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Um guys, I went to the Doctor................

Keep us updated tomorrow! Don't forget your laptop tomorrow--you don't know how long you'll be hooked up to the IV! Will be praying for a restful night's sleep!
I am glad you went to the dr. Keep all your appts and listen to what they say. Once they thought I had a blood clot in my lung so I had to have the angiogram (I think) but I did not was something else, but I remember its quite serious so you want to get this under control now.

You can do this. Need to get better for the boys and yourself.
So sorry to hear this!

I didn't read through everyone's responses so I apologize if this was already mentioned.

My hubby had the same problem twice in the past 10 years (ended up in Intensive Care last time)....turns out he has a condition that makes his blood more easy to clot (it's genetic). I forget the name of it but he and many of his relatives tested positive for it.

He is not on Blood Thinners.

He's telling me now...Factor Lyden (sp?) and Protein S...so make sure you're tested for these!

Factor 5 Leiden, yes it's genetic and def worth looking into!!
#1. About **** time.
#2. Glad you went.
#3. No dying talk ****, you are going nowhere (someone has to trick newbs with blue waffle)

Seriously, glad you are getting treatment. The chest pains could be part of the panic attacks. Lots of people think they are having a heart attack but are really having an anxiety attack. Do what the doc says and keep us posted. :hug:
lubs you too... so glad you went.

I know someone who just had the leg ultrasound done (I was actually in the room for it) and it's painless. Just take it one step at a time, babe. Just focus on one thing, even if that's just getting in the car and making it to the appointment. One step at a time.

ETA: I hate doctors too, but just think how many more doctors and how many more hours you would have to spend in the hospital if you totally ignore it and have a stroke or pulmonary embolism..... So try to tell yourself that you're seeing fewer doctors by taking care of it now.

My mom had the leg ultrasound no pain and it determined she had nothing going on.

Her friend luckily got to the hospital in time because she was having a clot that almost killed her so I say to you.......

Joan it looks like my daily schedule of sitting on my hard wooden chair at my puter eating bon bons have caught up to me. :pout:

Must be all the **** bon bons!

Seriously, I know you're scared. I'm scared ****less of doctors too. But just take this stuff one step at a time. Don't try to think too far ahead, because that will do you no good. (I know this is easier said than done, but please give it a try.)

I want to pass along a piece of advice I was given when I was sick about ten years ago. Some things are just too big for us to handle. Rather than worrying like crazy over those things, hand them over to God. Trust that He will take care of you and whatever it is that you're worried about. The hardest part is not trying to pull them back piece by piece and obsessing about them. When you find yourself worrying about it, remind yourself that you've already handed it over and ask for His help.

I know that may sound silly and corny to many, but for others, myself included, it really does help.

We're here for you Rebecca. Keep us posted and I'm so glad Dan didn't reschedule for you!

Luv you buddy!!!
Holy Cow! I sure am glad you went to the Doctor and didn't cancel your appointment. Kind of scary huh? Go today and get it taken care of. It is time to take care of yourself you have been taking care of everybody else for along time.

What Joan said......let go of the worry. I always tell myself: Let go. Let God.

Will be thinking of you today. Good luck with your nerves.
Dayum woman! How long have we been on your a$$ about getting to the doctor?!

I'm glad you finally went, those boys need you!

None of us likes going to the doctor... or dentist, but it is a must! And preventative gives you far less need to be there. If you wait til there's a problem.... Then you get to be a pin cushion and have to have tons of regualr visits. Nobody wants that!!!!

Keep us posted.

Georgie's script for you... Alot more sex! Have your hubby tossing your ankles behind your ears. I will off set the hours in the chair on CW! Do lotsa pretzle actions at night so your blood is circulating good in the am.

And stop worrying. He ain't done wif you yet and He certainly isn't ready for you to be up there yet. You'd drive Him nuts!

oh yeah she wasnt allowed to drink alcohol while on blood thinners, but now that she is off of them she can drink again.
prolly cuz they figure you might get tanked and trip and fall and bleed???? why else? gonna have to look that up
hang in there! thinking of you and sending hugs, keep us posted and don't fret too much. sorry about the capt ;)
Good luck today, if I had a coupon to get you thru today with less stress I'd give you them,lol..Take care of yourself..
Did you tell your new doc to google blue waffle?:snort:
I know you hated to go, but the important thing is that now it can get fixed...
I especially want you to be around forever...who else would call me **** and ho like you do?

Thanks for going to the doc....we'll all help you get through this.
oooooh I am so sorry--I hate Dr stuff myself--BUT you need to take care of yourself to you can be there for your boys!!
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Take care of yourself.
thinking about you this morning, Rebecca :huggy:

hope you got some rest overnight... :pout:
Aw, hon, it'll be all right. SO glad you went and that there was no rescheduling. Praying for peace for you and quick and thorough healing...and NO complications.