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What age did you hit your "Fat Wall"?

Take'em down Night! *sits watching holding a sigh saying "can you breathe? too bad!*

It's jsut annoying though, because they complain about the state THEY put themselves in! then expect SOMEONE else to lose it for them...

I mean come on, if you want to be skinny go out running and PUT THE CANDY BAR DOWN!!!
The Rubenesque Woman

Quite frankly, beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes. Today, unfortunately when most people think of an attractive woman in the fashion sense, they usually imagine a slim-hipped waif with hollow cheeks, narrow shoulders, and a rather
unremarkable bust line. This is what commerce has brainwashed modern society
into believing is the ideal woman.

I say it is a lie, propagated by marketing forces and fashion designers who use
the obsession with a slender female form as a means to earn millions of
dollars selling weight-loss products and other health routines.

But some of us know better. There is another female form that has been
idealized for centuries. She is the familiar hourglass or pear-shaped woman
of wide hips, an ample bust, plump cheeks, soft-full lips, and a generally
healthy profile of alluring curves and crevasses.

She is the Rubenesque Woman; elegant; cultured; educated and beautiful.
In fact, the very word "rubenesque" originates from the adorable plump
women so frequently put to canvas by Renaissance Master Peter Paul Rubens.

It all boils down to this – what is in the heart is all that matters. So she has a middle age spread; or she no longer fits into a size 0 (American). All that excess weight she may maintain is irrelevant if she possesses beauty in her soul.

Hey but what the heck do I know?:eat:
What did you say? I couldn't hear you. I'm too busy hitting my fat wall.

The secret to keeping your weight in check is moderation. You can't totally cut yourself off from carbohydrates. You need those also. But you are right you people around the world have a "Image Problem" they call American's fat just because we are big people. Look at other people like in Asia they are like 3 ft tall and weight 80 pounds; but if I tell them that they will get upset. Also they only look at visible problems and not the less visible problems like drug, smoking, and drinking problems.
Rice is Nice

Chrisl0 said:
. Look at other people like in Asia they are like 3 ft tall and weight 80 pounds; but if I tell them that they will get upset. Also they only look at visible problems and not the less visible problems like drug, smoking, and drinking problems.

Perhaps we should start eating like the Chinese. You are right Chris, I have never seen an overweight Oriental. It may be something in their genes though.

We are a society that is not as active nor do we tend to exercise. We sit more than we stand and we eat fast foods, prepared foods and take out more than we do freshly prepared "healthy" foods. We live for convenience and most tend to not care to expend the energy necessary for a healthy life style. Not that I am criticizing just pointing out the facts. I am just as guilty as the next one. I hop in the car to go to the store or to the drive-thru. I rarely make home made meals and with the exception of swimming I can't be bothered with exercise. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to taking care of myself! I think what I need is a partner. Maybe that would give me the incentive to "shape up"! LOL Fat chance!

Perhaps we should start eating like the Chinese. You are right Chris, I have never seen an overweight Oriental. It may be something in their genes though.
You ever see a sumo wrestler? Those are some BIG oriental dudes.
RQN1234 said:

You ever see a sumo wrestler? Those are some BIG oriental dudes.
There are exceptions to every rule! LOL Just like that Oriental basketball player (I don't know his name but I have seen him in a commercial), how many 6 foot plus Orientals have you seen?
Hrm maybe I should get in on this. I'm not so much worried about losing weight, as I'm actually very near my "ideal weight" at the moment, but I know about 20 points of it is fat. I'm 5'11" and around 175 pounds. When I was in the military and in shape (and before when I was a literally hyperactive kid) I never broke 155. If I were in shape and in good health I'd probably be somewhere around that again.

I just wish I could convince my girlfriend to go on a diet and exercise program with me. I don't really care about her weight for appearance reasons, but she's not very healthy at all. She eats just as badly as I do, and is just as inactive, but her metabolism is far slower. It's causing her back and leg problems, and that concerns me.

Perhaps we should start eating like the Chinese. You are right Chris, I have never seen an overweight Oriental. It may be something in their genes though.

We are a society that is not as active nor do we tend to exercise. We sit more than we stand and we eat fast foods, prepared foods and take out more than we do freshly prepared "healthy" foods. We live for convenience and most tend to not care to expend the energy necessary for a healthy life style. Not that I am criticizing just pointing out the facts. I am just as guilty as the next one. I hop in the car to go to the store or to the drive-thru. I rarely make home made meals and with the exception of swimming I can't be bothered with exercise. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to taking care of myself! I think what I need is a partner. Maybe that would give me the incentive to "shape up"! LOL Fat chance!

Yea maybe, but even if that wasn't the case people would still consider us big.
Darn. I better cancel my take out order! I was sure Kate and Chris were onto something! So much for Cantonese Fried rice.
And starch which are complex carbs I believe. So I guess I will have pancakes for supper! So much for rice!
Yeah pancakes have some carbs but it depends on what brand you buy. Different brands have different amounts of carbs.
I am making a tuna noodle casserole for Dinner! O joy! I hate cooking! Forget about the carbs. Bring on the Pizza!
Spagetti tonight and I'm the one cooking it. Glad I got the browning of the meat out of the way.:eusa_danc *jumping up and down screaming "WOORAY!"*
Bread and rice a different on the carb levels. Rice is naturally occuring carbs, though brown is better than white. Bread, particularly white bread is really bad since it is much more processed. The flour is bleached and processed which causes problems, and most store bought breads add sugar - lots of it. Wheat bread is better, but any bread you make yourself is better than store bought. All the blaeched flours and sugars in processed foods such as breads are terrible for you. The bleaching process is the main culprit as it removes alot of the naturally occuring enzymes and nutrients from what I understand.