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what did you learn today?

that i'm probably not going to get my car back until at least next wednesday :( and that it takes a long LONG time to put stuff away after a camping trip.
That my oldest son is hardcore. He got 3 vaccines today and didn't flinch a bit. So, as a reward, I'm making him brownies.
dang mthy, tough kid

i learned stuff about teddy roosevelt today because i'm reading a book for the first time in a while. :yay:
That my former-manager, while in fifth grade, had a crush on my older sister.
that you really can spend less when food shopping if you make a list and stick to that LIST. and use some coupons.
that i should remember to eat lunch.... sooo hungry....
Working in a small office sucks. The only thing worse than large office politics is small office politics. There isn't enough or any buffer space between you and what's going on.
Working in a small office sucks. The only thing worse than large office politics is small office politics. There isn't enough or any buffer space between you and what's going on.

i've been there and feel your pain :(
that mickey rourke has had WAY too much plastic surgery :ut-oh:
Today I learned who George Michael is.
It doesn't matter how old your children are, While using a flash light they still flash the light in your eyes.
I truely hate computers when they're misbehaving.

Also, when going on a road-trip with the T-Tops off, be sure to bring along plenty of sunscreen.