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WWYD - Car door hit another car


Part Of The Furniture
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In early January on a very windy Sunday my husband opened his car door and a gust of wind grabbed the door forcefully and it hit the next car. This happened at church.

Left a note of apology on the car because we didn't know whose it was. Got a call the next week from the woman (mid-60s) who said her son knew someone at a body shop and she would ask him to help her get an estimate "It wont be that much" she said confidently.

The ding is pictured below. The paint is not broken, but it does have a scuff.

This is a 1999 Escort - It is in good condition with no other body damage/etc. Still, a 13-year-old car.

We didnt hear from her for about a month so we were hoping she was just going to live with it and not get it fixed.

About 2 weeks ago we got a phone call from her saying she was putting the estimate in the mail. I guessed it was higher than she expected or she would've just given me the figure over the phone. Her son's friend's shop would charge $385 for tapping it out then sanding and repainting. Our insurance deductible is $500 so that is no help.

My husband called and said it seemed ridiculous to pay nearly $400 to repair a small dent in a car that is worth $2-3,000. He offered to pay her $200 as compensation for the damage. She said she would talk with her son (she isn't married so I guess she consults with him on these kind of things)

Earlier this week she mailed a second estimate from a different shop, was $388. I didn't know how to respond, still thinking about it, so I didn't call her.

This morning she calls at 8:20 a.m. (@#^$&*^&*#Q$^@#*$).

She asks if we got it, and she said she would "accept" $300 for it, but only as a cashier's check or money order, not a personal check.

I know it doesnt' make a lot of difference but our cars are also old, and we've gotten dents (some much worse than hers) from drivers who drive off and leave no notes. We haven't gotten them repaired because they don't render the car un-driveable and the thought of putting that kind of money into a repair of a functional car seems senseless.

I told that to her and so did my husband, but obviously it is her car and she can do what she wants.

The thing that upsets me more than anything is her rude insistence on a cashiers check/money order. We have gone to that church - as attenders not members since we are planting a church for a different denomination- for more than two years. We have given money to the church many times and none of our checks have ever bounced, not that she knows that but its just beyond believeable that she would say that to me.

If we are the kind of people who would give you a check that bounces, then we are ALSO the kind of people who wouldn't put a note on your car when there is a ding. If I gave you a check that bounced, you would be calling me and asking me to pay the fees. Why on earth would I give you a bad check?!?!?

Sorry for the long diatribe, but very very frustrated, and just wondering whether I'm crazy.

I don't understand why these shops wont offer her paintless dent removal - maybe because she WANTS the paint redone, but its not cracked and would not rust at the location, I don't think.

Should we:

1. Ask if she will permit a third estimate from a paintless dent removal company
2. Send her a $200 personal check and tell her we consider the matter closed.
3. Send her the $300 money order and fume silently
3. something else?

I want to do the right thing but I think this person is not being reasonable. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

What do you think? (uploading photos now)

Call your local Dentbusters. They charge about $80 for this type of thing. Give them the deets, then once they tell you a price, write the phone number on a piece of paper for her, and give her however much the cost is in cash.
somebody should be able to pop that out...........I would call her tell her you will arrange for the repair and send the repair person to her ask her what day is good for her and her address..........I wouldnt give her a copper penny id give the check to the dent popper people

And tell your DH now would be a good time for the "EVEN if it bites you in the rear, it is still valid to DO THE RIGHT THING..." sermon.

somebody should be able to pop that out...........I would call her tell her you will arrange for the repair and send the repair person to her ask her what day is good for her and her address..........I wouldnt give her a copper penny id give the check to the dent popper people

Somebody could pop that out with a plunger, literally, and it would need no paint attention at all.

Nice lady!
And if her "son" had a "friend" with a shop, they would fix an old lady's car for free.

The world is full of assholes!
I really thought of calling someone with one of those plungers who could come to church during Sunday morning hours and just having it done while she's inside.

