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What is your take on the Arizona illegal immigration situation?

How can it be wrong to pass a law that only states the obvious? The new law makes it a crime under state laws to be in our country illegally. ummm, it is ILLEGAL to be here ILLEGALLY. How can anyone argue that it's a bad law when being here illegally is obviously ILLEGAL?!?!

Why is the federal government doing nothing to protect the people in the southwest. They're part of the United States. Illegals and drugs are pouring into Arizona and other states. Haven't we all heard about the insane crime statistics directly connected to this? Why aren't we doing ANTHING to protect our people??? How is it a bad thing that Arizona decided enough was enough and made the move to protect themselves? Why are they being ridiculed for doing something so simple as trying to protect themselves and make a safer life for their citizens? Why are we more worried about potential racial profiling than about protecting our people, not to mention the monumental increase in costs in providing for more people.

I have nothing against people who come here and work hard and want to assimilate into an American way of life. Believe me, there are no harder working people than my parents, who immigrated here from Poland many years ago. But don't sneak in, DEMAND all the rights and privileges that American citizens are entitled to and get indignant because someone might ask to see proof of citizenship, not to mention wanting to change the flag and anthem...
know the funny thing is ( and really I dont know how i feel about this and illegals) if we got rid of all those illegals who in america would do the grunt work? too many people here--including teens --are too pround to do any dirty work
I think the rub comes in when they ask for documentation.

I guess I'll never fully understand why it's bad when asked for documentation/ID. I have been in bad neighborhoods, pulled over and asked. Racially profiled? Yeah. White girl in a bad neighborhood talking to people very different from myself. I knew it, cops knew it. But I gave them all the info they asked for and was on my way.

If a big assed white girls were blowing up things on Wall Street, and the cops stop me - GOOD!! Thank you for keeping an eye out. I'm not blowing anything up and don't want to get blown up.

In AZ there is a real problem with healthcare $ in general, add that with people who are not citizens and the problem escalates greatly.
know the funny thing is ( and really I dont know how i feel about this and illegals) if we got rid of all those illegals who in america would do the grunt work? too many people here--including teens --are too pround to do any dirty work

That argument is getting somewhat tired. There are plenty of Americans doing those jobs AND paying taxes on their wages.
know the funny thing is ( and really I dont know how i feel about this and illegals) if we got rid of all those illegals who in america would do the grunt work? too many people here--including teens --are too pround to do any dirty work

Not really true. If illegals left, the people who are really making the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ employers - would actually have to pay a fair wage for that work.
On a serious note... My mom and all 9 brothers and sisters were brought here from Mexico when my Mom was 8ish years old... it took alot of time, money and paperwork (pretty funny passport of 5 kids in one photo WTF?) Not sure if it was on a Visa/Green card or what as I am not too edgucated on this kinda stuff. Years later she met my Dad and they married my Dad is German and an american citizen.

When I was about 13 years old I can remember my Mom studying very hard for the Citizenship test as her first language is Spanish. English (as far as spelling and grammer) is not her strong language even to this day. (She was pulled outta school in the 9th grade to raise her younger sisters.) Everyday she studied for that test and passed it with flying colors... I am very proud of her and her STRIVE for citizenship in the country where her husband and kids were citizens.

Do I agree that anyone should be here illigally?? NO
Do I believe Mexicans are the ONLY issue... NO
Do I believe they are of the majority?? Probably, YES


Don't hate cause our swim is shorter then yours!
i agree... i bet there are plenty of Americans who'd be happy to get a job right now.... any job
:lol: I'd be screwed, I can't swim.
I'm almost done with an incredible new book... Murder City: Ciudad Juarez and the Global Economy's New Killing Fields by Charles Bowden. It's definitely not for the faint of heart. After reading this, I don't think that Arizona's law will be terribly effective at hindering illegal immigration. Is treating a symptom going to do all that much? The level of desperation is just... beyond... It sounds like one major reason why people are fleeing here is because at least here there is some level of security. I'd cross a border illegally too if it meant a less chance of being murdered or disappeared. And the flip side is the forces of money, power and fear to incite individuals who are supposed to be policing to look the other way. If these elements stay the same, I doubt that new laws will help.
Mexico is in real trouble. 40% of the gov revenue comes from oil revenues and their major oil field, Canterell, is officially in decline. What will the government do to survive?
In decline, meaning the amount of oil is depleting?

