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  1. S

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    I am sitting at the airport in LasVegas after the Mobile Beat show, where we got a lot of support for our actions and more KJs volunteering to do whatever they can to help in their respective areas. The support that Chartbuster and Sound Choice and Stellar got gives me even more resolve to...
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    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    Ernie, You just can’t seem to keep your mouth closed sometimes. You are your own worst enemy. I am trying to prepare for the Mobile Beat show, but you have forced me to waste my time dealing with you. For all of you sitting on the edges of your seats hoping that Ernie is correct, you will...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    THANK YOU DJCC - someone else who "gets it". I had already made reference to the shrinkwrap license before I read your posting, but I am glad to see there are others aware of the LEGALITIES AND LIMITATIONS associated with the use of IP based products and able to quote specific cases to support...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    When we meet on Friday, can you please show me your "single user license" from Sound Choice? To the best of my knowledge, you are going to be presenting your originally purchased Sound Choice CDGs, which have no reference whatsoever to allowing you to copy the songs to a computer. As a...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    He doesn't need one. IP laws state that all rights are reserved to the rights holder unless expressly permitted otherwise. So, in case of doubt, rights that are not clearly defined remain with us until a court orders otherwise. Sorry if you don't like it, but that is the way it is. Sort of...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    PRO - you are so far off base (again). Do you not know what a "shrinkwrap license" is? Although you might have ignored it (along with probably ignoring the Terms and Conditions on websites and the fine print on your Credit card agreements and the limitations in your insurance contracts), I...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    Uh, the "damages" are simple - when an illegal copy was made with no compenstion to the rights holders, they were "damaged", both to their mark or IP rights and to their profits. Again, we are talking about copies for which no purchase of an original track was made - in the case of the media...
  8. S

    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    I said the basis of the case was illegal copying of our CONTENT within which resides various IP rights including COPYRIGHT and TRADEMARK. Not sure why grasping these concepts is so difficult for you, but perhaps that is why you believe your own writings.
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    Exactly my point in stating that the file sharing of 24 files pales in comparison to wholesale copying and commercial use of thousands of pirated files. Which is why we are quite confident that if one of our cases goes to court we will prevail. Don't forget that the crux of our case is the...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    As stupid as it seems ( A KJ helping create his own competition) we have evidence in every locale where we have filed suits that a substantial number of pirate systems were sold or shared by a local host. Where does OUR evidence come from - the people we investigate and settle with show us...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    All in due time. As I have repeatedly stated, you don't know what actions are being taken against the resellers. It took YEARS for the FBI to finally make their move against Bill Bene aka Dan Stearns - but he is going to be toast when they finish. We won't wait that long trying to engage law...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    But she was guilty and she even did many things to conceal the fact that there was file sharing going on - that's one reason why she is being hit with Willful Infringement. As for the fines (punishment) having any direct correlation to the "crime" (as in make the punishment fit the crime)...
  13. S

    cheerleaders come in and sound off

    The Holiday Inn Express is offering a $69.00 rate, which includes a hot buffet breakfast. You just need to email Paige Welch at and include your nights of stay and that you are with the Sound Choice event. She will email back a confirmation number.
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    They are not trying to make an end run around Congress - the award, while incredibly high, is less than the maximum that could have been awarded and Congress and various government agencies (The Copyright Tribunal for one) set the numbers, not the RIAA. The RIAA recognizes the huge negative...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    Pro - you have absolutely no clue what it costs to litigate a Federal case - I suggest that you do what several defendants have done and contact an IP attorney to get a dose of reality. The minimum to go through a Federal case is about $50,000 - I doubt that a defendant could get a lawyer to...
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    Jammie Thomas-Rasset hit with $1.5 in damages

    For those who have not followed this case from the beginning - she was offered the opportunity to settle for $5000 and declined when she got some anti-copyright lawyers to handle her case pro bono. Then after losing once at $88,000, her lawyers wanted another trial and the second time the RIAA...
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    cheerleaders come in and sound off

    I will have the office open on Sunday night from about 6:30 PM until 11:00 ish and Monday from 8:00 AM until ?? Tuesday morning if everyone is having a good time. No particular plans yet for dinner Sunday, although I imagine I will be eating with Debi and Norbert. Breakfast is on your own...
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    cheerleaders come in and sound off

    Here are your hosts: Debi and Norbert from Chartbuster and Kurt and Dora from Sound Choice
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    cheerleaders come in and sound off

    Here is a photo of your hosts: Debi and Norbert Stovall of Chartbuster and Kurt and Dora Slep of Sound Choice