Still thinking about that.....
Your insurance or her insurance would only send out dent popper people for a car that old and that minimal of a dent. They would not send her to a body shop.
I would tell her you have to go through your insurance. Even if you have a $500 deductable. This person sounds like someone who is going to be trouble so it's better to have it all official, your going to be paying either way.
If you decide to do anything involving money I wouldn't be giving HER the money. She will take it and use it in whatever she wants and the dent will still be there taunting you. Only an idiot runs to a body shop to gussy up a car from 1999.
I wouldn't "live" with a dent like that in my door if it was my car, just my personal preference. If it was my car and even if it is old it may have very low miles and be in good shape and she may be planning on keeping it for a long time. I have had dents fixed at dentbusters or the like and it was well over $100 and that was many years ago. There are also different types of dents, some cannot just be plunged out. She should try to have them look at it though, I think some make house calls.
I commend you for being honest
I know it is a tricky thing--because of wind and who is at fault
I know we had something happen where the car door did the same thing because of the wind, and we were told that you have to expect that when you are parked next to someone--it is just an act of nature. (this was by a friends car, she had called the cops so she could report to insurance company--and they told her it is private property and to expect things like that when it is windy--and really there is no case etc)
So--good for you for doing the right thing.
I would pray about it, pray that the Lord lead you to the right decision. I don't think people realize that we all don't have just a couple of hundred dollars sitting around-and that it can be a hardship on people.
Do you know of anyone that knows the family? Anyone in the church that could vouch for your honesty etc?
I too would try and get an estimate from dent busters or a company and see what they say
I know with our latest accident--I thought the damage to fix our car would be minimal--and was shocked at how much they came back with the fix the car. It all depends on how much time has to be put in and how much paint cost etc---do they have that color available since it is an older year-or are they going to try and match it.
Silly things like that.
You were in a church parking lot and a gust of wind was a major factor to the damage. I'm thinking this has "act of God" written all over it.

Do the $80 repair and give her $100. Done, end of it.

Also explain that you will not be held resposible for any damage caused by a group of kids holding keys that may or may not look just like yours. :lol:

I agree with others suggestions on the $200 cap.

I miscalculated once and scratched the car next to me when pulling into a parking spot. I was able to wipe off most of the "scratch" as it was mostly paint transfer. The car was in average condition - a 2000 Nissan. The scratch was on the passenger's drive side door. Personally I would have said no worries if that was me, but everyone has their own feelings. This person decided to file a claim. $800 later & a double in my premium I learned my lesson. Doing the right thing ain't always right.
Quite a few years ago, I went to a Walmart. It was a very windy day, and my parked 6 months old new car was hit by a shopping cart. Walmart would not cover the damage. I called my State Farm agent, and was told that it was a collision. Anyway, I took my car to a Toyota dealer to get an estimate. Fortunately, the person at the desk worked for State Farm before. He told me that it was "an act of God" & the comprehensive should cover the damage instead of collision. He called my insurance agent right away. It took him a little bit of time to convince my agent that it was "an act of God". As a result, my premium didn't go up and I didn't have to pay any deductible (no deductible for comprehensive).
Am I really the only one who wouldn't have left a note? :9:
Am I really the only one who wouldn't have left a note? :9:

lol...one of the reasons I love you! We think alike....I wouldn't have either...especially if a car was that old...heaven knows that noone ever leaves note on mine when they ding my car!
Am I really the only one who wouldn't have left a note? :9:

I'm not sure if I'd have left a note, but I'm pretty sure that if I did my name and contact information wouldn't have been on it. :lol:
I would definitely make sure that if she does end up saying I will accept X dollars that you have her sign a sheet stating that she is accepting this money in exchange for having the car repaired. Just to make sure you are covered and she can not later come back for more. I also would make sure that you make a copy of the cashier's check.

Sorry that this is happening - I commend you and your DH for doing the right thing....
I have a very, very large dent that a paintless dent removal shop in Naperville wants $200 to take out. I thought that was too high so I'm still putting it off.