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Your member name meaning.....

I picked them up MANY times and at first paid her asap and then I think I started bringing her the money on the next trip. I have done that with many others with NO issues. Hard to remember since it was back in 2007. But I think that is what happened. I have the money RIGHT now to pay her. I owe her $514.60.

If nobody wants to trade with me I will understand. BUT I have taken care of any other trades. (And I have tried to take care of this one)Whether is was on FW, Dagg, HCW, or here. Rhonda did a couple trades on here and so have I.

I was thrilled when I thought I could take care of this back in July of 2011. Barb jumped in to help me. I even at one point had planned to call Barb way back before I stopped coming to CW but Rhonda told me not to get her involved. I shouldn't have listened to Rhonda and just called Barb. I'm sorry for getting Barb involved. She jus posted something back in July of 2011 that Rhonda told me about saying a member her owed someone money. That's when I contacted Barb to see if she would help me at that point.

I don't want to owe anyone anything. And I don't except for Sandy. And I will be glad if I can FINALLY get this mess taken care of. I appreciate anyone who is willing to help me.

I don't know why Sandy never got back to me. I can't understand it either. The one time (and ONLY TIMER) I did hear from her she said her mom was ill and could use the money) So why then to reponse with how to pay her. I just don't understand this. And this has really dragged on and effected me. I never thought this would turn out this way.

I did all of this back in 2006/2007. So I no longer have any of her info except for her e-mail address. I only went to her house back then a couple times. Other times I meet her someplace. So I would have NO idea at this point how to get to her house or what her address is. I just know she lives/lived close to Racine.

So which is it?
Wow..............there's gonna be a lot of interest to tack on............a_s_b can you calculate that for her? :stir:

She's not even willing to pay a paypal fee.

This is all crap.
I just wanted to clarify that I believe it was me who started this whole Tracy thing and for that, I apologize.

Rhonda did pay me for Kohls coupons. There were issues (had to wait which was fine, what was worse was the 5 or 10 PMs about oh my friend and I did this all wrong now how do I fix it). My making a joke here in the thread, it seems I inadvertently sparked all this nonsense, which explains some of the nonsense I have had in PMs. Rhonda, whomever you are, you are running on at the mouth and over-compensating and doth protest too much and you are just making it worse. Nobody would have known any of this if you hadn't gone off on your silly "hey it wasn't me!" speed-rap.

Anyway. I am a pretty loose trader. I hope it won't cause me trouble that I sent andystowing $$$badda$$$ching$$$$ this morning in the hopes that I will get a box in a week or so ~ :lol: ~ (and I am JUST KIDDING, I know there is no danger with Peggy and even better, I know heavy traders like me take risks and sometimes we get burned but I have traded a lot of $ lately for a lot of product and not one CWer has stiffed me :) )

Except one CWer (not Rhonda). Who sent me a PP fee payment for Kohls coupons and when I asked to have another payment sent to cover the fee, I have been ignored. Good thing I keep a notebook :)
why didn't you pay her when you picked up the stuff?

Don't MOST people enjoy getting paid at the time of service....

Can't you look up her name and address in whitepages?

She had SO much stuff we just shoved it in my car. I wouldn't have anyway of knowing at the time of pickup what I owed her. if she would have demanded payment asap I would have had to know how much that was. She was ok with how we were doing things. If not I would have done things differently. I have picked things up before and paid them asap. And we did do that at first. I work with how people want to do things.

I don't even remember the exact city she lives in. I just remember it was around Racine. BUT if I should just paypal her at the e-mail I used back in 2007 I will do that. I didn't even remember her e-mail address until I got it from Barb back in 2007.
I just wanted to clarify that I believe it was me who started this whole Tracy thing and for that, I apologize.

Don't be. Threads like this are pure gold.

Why should she pay the fee?
Why didn't you pay her at the time you took the items?


I don't want her to pay the fee. That is why back in July of 2011 I asked for her address so I could send her a check. I just needed the address and didn't get it.

If I have to pay the paypal fees so be it I will do that!
ok, only skimmed through this, but will give the whole story

back in the good old days of lots of freebies and when I had Jewel, I would sell my excess to Tracy/Rhonda to sell at her store

we did it several times and it was always just a cash basis(she usually did not pay right away but I was trusting)

This last time she came and got a bunch of stuff(the $500) she suddenly wanted to be some sort of business transaction where I would have to pay taxes on what I sold to her. This was told to me AFTER SHE HAD ALREADY TAKEN MY STUFF. If I had known that ahead of time, I would not have done it because I did not want to deal with that crap. And since then, I have not sold to her.

I told her I wanted the money given paid in the same way we had in the past.

Did not hear from her for awhile, and then did ...maybe about 6 months ago? She said she had the money, and I said great! But again said that I did not want to deal with the tax issue. After that, I did not hear from her(unless her email is somehow lost in cyberspace)

I will happily take the money Tracey, via paypal or other method. Would not really want a personal check. You already have my pp addy. If you need anything else, LMK

I need that money because I promised Ernie and Barb and lunch, and I owe them!

oh- ps- I don't appreciate being called a liar
Man.... I still don't get it. I am not trying to gang up on you Rhonda/Tracy but I want to try to understand.
If you picked up "MANY times", how did you not know her addy or directions?

I got the address way back in 2006/2007 when I picked up. I only picked up from her house twice and got directions at that time. After that I meet her other places to pick up.
Well there you have it! Send Sandy the money thru PP and you pay the fee. Done
That's great and all but what does your member name mean??? ;)

ok, only skimmed through this, but will give the whole story

back in the good old days of lots of freebies and when I had Jewel, I would sell my excess to Tracy/Rhonda to sell at her store

we did it several times and it was always just a cash basis(she usually did not pay right away but I was trusting)

This last time she came and got a bunch of stuff(the $500) she suddenly wanted to be some sort of business transaction where I would have to pay taxes on what I sold to her. This was told to me AFTER SHE HAD ALREADY TAKEN MY STUFF. If I had known that ahead of time, I would not have done it because I did not want to deal with that crap. And since then, I have not sold to her.

I told her I wanted the money given paid in the same way we had in the past.

Did not hear from her for awhile, and then did ...maybe about 6 months ago? She said she had the money, and I said great! But again said that I did not want to deal with the tax issue. After that, I did not hear from her(unless her email is somehow lost in cyberspace)

I will happily take the money Tracey, via paypal or other method. Would not really want a personal check. You already have my pp addy. If you need anything else, LMK

I need that money because I promised Ernie and Barb and lunch, and I owe them!

oh- ps- I don't appreciate being called a liar
So which is it?

I picked up twice from her house and then other times meet her places. One time in a Sears parking lot at the Dearfield Mall. (I think that was the name of it) Right off Hwy 41.
So who's lying? :bee: