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Your member name meaning.....

Mine's kind of duh too...pastor's wife. ;-) My man set it up for a user name years ago and it stuck. I teased him, did the 1 mean I was his number one and only or just his 1st wife. ;-)
equallyyoked comes from...you guessed it...The Bible! :hiphip:

There is a verse that states that we should not be unequally yoked. So, I wanted to marry someone who also believed in Jesus making us "equallyyoked". Good thing that my DH had the same goal in mind as far as marriage. We have different opinions about different things in life but our core is that we have the same foundation.:dance:

Valerie, I almost explained this in the "who are you thread", that you started. Then was going to start this exact thread but kept forgetting:)

Focadima, We are bday twins AND we both have a son named Carter!!! :cartwheel:
I think mine is pretty obvious...since someone on superjill's site already had the name spelled correctly: couponaddict, I chose a more phonetical spelling kewponaddict...pretty unoriginal but describes how I feel about coupons! :)
Technically Valerie is correct. :lol:

(aren't 3/4 of her name soccer players?) :9:

well yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but if they played hockey or badminton, wouldn't it still be the same? :lol:
My name used to be RGIRLSK8-a name I used as our girls did skate for years and although I never thought they would be in the Olympics, I thought they would skate through High School. I took them out of skating cuz with all the complaining they did I felt that 13 years was long enough. But We all miss it so my oldest is thinking about going back. LOTSACOUPS comes from a book I read where the lady worked for a direct mailing company called-ready for it-LOTSACOUPS. I LOVE to read even more that shop or save money but everytime I sit to read I fall asleep now. Oh the joys of old age.
well yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but if they played hockey or badminton, wouldn't it still be the same? :lol:

I'm sure if they played hockey or badminton, Valerie would not have guessed soccer. She would have guessed hockey or badminton. :bowing:
ennui--synonyms tedium, boredom, listlessness. HaHa I thought it was like a threat-In You Eye. Like a poke like the Three Stooges would do..I am so cultured!
Technically Valerie is correct. :lol:

(aren't 3/4 of her name soccer players?) :9:

I'm sure if they played hockey or badminton, Valerie would not have guessed soccer. She would have guessed hockey or badminton. :bowing:

:lol: yes, i REALIZE that too, but i ASSumed Valerie was guessing soccer because she knows that Lisa watches lots of soccer, goes to lots of soccer games ....... so the sn doesn't have to do with soccer per se, but it being a blend of the kids' names, some of whom, yes, do play soccer

I KNOW what you mean and you KNOW what I mean, right? you're doing this just to mess with me, right? :tap:
ennui--synonyms tedium, boredom, listlessness. HaHa I thought it was like a threat-In You Eye. Like a poke like the Three Stooges would do..I am so cultured!
Hey, don't knock Misters Horowitz, Feinberg & Horowitz, they were geniuses. I love them. I can take or leave the 3rd Mr. Horowitz

But feel free to mock Joe Besser & Joseph Wardell, they sucked. :lol:
mine is wc for west chicago where I live and jost for my last name.

my DH has several brothers with families so we are the West Chicago Josts, there is the Algonquin Josts, etc.
Did you all know there is a member on here that we all call the same name and that's not even the correct name?!?
Did you all know there is a member on here that we all call the same name and that's not even the correct name?!?

Hopefully this riddle will be solved by the time I get back from lunch. :lol: