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What are you doing right now?

Having some tea and dreading going to class D:
Have just got in from shopping. Lurking around the site at the additional features. :D
Trying to decide if I want to watch more Breaking Bad, or draw.. or just derp around on the internet. And trust me, this is a really hard choice because Breaking Bad is probably going to win.
Petting my kitty, who will not let me get up.
Getting stuff ready for work tomorrow. Boo!
Eating fruit ****tail while my niece falls asleep under my mothers supervision for the night. :)
Waiting for my video to finish rendering... again. **** thing almost totally finished but then I get a pop-up saying my virtual memory is too low so it can't render the file. Ergo, the last 25 seconds of it didn't save.

Hopefully this time it will though.
Laying in bed and chilling with my boyfriend, whilst posting on forums a bit before going to sleep.
Editing the admin panel and getting ready to work on a laptop.
Chatting here, listening to music and trying to gather some info about blogging.
Listening to music and browsing forums, as well as getting ready to make some graphics. c:
Writing ideas on making today the best day for my boyfriend since he has been here. x)
Reading the forum, drinking coffee and studying.
Reading the forum while waiting for my family. We are to gather today to celebrate my uncle's purchase. He has bought a new car.