Yeah, we're gonna be f*cked real bad then.
That argument is getting somewhat tired. There are plenty of Americans doing those jobs AND paying taxes on their wages.

not by me--Try to get a teen to GASP work at McD's like I did when I was a teen--it's totally beneath them and I DO NOT Live in an upscale area--when is the last time you saw a staff of white cleaning woman at a hotel--ummm not by me, white men in a group mowing lawns or doing landscape work ( and their NAME is not on the truck?)

Those are my observations by me--in my neighborhood.

I do believe that our country would be so much better off if we didnt have to spend so much on illegals ( health care, food stamps..etc..) same for the legals that we have that milk the system
sound like a very interesting (and depressing) book....

If reports are accurate, it sounds like the more drugs/illegals enter the area, the more murders, the more hostages, the more violence... the very thing immigrants hoped for, a higher sense of security, is being eroded, and the federal government is doing nothing about it. Does the administration not realize how serious the problem is? sounds like the people who live there think it's extremely serious
It's because a citizen cannot live on $2 an hour. Employers pay disgusting wages to illegals.
In decline, meaning the amount of oil is depleting?

Yeah, we're gonna be f*cked real bad then.


The whole article is pretty depressing, but here's the part on oil:

Mexico's oil production, a boon for the country in the 1980s and 90s, has slid drastically in the last few years, with output down nearly a quarter from 2004 peaks, due mainly to a lack of new projects to replace the flagging Cantarell field. Last year was the fifth year in a row that output fell.
The government says it has stabilized production and will pump an average 2.5 million barrels per day in 2010, but some analysts fear another decline this year if output at state oil monopoly Pemex's flagship Chicontepec project remains sluggish.
Meanwhile, Mexico's prospects for starting production in the crucial deepwater oil sector look dim. [ID:nN11209249]
A top exporter to the United States, Mexico relies on oil to fund around a third of the federal budget. The decline in output and exports was a key factor behind last year's debt downgrades.
That argument is getting somewhat tired. There are plenty of Americans doing those jobs AND paying taxes on their wages.

The argument that none of the illegals pay taxes is getting old too. Many of them pay taxes out of their wages like everyone else and they file taxes with the IRS.
I thought most illegals in NYC will not pay taxes because they don't want to bring attention to themselves. Same thing about not calling the cops if they get robbed/mugged or jumped.
The argument that none of the illegals pay taxes is getting old too. Many of them pay taxes out of their wages like everyone else and they file taxes with the IRS.

But just because they pay taxes doesn't make them any less illegal. It just shows that our system is useless in that they're able to get a tax id in the first place. :surrender:
I am so for it, illegal aliens from any country should be deported and the constution should be ammended so that 'ancor' babies are not immediatly citizens

part of the problem is that no one is going to do anything to an illegal when I went to traffic court there was this guy that didnt speak 10 words of english (mexican) the judge asked him his immigration status when the guy wouldnt even talk to the translator the judge said 'tell him im not going to deport him i just need to know' and the guy said he was illegal paid a $500 fine for not having a valid drivers liscence or insurance and walked out of the court room with all his buddiesI was soooooooooooooo pissed off --illegal aliens know that chances are nothings going to happen to them
sound like a very interesting (and depressing) book....

If reports are accurate, it sounds like the more drugs/illegals enter the area, the more murders, the more hostages, the more violence... the very thing immigrants hoped for, a higher sense of security, is being eroded, and the federal government is doing nothing about it. Does the administration not realize how serious the problem is? sounds like the people who live there think it's extremely serious

Which administration are you talking about because this problem didn't just materialize since 2008. The problem has been escalating for years.

I have no issues with the states trying to take action, but I think that giving police an order to stop anyone who they think may be illegal is going to get ugly when there is a mistake and an actual citizen is detained. I can't imagine that ICE is going to be better than any other government agency. For instance the TSA has my friends son on the terror watch list. He is a blonde haired, blue eyed 10 yr old.