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  1. doodlebug1970

    Need Help!!

    voted...second place now!
  2. doodlebug1970

    College Student educating the Power of Coupons!

    That teacher should be FIRED!! How can someone so stupid be educating our children?
  3. doodlebug1970

    DS2 and school

    My DS b-day is August 28th, but we did not send him to Kindergarten when he turned 5. It was a decision we did not take lightly. We kept him in Pre-K an extra year and I am glad we did. He was smart enough to start K but socially he wasn't ready. He needed the extra socialization and a year...
  4. doodlebug1970

    Check him out :)

    Adorable - I just want to squeeze him!! :huggy:
  5. doodlebug1970

    Hey Renea ~ Turn on your private messages, then we can privately contact each other over...

    Hey Renea ~ Turn on your private messages, then we can privately contact each other over CW...go to User CP up on the top, then go to Edit Options and then enable private messaging. :)
  6. doodlebug1970

    Anyone else love thier paper delivery person???

    If you can catch her when she's delivering, I would give her some cash (maybe $10) and then a bag of goodies from your stash. Then she can see that the coupons are being put to good use and benefit from them.....will want to keep on giving!!!
  7. doodlebug1970

    What would you do??? Advice please!!!!

    Amen!!! That's my philosophy!! Great minds think alike!
  8. doodlebug1970

    What would you do??? Advice please!!!!

    I agree...don't give them all the secrets, but you can give them the knowledge to find it themselves. One tidbit of info will lead them to another, which will eventually lead them to all the info they need. If they are serious they keep going and learn the secrets of the couponing trade on...
  9. doodlebug1970

    Can I rant for a moment?

    I had our taxes done this year and I was able to claim the loads of stuff I donated. I didn't have receipts to match up to the items, that would have been more work than it was worth. I just documented my donations with a digital photo each time. He just had me estimate the value of the...
  10. doodlebug1970

    It's OFFICIAL...

  11. doodlebug1970

    Wish me luck!

    Thanks...will do.
  12. doodlebug1970

    Wish me luck!

    Best Wishes to you and congrats on following your desires! My hubby is taking the BAR exam on Tues & Wed in Chicago. For the last 6 weeks he's been prepping for the test and every day this last week he has been studying 10 hours a day...grueling!!!
  13. doodlebug1970

    Chicago Tribune!!

    I soo feel your pain...been there!! They did the exact same thing to me on auto-pay! Just today I had to call my delivery guy, I don't call the Trib CS unless I have to. I was missing one insert and he gave me the low down on why inserts are different in different areas...blah, blah, blah...
  14. doodlebug1970

    Not sure!?!?! You can "friend" Julie also...her user name is her full name.

    Not sure!?!?! You can "friend" Julie also...her user name is her full name.
  15. doodlebug1970

    Thanks! That's so cute...doodlebug is actually one of my cat's names and 1970 is my birth year...

    Thanks! That's so cute...doodlebug is actually one of my cat's names and 1970 is my birth year. We have a few nick names like that for our son too - ones that we really can't figure out how we came about calling him. :lol:
  16. doodlebug1970

    Hi ~ Could you e-mail me the spreadsheet with the UPC's on it? I would really appreciate it...

    Hi ~ Could you e-mail me the spreadsheet with the UPC's on it? I would really appreciate it! My e-mail address is: Thanks in advance!