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What was the best thing that happened in your day?

Well... it was actually yesterday... but I walked for the furthest that I've gone in 8 months!! :D I was very happy! :)
that's great, nat :)

best thing that's happened today...i finally got a chance to read up all the stuff that's happened in the Middle East while i was away... :)
Robert came home from work early and cooked *me* dinner for a change. :inlove: He's so good to me! :kisscheek:
I finally got up to date in my diary - it hasn't really been much of a day. :|
Um... let me see... I got woken up at 8:30, made study Indonesian for an hour before getting breakfast, then not being able to get into the shower until 12:59, during which I couldn't stand up, then afterwards I got given an apple for lunch... no... I really can't find anything good about my day........
This is actually from yesterday, but it's still making my day today:
I got lots of nifty stuff in the mail! A letter from my best friend, Halloween presents from my mom (yes, my family is strange - we give presents for everything), and a cd and Chasing Amy from nootch. I am a very happy mth!
I had an excellent day, I accomplished one of my life goals!! Sadly, I can't tell you what it was .. I doubt you would want to know either.
It's from last night, but I don't care - my folks said that, if it's okay with her folks, I can go stay with Nat for a weekend. :)
The best thing that happened today was that I didn't kill myself on the drive home.

It has been a bad week lately, looking to extend into the weekend too. Fortunately, I've had someone there to share my misery with.

Sad to hear it, dude. Hope things pick up for ya.

The best thing that's happened this morning is getting some cool music off Audiogalaxy.
I actually talked to BRiT tonight, so that was cool. I'm talking to Icky and nootch (and BRiT) still, so that's good. And I managed to convice one of my friends that I actually give a rat's **** about him (which he didn't seem to want to believe), and that was VERY good.
Today, I'm feeling *much* better than I have been lately, and to add to that, I downloaded a couple of awesome songs. :)
I managed to feed myself dinner!! :D (After two days of not being able to.)
Lets see, several good things have been happening lately... I talked with Mth the other night, which was fun. Friday was a long insane day (another 14+ hour work day), but everything was worked out so I didn't have to work the weekend at all! The Cleveland Indians won their 2nd game in best of 5 series, so most everyone is in a good mood. I've been so energetic since Friday night (actually 2am Saturday morning), so I think I'm well on the way to recovering from this cold/sickness. I was a bit afraid to step on the scale this morning since I haven't had time to work out more than three times the past two weeks, but was pleasantly surprised to see I've droped 4 pounds in that time.

Thus far, I've managed to keep off the 5 pounds I lost while I was sick last week :)
Well I hope you're feeling better. But I am a bit jealous that you lose 5 pounds from being sick. I probably would have lost that per week, had I not nearly doubled my calorie intake.
