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Why does my body hate me?!


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In the depths of oblivion.
:( I just want to feel better already. This year needs to hurry up and go away. I'm so tired of being sick and tired and feel like **** all the time. It's so frustrating because unless you've been there, you really don't know what it's like. I'd like to seek understanding, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.
I'm confused... is it your emotions causing you to feel that way (depression, for example), or do you have a medical issue? You haven't really stated much other than your body hating you, but 'this year needs to hurry up and go away'.

You're sending a few mixed signals here. I hope to help so a bit of elaboration would be nice. :)
I got mono earlier this year, but it took them 4 months to find out that I had it and I didn't get the rest that I needed, so I'm on the long ride to recovery. I was told to expect a longer recovery period and it's been hell. I'm still tired all of the time, my throat still hurts, my joints hurt, I'm dizzy and nauseated, have thrush for the third time, and just plain tired of feeling like I've been scraped off of the bottom of someone's shoe.

It's just frustrating because I feel like everyone is tired of hearing me complain.
I can sure understand how you're feeling, Danielle! Getting over an injury or major illness is a **** and a half. Are you on any pain meds that might be dragging you down? What about supplements like mega-doses of B12 to help your energy? Is anything like that available to you?
Oh dear, that's not very good.
I understand that it may be a long journey until you're fully recovered, but at least you are recovering (whether it's happening slowly or not) and not going the other way. I also sympathize as your recovery will take longer because of the fact it took that long to find out what your illness was. It's nice to be able to relax and have a rest, but being at it too long can severely effect your emotions as it's almost as though you're losing power over yourself.

To be fair, you have every right to complain - you are in pain in more places and ways than one, it's not like you bit your tongue and have been complaining about it for weeks. :)

I really do hope you feel better soon and that your recovery becomes rapid. Just keep looking up and positively and it will make you feel a whole lot better about the situation. :)
[MENTION=1290]Smooth[/MENTION], I'd heard good things about B12, but I've been hesitant to try it because vitamins tend to make me feel even more nauseous. I think I probably should, though. I'm not on any pain meds, just ibuprofen for the spleen and joint pain. I don't have tonsillitis or strep, either, so there's really nothing I can do for it besides OTC stuff. I gargle with salt water and I have a recipe for Magic Mouthwash (benadryl, maalox, water) that I refrigerate. I found some good throat drops, too.
[MENTION=1583]Raven[/MENTION] I don't deal with being sick well, so it's definitely been messing with my emotions. I suffer from depression and anxiety, but that part of it really hasn't been too bad. I'm just used to working a lot and doing whatever I want when I want, so it's more than frustrating that I can't do as much. To be honest, I never could take a leave from my job to get fully better or I would go nuts and that's part of the reason that it's taking so long to recover is because I work full time still. I'm one of those who never calls out, but I've missed some work due to this.

I know that I have a right to complain, but I hate doing it. I do thank my lucky stars that it wasn't worse, though. Thanks guys! It does help to have someone to talk to!
I know it can be boring and irritating, but you really do need to rest. Maybe even consider talking to your employer about going part-time for a little while if being off completely will drive you nuts. It'll help you out a little bit, and you'll still be doing some work.
Unfortunately that isn't possible, either. I live with my parents and my stepdad is out of work recovering from a back injury, so money is tight right now. I really can't afford to take time off or I would have. Definitely. This year has just been ugly for all of us!
It sure sounds that way. :concern:
Well, all I can suggest is as Smooth has, and taking vitamins and the like to just give your body that little bit extra help. It may make you feel a bit more nauseous but it'll possibly help in the long run.
:( I just want to feel better already. This year needs to hurry up and go away. I'm so tired of being sick and tired and feel like **** all the time. It's so frustrating because unless you've been there, you really don't know what it's like. I'd like to seek understanding, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.

Hi! Looks like we're on the same boat! I've been really sick for the past 2 years and I'm still waiting to recover (not sure if that's gonna happen this year). Anyways, I just wanted to write this message to let you know you're not the only one in a similar situation. I'm sure we will see better days soon :D :eek: Thinking of that gives me a lot hope! I hope it has the same effect on you!
[MENTION=1540]Trellum[/MENTION] Two years? :( That sucks! Thanks for your message. I'm really glad that there are people that do understand. :) If you don't mind, what exactly are you ill with?
I see that this hasn't been updated for a while now, so I'm wondering how you're going with it all Danielle. I ask because I had that very thing in my mid twenties, and it was just plain awful to go through. It took nearly two years before I was completely right again, and if truth be told, I've not been one hundred percent since. Sure, I still lead an active life, and I haven't felt anywhere near as bad as I did when I went through that, but there is a definite difference between before my illness and after it.

Anyway, here's hoping that you're doing okay. I wouldn't wish mono on my worst enemy. I really wouldn't.