caught up to me. :pout:
So so glad your hubby made you go!!! This is just one step to getting you healthier---your boys need you around! Sending lots of love and prayers your way mrsmom :huggy:
Glad you finally see the doctor, take good care, will pray for you.
I'm gonna bet that everything will be perfect just by doubling Sadie's walk(s) every day.

Bout time you went and thank you.