Why do I keep going back?


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I guess curiosity gets the best of me, but I do not understand why I keep going back to that site to look. It's doing nothing but making me sad, as it began to a long time ago.

That said, I really love Confab-It. It's given me a chance to change some things and be a better friend to everyone.

I just keep wanting to look and it's causing a train wreck of emotions! Why? Help!
I keep going back to old other sites I used to use, one in particular. I feel like I'm mourning it, honestly. I left in a hurry when I wasn't certain I wouldn't go back. After a long while I don't feel the need. However, makes me really upset me and Kirk couldn't have met on a site like Confab-It.

To stop going back to old sites I get my account closed. Now it's just there. Thing is, a lot of people I wanted to be friends with shunned me because of who I dated, they weren't real friends.
I guess curiosity gets the best of me, but I do not understand why I keep going back to that site to look. It's doing nothing but making me sad, as it began to a long time ago.

That said, I really love Confab-It. It's given me a chance to change some things and be a better friend to everyone.

I just keep wanting to look and it's causing a train wreck of emotions! Why? Help!

Life goes on. You have some great friends here, so why bother going backwards. Nothing can alter the past, but the future is yours to take.

One door closes another opens.
Thing is, a lot of people I wanted to be friends with shunned me because of who I dated, they weren't real friends.

Leave them in your dust! You have a great guy and lots of friends on here. Lets go forward to better things.
Put simply though, it's just a forum. "Mourning" it is a little strong.

Surely something's personal value is reason enough to feel how you want about it.
I, for example, joined that forum at a time when I had 0 friends, confidence, and was depressed. But because of it I have an entirely new life. I moved 800 miles away from where I lived before and now live with a person I met on that forum, who I've been dating for over a year and a half. I think it seems natural that I check up on the place that happened every now and again, and be a little disappointed that it's dead as it's a place I enjoyed for a long time.
It's sad to me because I worked my way from member all the way up to admin. A lot of hard work and dedication went into that site and it became like my baby. It wasn't just a forum to me. I was much more than that. I met two of my "little sisters" plus a really good friend there and wouldn't change that for the world!
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Aww I guess you guys have a point :D

All it does for me is remind me of the friends I made and then fell out with or we stopped talking for one reason or another O_o
Not very good at keeping online friends so I don't really bother anymore lolz
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Meh. I just have a look every now-and-again to see if it's improved. It hasn't. Site's even lost a page rank since it got took over; PR's not important, but to lose it in such a good position just goes to show the lack of effort the administration put into that site. Oh, and we beat them for search terms now too.

It holds sentimental value I guess, but I'm done with it now; the only thing I wish for is that more people had jumped ship and come here.
This seems to happen all over the place. I've been to a number of forums that were offshoots of other forums because of internal dramas and whatnot. It seems to be shockingly common!