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What would you do?

Confirmed on the Girlfriend getting the "mail"..... (from the neighbors).....she was PISSED!!!

Somebody's NOT getting 'any' tonight! :lol:

...my job is done. ......... for now :pigfly:
.....until he burns down our house tonight!
i tell you, taking out the cellphone and taking a photo (or pretending) just really works wonders. and murrmering YOUTUBE as you do so, is phenomenal. having the cell ready for photos on the tollway and highways evokes passionately polite driving. lol
Since some of you think I am friggin crazy anyway.... even though he only rents, if he has nice grass in the front yard, put some vinegar in one of those dollar store ketchup or mustard container. When no one is looking (before dawn works) walk to the front yard and draw a penis and balls in the grass by squeezing said bottle. If you write well, write you are a **** underneath it. It must be large enough to be seen my a person in a car. You can't see it immediately but within a few days of the sun baking it, the **** has a **** in his yard.

With that, I am going back to work. Have fun!

I wondered what happened to my lawn...but who's Dawn and why should we care when she works?! :p
I am too nice :nopompom:

I was recently talking to my brother and his wife and gave him some ideas how to get even with a friend of his. I think the best one was cut up a bunch of Vienna sausages and stick them in the heat vents in his car :snicker: I could do that depending how mad I was at the person.

My husband stuck out to the street and put vaseline under my sisters door handles. Everybody was wasted at that time and couldn't stop snickering waiting for her to leave. ( she was the only sober one)

The childish things we do when we are young.
I wondered what happened to my lawn...but who's Dawn and why should we care when she works?! :p

So crap, I can't edit my post cause you quoted it. Now everyone will know what my plans were for the 'new' ****head neighbor that lives on the side of my backyard. He is the prick that throws rocks and branches into my yard when he thinks we are not home. There is always someone home. For every rock that comes into my yard, he will receive 3 days of dog crap in his.
:snort: I'm guessing that won't be on the CNN page.

I forgot about this thread - I'm guessing you won't be missing these neighbors when you move, right Steve?

Cookie, your new cookie avatar is very pretty! I love the bright colors.
Nope won't miss him a bit!!!!

Acutally......he has parked in the garage all but 2 nights since!! :giggles: Plus I had a nice long chat with his landlord. He's on month to month lease...:snicker: I let the landlord know I would e-mail him as needed. :snicker:


Cops: Former CNN Executive Leaves Dog Feces In Neighbor’s Mailbox

But did anyone else think it was odd that the victims caught the perp ON VIDEO? Unless you have a surveillance system that keeps footage, how do you have a video of your mailbox? Maybe they were expecting something like this to happen? Then they said they were just going to check the mail and the crap was in there.