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  1. B

    Yes its true I will be hosting 2 nights in a pub on the famous Yonge Street Toronto

    Yes its true I will be hosting 2 nights in a pub on the famous Yonge Street Toro That's it. Time for me to get my passport so I can finally return to Canada. Back about 10 years ago, I was an inspector for a big roofing manufacturer. My area was Detroit, but that also included a majority of...
  2. B

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    I think you're a genius for being able to decipher anything at all from those posts. I quit trying after the first one.
  3. B

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    Why would they not continue to do business? That is the publishers purpose, is it not? Market and sell the music on behalf af the musicians, composers, etc?? And they can sue for unauthorized use. What good would it do them to stop doing business with a karaoke manufacturer? It almost...
  4. B

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    What does that prove? Do you think that Kurt would refuse to sell Chip a couple of Gem sets? Or that Debi wouldn't sell Pro the Essential 450's?
  5. B

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    Nobody here is stopping them from finding justice. The courts will ultimately be the one's to decide if the manufacturers past infractions impede thier ability to recover losses. I, for one, can't wait.
  6. B

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    It would appear that "those who STEAL music from these manufacturers" are just following the example set for them by the manufacturers themselves. 1. Aquire whatever music you need as cheaply as possible. Of course, free is always best. 2. Pay in full only if, and when you are caught...
  7. B

    I'm back....Thanks for understanding

    Me three!
  8. B

    3rd round hit Florida

    No, you're missing the point. If the bar won't pay more then don't work there. The idea that you can stroll in with a worthless certification or a fist full of Safe Harbor, or KIAA propaganda and magically get an increased rate is untrue. It's naive to believe that somebody's gonna come in...
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    3rd round hit Florida

    I know that there are bars that pay $75 a night, but I also know of bars that will pay more if a profit can be shown. I was also in sales for many years. You either show value in the product that you are selling, or you don't make the sale. Do your local venues have some aversion to increased...
  10. B

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    Businesses and business owners are being put in the position to defend themselves against baseless allegations.
  11. B

    3rd round hit Florida

    And which part don't you agree with?
  12. B

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    OK. Fair enough. It seems that you have no problem relating it in the above situation....interesting.
  13. B

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    Nice commentary, but I'll try one more time for an answer. How many frivolous lawsuits filed against you would it take until you had a "PROBLEM" with them? 1? 2??? Several???
  14. B

    Questions about the Arizona Suits

    I'm gonna assume that you are 100% legit and operate your business totally above board. How many frivolous lawsuits filed against you would it take until you had a "PROBLEM" with them? 1? 2??? Several??? How much extra time per week do you currently have allotted for needless damage control?
  15. B

    3rd round hit Florida

    And this is exactly the thing that has bothered me since the day that I stopped lurking and joined this board. Every last one of us is "SELF" employed. We are not hourly employees...we are not entitled to earn a certain hourly rate simply because we have invested some $$$ in equipment and...
  16. B sued by publisher Seems that both SC and CB, with thier previous licensing issues would have a hard time in court if the defendant decided to use this as a part of thier defense.
  17. B sued by publisher

    I guess if the car stolen from the thief was actually legally owned by him, he could proscute. I just wouldn't expect the now ex-felon to be appointed to head up the local anti-theft task force.
  18. B

    Need to find "Celebrate" by Three Dog Night W/O Backing Vocals

    That's gonna be a tough find. Both karaoke versions I own (CB & SC) both have the backing vocals. I'll keep searching.
  19. B

    Officially Certified

    Too bad the only person in the court system that ever gets to be involved is the clerk?:nopill: Yeah, I know. I'm waiting.:rolleyespill:
  20. B

    Officially Certified

    Then there is a legal system in place to take care of people breaking the law. All of the other bar owners are not permitted to gang up, storm his business with torches and pitchforks in hand, and threaten him into compliance.