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Winner.....Last post

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Why am I posting here? Well to answer your question. I post here because I want to be the last post and winner.

And if I am irritating respectful soupers, I'm sure they will tell me.
Why are You ignoring when respectable soupers are telling You about?
Tell me one person Lobo whom I am ignoring?
Because you brought up the subject..Now I asked you a question. Tell me one person whom I've ignored?
Why are You pretending that You do not know whom are You ignoring?
Why are You ignoring good and respectfull soupers?
Your not answering my question Lobo...Why are you diverting the subject?
Why do You think that ignoring of respectable and friendly environment will remain without punishment?
I'm going to be punished Lobo? By whom Alien? or would that be from you?
Why do You think that You can humidiate soupers community if nobody can punish You? Why are You so evil?
If I am humidiate soupers community then I'm sure they would tell me Lobo. This is your assumption my friend. And I'm far from evil. And why are you not answering my questions?
Why are You ignoring wows going hrom humidiated hearts of soupers community? Are You so obdurately cold-hearded?
You haven't answered my question you....you pea brain mush mellon...:tongue:
Why are You insulting us? Why are You so rude?
No your the one being rude....you won't answer my question. I would consider that rude wouldn't you?
Why do You make suffering our hearts? Why are You such a artrocious?
You mean suffering your heart Lobo? And I'm not a cruel person. It is you mon ami that will not have the decency to answer my questions.
It has been five days and no one has posted in this thread. Therefore I declare myself the last post and winner.....yeahhhhhhh!!!!!:yay:
Hi Curmudgeon glad to see you back in Alien Soup. So where have you gone off to? Did Alien send you away on another adventure?

By the way I am the winner. :tongue:
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