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France’s Intifada
By Phyllis Chesler
FrontPageMagazine.com | November 7, 2005

In 1973, the French novelist Jean Raspail artfully predicted in the form of fiction the very real Palestinian-style intifada that now rages on the west bank of Europe: France. Ten years after the book's publication, Raspail described the "vision" he had, portrayed in the book, which lasted for ten feverish months:

"They were there! A million poor wretches, armed only with their weakness and their numbers, overwhelmed by misery, encumbered with starving brown and black children, ready to disembark on our soil, the vanguard of the multititudes pressing hard against every part of the tired and overfed West. I literally saw them, saw the major problem they presented, a problem absolutely insoluble by our present moral standards. To let them in would destroy us. To reject them would destroy them."

Raspail first published this haunting and apocalyptic novel, Le Camp Des Saints (The Camp of the Saints) in France. In 1975, it was published in America, where it was compared to Camus's The Plague and to Swift's Gulliver’s Travels. The book imagines a flotilla of millions of immigrants traveling from the Ganges to France. The similarities between the fictional France of the novel and the France of today are easy to spot.

Consider the plot. An all-powerful, multi-culturalist intelligentsia, having taught France that it must atone for its racist crimes, swiftly joins compassionate French Christians in ecstatically welcoming the mass invasion that brutally destroys France. The solicitude of white Frenchmen—the priests, intellectuals, student activists, and prostitutes who wish to embrace and assist the implacably angry new arrivals—is repaid by death. And terror: The immigrants loot everything in sight. They murder for new apartments. France is run into the ground. Raw and relentless, the novel is as brilliant as Orwell’s 1984.

Raspail dares to ask the hard questions: Are we our brothers' keepers? Must the West share all its resources with a barbarous East—even if it means our own demise? Can Europe and the West redeem themselves by becoming as impoverished as those they once colonized? What will be the consequences for France should it welcome profoundly hostile immigrants who do not wish to assimilate and whose own cultural and religious practices sanction violence, illiteracy, and gender and religious apartheid?

At the time Raspail published this book, he stood alone. Sympathy was very much on the "victim's" side. Europe could no longer save the Jews—they were all murdered or gone. Instead, beginning with France, Europe could save itself by saving "victims" from elsewhere, especially those whom France had previously colonized and who were also French citizens. Indeed, the less sympathy one had for France, the more entitled one was to "victim" status. The inverse held true: Many Algerians who had fought for France in the Algerian war of independence and moved "home" to Paris, found themselves unwanted.

Sympathy for victim-uprisings was gathering great force in the world. Students rioted in Paris in May of '68, and inspired other such riots all over Europe and North America. Revolution was in the air, and many whites viewed it as their own redemption and as the death of Western rot.

Against this backdrop, imagine how Raspail's work was received in certain quarters. He was accused of being a racist and a fascist. In 1982, in an epilogue to one edition of the book, Raspail recalled the wrath he had incurred: "What I was saying was terrible. I waited patiently to be burnt at the stake."

As time went on, however, French leaders and thinkers began to read his work—secretly to be sure. According to Raspail, "When it finally became apparent that in the future the denial of essential and basic human differences would work solely to the detriment of our own integrity....I, the accursed writer, was transformed into a prophetic writer."

Two realities remain especially curious. First, even Raspail did not dare portray the dreaded immigrant invaders as Muslims. But this omission ignores the fact that, in stark contrast to many Muslims in the East and West, many non-white immigrants, such as Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Chinese, Vietnamese, African and Caribbean Christians, are neither inclined to violence nor averse to assimilation. Not all Muslims are rioters; but most rioters are Muslims.

Second, no one in my various intellectual and political circles seems to have read Raspail's book. In fact, no one who is now leading the fight against the Islamization of Europe seems to know about it either. One reason may be that the politically correct have censored this crucial conversation. While Raspail was initially published by Scribners, a major American publisher, the subsequent American editions of his novel devolved to a series of four different and smaller presses: first, Grosset and Dunlop, then the Institute for Western Values, followed by the American Immigration Control Foundation. The 1995 edition was published by the relatively obscure Social Contract Press of Petoskey, Michigan.

Like so many prophets—Jeremiah and Cassandra come to mind—Raspail saw what was coming, but he was powerless to prevent it. He was mocked and scorned, then grudgingly acknowledged. But his challenge has not been heeded. Some admirers of the book have embraced it as science fiction. I suggest that its true genre is that of prophecy and that Raspail's "vision" has come true in our lifetime.

France is on fire. The riots have spread from the environs of Paris to Toulouse, Nice, Rennes, Rouen, Lilles, Bordeaux, and Strasbourg. Rioters have prevented the evacuation of their own wounded and have attacked police and ambulances. One group of rioters set a woman with crutches on fire. According to the Associated Press, the French Internet is ablaze with the fury of France’s radicalized Muslim community. "Civil war is declared. There will no doubt be deaths," writes one Rania. "We are going to destroy everything," writes someone called “Saint Denis.†My colleague, the French-American novelist and critic Nidra Poller, tells me that one African Muslim woman in Paris announced that "we will burn white people's houses" (Has she just stepped off the pages of Raspail's novel?). Poller also tells me that one "Fatima," another African Muslim woman, set one of the first hellish fires. "Fatima had an assignation with a man but she was not pleased with how the evening went. Enraged, she set fire to his apartment and walked out," she explains.

The official response to the violence has been inept. Poller notes that, despite ten days of rioting, French authorities have yet to impose martial law. The mainstream media in America has done no better. Media outlets have explained the intifada as the function of "racial and economic injustice.†The role played by radical Islamism has been willfully minimized.

There is now a temptation to schadenfreude. After all, France applauded and supported the ongoing Palestinian Intifada against the Jews in Israel, possibly in the hope that such appeasement would pacify their own restless Muslim population. But their comeuppance gives me no joy. As it is said: First the Jews, then everyone else. If the war against the Jews is not stopped, then it will simply spread elsewhere, in a perfected form. In a worrying sign, the rioting French Muslims have begun to call their own neighborhoods "territories.†Some are demanding that they be governed by Shari'a, not French law.

Difficult questions must now be asked. Did France really believe that everyone naturally wants to become "French†and can do so on their own? Has France's tragic mistake been to allow too many impoverished, non-French speaking Muslim immigrants in and to economically subsidize three generations of immigrants who are hostile to France and to the West? Could the ceaseless violence in France’s Muslim community have been prevented—for instance, if French authorities had not refused to jail Muslim juveniles and adults when they committed crimes, or allowed radical Islamist mullahs to preach their hearts out via satellite and in mosques all over France? Should France exile its Muslim immigrants and their French-born children—the innocent along with the guilty—by sending them back to countries where they will have no housing, no health care, no education, and no employment, and where the lives of women will be even more endangered?

Raspail posed all these questions in his novel. France, and the West generally, have yet to grapple with them.
Its all the result of what they have been telling us to do for so long. They have been coddling these people.

When a immigrant comes to America they intigrate. They become American, no one forces them to, they just do. For the most part, they learn our language, adapt to our customs and willfully abandon aspects of thier culture that do not mesh (Such as a muslim practice of carrying a ceremonial dagger, the muslim community agreed that thier children could live without bringing the daggers to school)

In America, you are American, but the beuty of being an American is that you can be anything else too. You can have any religion you can be any race. No matter who or what you are, you can still be American.

In France and many other countries they try to be like this. They try to get people to assimilate, but they do it differently, they do it with government hand outs, they do it by coddleing them and catering to them. The problem with this is, it does not promote assimilation like they want it to. It promotes a wealfare state where people come to beleive they are owed somthing. And when they feal they are owed somthing and they are not given it. The fact that they are dependant on the state and that they have not assimilated into the culture puts up a wall that some people feel only can be broken down with violence.

For years France has been poopooing the US for not being as "Multicultural" as them. Well, look whos burning you ****s.

What should we do? Right now, before its too late Bush needs to stand up infront of the world and formally offer aid to France, whatever it needs to get back on track.

We do this for two reasons. One, because in the eyes of the world we have taken the higher path. We are helping a country that is in no way deserving of our help. And two, because it is the best underhanded compliment ever. To offer then aid right now would insult them to the very core. I for one would get a great deal of satisfaction from it. Sure, call me an ****, I probably am for wanting that.

Regardless of the reasons for offering the aid it needs to be offered. Before terrorists use it. Before these riots become the stepping stone for them to pull off an attack.
What? America rushing in to save France again?

Naaah. I'd rather wait and see how the scenario plays out.
If the Americans go in the French will find something to blame on them. I think they should stay out of it and have the French grovel for their help. It would look good on them. As of yet I don't believe the French have asked for help from any country.
I like France. (ducks) I like the French (ducks again).

When you practice a religion and believe people must assimilate or die, you announce you are the enemy of those who do not believe what you do. I know who my enemies are. I don't know who is the moron, or care, because I am an egotistic American. When I was learning French in university I was told that their immigrations laws are insane and if I ever wanted to live there, I had the best chance becoming a Canadian citizen first (a francophile country). So how did all these non French speaking haters of France get in? I guess I need to leave CNN on longer or read a newspaper more. I mean, are the Muslims the Mexicans of France? With the exception that most of our illegal immigrants are peacefully looking for work to feed themselves and/or their families and find a better life.

