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  1. C

    ^ person above you

    ^ third cousin of rebecca lobo?
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    A-z Game

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    The City Game

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    OJ Simpson
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    SUPERSIZE ME-the movie

    I saw it too. I liked it a lot. Really exposed the fast food industry, and other mass-producing food industries. I've definately changed my diet since seeing that movie. I think they should show that movie to health classes around the US, maybe the kids will get a better sense of what they're...
  6. C

    Just one of those days.....

    Ever had a day that seems to have just (excuse my language) s**t on you? That was today for me! First I get a letter in the mail from my college. Yeah I know I :censored: up last semester (I failed the whole thing due to personal problems) but they sent me a letter saying that they are...
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    Any Pets? I got a Yorkshire Terrier :P

    I have a golden retriever named Daze... and two cats, Ija & Malice. They're my babies!
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    Have you thought about getting a P.O box? That way if you're not able to move out immediately, at least a little bit of your life can remain personal....
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    who is your Favorite cartoon character?

    Sailor Moon Smurfette Cinderella Tinkerbell
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    What are your favorite TV shows of all time?

    Alias Simpsons anything on The Food Network almost anything on The Travel Network 70s Show Ellen Degeneres Show
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    Chillout Album

    I think Morcheeba's Big Calm CD is one of the best chillout CDs. :cloud9: (wow, found the perfect little smilie!)
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    what color do you look best in?

    I'd have to say bright colors- pink, aqua, white, yellow... but stripes look horrible on me.
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    Salma Hayek
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    if you had unlimited buck$ to spend

    I'd buy the Starbucks corporation, an Aston Martin Vanquish, give everyone in the world healthcare, buy an island in the Caribbean & definatly go on shopping sprees in NY, Paris & London. :tongue:
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    is this creepy to anyone else?

    I wonder if he's friends with Michael Jackson.... :eek:
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    A-z Game

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    Cinderella At The Ball

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    Thread Games-The "Would You Rather" Game

    This or That? (Part Deux) angels... north pole or south pole?
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    No More Bored Birds

    That's kind of sad... imagine being trapped in a cage all day by yourself being forced to watch your "friends" freely flying with each other having a great ol' time! The poor birds!