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  1. C

    Girl With a Dragon Tattoo (2011)

    I have not seen the Swedish version, but now that you have mentioned it I do wish to see it now. The trailer for the Swedish version is here at It looks pretty intense, exciting, and action-packed. I have read reviews comparing the two, and...
  2. C

    Grey's Anatomy

    You must very sad that she is leaving at the end of this season; do you have any predictions about how she will exit the show? Most characters tend to have rather dramatic exits, and I can not see how she would be much different.
  3. C

    Online or TV?

    If I had a huge tv with surround sound I would definitely watch this instead; it just can not compare to a pc screen. I suppose you can always move a comfortable chair or couch in front of your pc if you had to, but the screen size would still be bothersome. Plus, a tv forces you to sit further...
  4. C

    Third world war soon

    Hopefully world war 3 will not start, as there are some very powerful and dangerous countries with advanced technologies that could cause a lot of destruction (not *cough* Iran or North Korea though). World wars usually start months in advance, and their beginning is actually much more obvious...
  5. C

    Do animals have feelings?

    I think animals can have feelings, yes; the animals that seem to have the most feelings are mammals that are raised and owned by humans (dogs and cats, for example). Those that are raised kindly and humanely will react to people more, move people more, and act in sync with humans even sometimes...
  6. C

    Other Worlds than ours

    In terms of other planets, I do believe that there is life and possibly other civilizations on other planets; in terms of other worlds on earth, there could possibly be other worlds that exist, yes. There could be underground worlds that we are not aware of, or subterranean worlds beneath the...