Give France aid? Hell no. America needs to butt out of everyone's business until the next Hitler comes around. Our tentacles are in too many cookie pots and are better served focusing inward more.
NetAtom said:
I like France. (ducks) I like the French (ducks again).

When you practice a religion and believe people must assimilate or die, you announce you are the enemy of those who do not believe what you do. I know who my enemies are. I don't know who is the moron, or care, because I am an egotistic American. When I was learning French in university I was told that their immigrations laws are insane and if I ever wanted to live there, I had the best chance becoming a Canadian citizen first (a francophile country). So how did all these non French speaking haters of France get in? I guess I need to leave CNN on longer or read a newspaper more. I mean, are the Muslims the Mexicans of France? With the exception that most of our illegal immigrants are peacefully looking for work to feed themselves and/or their families and find a better life.

Give France aid? Hell no. America needs to butt out of everyone's business until the next Hitler comes around. Our tentacles are in too many cookie pots and are better served focusing inward more.
How did they get in? They are french citizens. Frances immigration laws ARE strict, with one exeption, formor colonies. ANYONE from a formor French colony is considered French, they dont have to immigrate they are let right in. These are the people that are rioting.

On the subject of aid. I said we should offer it. Make no mistake France will NOT accept. We offer it knowing that. Just to stick it in thier collective eye.
Let Canada offer aide first! The Canadians are sucking up to France so let them be the kiss asses that offer assistance.
That would require the EU to actually do somthing. Which is, I beleive, against thier policy.

As for helping America I totaly agree with you anglo. I say offer aid not because I want to help the French. There is no chance in hell they would take our aid if we offered it. We offer it because it would insult them deeply. Its like rubbing thier noses in the crap they have been throwing for years now.
An interesting little tidbit of information I came across while reading about these riots:

It seems that France attempted to solve its discrimination problems by essentially ignoring the fact that there was a problem. In the end they had massive discrimination problems because:

"People have it in their head that surveying by race or religion is bad, it's dirty, it's something reserved for Americans and that we shouldn't do it here," said Yazid Sabeg, the only prominent Frenchman of Arab descent at the head of a publicly listed French company. "But without statistics to look at, how can we measure the problem?"

So the problem was allowed to thrive in silence with this end result:

"Karim Zeribi, a former soccer player and political adviser, said a study he carried out earlier this year found that résumés sent out with traditionally French names got responses 50 times higher than those with North African or African names."

You can't leave your problems safely in the past until you SOLVE them, and before you can solve them you must acknowledge their existence.

smo1704 said:
You can't leave your problems safely in the past until you SOLVE them, and before you can solve them you must acknowledge their existence.
Agreed, and I understand the reason for the riots, but nothing justifies what they are doing. Sorry, lighting a woman on crutches on fire nullifies your side of the argument completely. The rioters are animals, and should be dealt with severely. Destroying property is one thing, but intentional violence against completey innocent bystanders (even FRENCH bystanders :eusa_ange) is utterly repugnant.
GoingNova said:

Agreed, and I understand the reason for the riots, but nothing justifies what they are doing. Sorry, lighting a woman on crutches on fire nullifies your side of the argument completely. The rioters are animals, and should be dealt with severely. Destroying property is one thing, but intentional violence against completey innocent bystanders (even FRENCH bystanders :eusa_ange) is utterly repugnant.
I agree on this count; such behavior is not justified. ("He who strikes the first blow admits he's lost the argument." - Chinese Proverb) However, I was not attempting to justify the rioters behavior. My criticism was directed toward the French method of problem solving, which seems to consist of retreating from every problem they encounter, internal or external (often while simultaneously declaring their moral superiority for doing so).
I think America needs to let France burn. They have it coming anyway. Let them burn and lets fix our own problems.
what and not go further into debt? oh no the US could never not help another counrty i mean why help your own people when you can "save" the world
Yea I agree with you, to a point. We need to help our own people more, but we must keep a active roll in the world. Or one day we will wake up to find the Chinese invading us.
There are times that I wonder why the States are being so "generous" with their money. I can never understand why they are so quick and ready to help those who do nothing but bad mouth and bash Americans. I'm not sure I could be that forgiving.
Yea, I know screwed up. I wish I could run for president; I got nothing to gain so I would set the world and our country straight. I would first stop giving money to foreign nations, and tell everyone that hates us to go and $%^& themselves. I would also give the finger to the oil industry and push forward hydrogen powered vehicles.
but that is because you are a rational "normal" person and not a polatition, people who are in politics are just making the rich richer and the poor poorer, republican democrats they are all the same although the democrats seem to have more fun