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Well lets see here Lobo....I guess I'm just being aggressive with only you my friend..lmao
Why are You so aggressivery abusivery ignor-rant in such unhuman way?
Why are You Huh-ing unrespectably? What is a nature of Your such unhuman ranting?
Awwww shucks you really like me don't you....*blushes*....
Why are You wickedly ignoring questions from respectable soupers?
Thats okay Lobo you didn't have to answer that question....I know how much you really like me...lmao...:)
Why are You so annoyingly aggranoying? Why are You always confronting? Why do You hate soupers?
I don't hate anyone here Lobo and you should know that.
Why did You tell that? Is it really true?
Lobo for you information I like all the soupers here including you. So now that we have that out of the way...

I am the last post and winner.
Why did You tell us that You do not see respectable soupers around?
Who said anything about me not respecting other soupers? It is only you and me in this thread Lobo. We are the only ones who are posting here and by golly I respect ya man....
Why did You tell me that You do not see respectfull soupers around?
Why do You think that respectful soupers aren't there?
Awwwww!!!! Did you tell that You do not respect all soupers at that thread?
Why are You so evil?
You are making too much out of this Lobo.

salut mon ami..au revoir
Do You think that it is normal that somebody disrespect You and Your society?
Aren't you doing the same thing with putting Earthlings down Lobo? Hummm?
Why are You so arrogant to non-earthlings? Why do You disrespect them?
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