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And It's NOT The Pirates Anyway- NON-SC!


Bob doesn't do Karaoke! He wouldn't know what the karaoke world is or what it takes to compete in the market!
JoeChartreuse said:
Doin' the best I can, Eric. That's why I try to use the "in my experience" disclaimer whenever possible.

I do know that the economic crisis, exposure to public use of PCs and MP3s, in NOT regional, but nationwide, and have affected all in the business.

Unfortunately, "in my experience" can be read in several ways:

(1) since I have not experienced it I can't even be sure that it exists
(2) since I have not experienced it I am skeptical that you are NOT overstating the problem
(3) since i have not experienced it and probably never will I won't,therefore, give any really credence to it

Meanwhile, you predicted the downside from PC based shows, a REALITY that most couldn't and some just refused to accept and you HAD THAT VISION BEFORE HAVING EXPERIENCE with the actual consequences, thereof!
ericlater said:
Unfortunately, "in my experience" can be read in several ways:

(1) since I have not experienced it I can't even be sure that it exists
(2) since I have not experienced it I am skeptical that you are NOT overstating the problem
(3) since i have not experienced it and probably never will I won't,therefore, give any really credence to it

Meanwhile, you predicted the downside from PC based shows, a REALITY that most couldn't and some just refused to accept and you HAD THAT VISION BEFORE HAVING EXPERIENCE with the actual consequences, thereof!

You could be correct in regard to all the above, except that I am an objective person with a thirst for learning- accepting knowledge outside my experience to help me grow.

Meanwhile, you predicted the downside from PC based shows, a REALITY that most couldn't and some just refused to accept and you HAD THAT VISION BEFORE HAVING EXPERIENCE with the actual consequences, thereof"

I did, simply due to previous business experience, along with common sense. If people perceive that something is easy, they will try it- and they did. It absolutely HAD to happen, and it did.
Thunder said:

Bob doesn't do Karaoke! He wouldn't know what the karaoke world is or what it takes to compete in the market!

If you weren't the one telling me that I'd never believe it considering how much "expert" karaoke knowledge he holds out as having. But if you say he has no experience it makes it easier for me to understand why he is such an ignoramus regarding karaoke.

So what does he do? Face Painting? Balloons? Magic? I can do a little of each!
Searching back through Bob's post, the first appearance he makes on the karaoke boards (that I can find) is when the Sound Choice threads started getting good and hot! Before that he only posted on subjects pertaining to equipment, DJing and live sound!

No point really just pointing out that Bob is not a karaoke host and has no concept of what the markets are!
are you sure of this? Perhaps SC has his number and so you do as well?

Why would Sound Choice even be interested in Bob, he has never run a karaoke show in a public setting? If he has ever done any at all!

From reading his post I doubt that he even has karaoke music in his system. mostly from his lack of knowledge as to what is even available as far as Karaoke goes!
OK Steve but my question is do you have the capability to be factual in what Bob offers? I want you then to determine what I offer Karaoke wise. Perhaps you are all being and all knowing but honestly I think you are very presumptuous in regards to either. however you are an internet lawyer offering alot when it comes to ree advice to a bounty hunt. Carry on my friend.

Why not let Bob, tell me I am wrong? But if you want to confirm what I am saying go back and read Bob's post!
KjAthena said:
I have to agree with you to a point. This economy has driven more people into the karaoke industry. We have always had the "newbie" KJ's that either GREW or fizzled. The preloaded HD's caused a HUGH increase in substandard shows in our area and the falling economy drove venues to using said bottom feeding KJ's. Most bar owners have to learn that you get what you pay for...some go tru 8-9 substandard pirate shows back to back and decide that KARAOKE doesnt work...other may hire and fire 12-14 before they realize they need a REAL KJ to bring in the people and the $$$$ and are willing to pay for it.
We have one venue that we worked for over 5 years and left because we made it look so easy that he hired a KNOWN and BRAGGING Pirate. Fast forward 6 months and 4 KJ's later he wants us back and we are booked for weekends...he even offered to pay more than our regular rate. We told him if we had an opening we would let him know. We are proffesional and do not leave a established show to make $50 more per night.
Small and or beer only bars have always needed the lower cost "newbie" shows(in our area under 175.00 night) But 50.00 and beer show are below bottom feeder level. Everyone has to eat and support the family but we do not look the other way if someone turns to robbing banks or stealing cars/tv's/phones/ect so why the sympathy with stealing music(DJ or KJ)?
I have checked out MANY showes in our area a couple were legal legit newbies and I applaud them and help them in any way I can( I have even given dupe cdg's free of charge to help them) however I can truthfully say 90% bought there HD's from one of the 2 big preload sellers in our area and brag about what a good deal they got...he/they even sold them some CHEAP equipment in the package. IF they even have a mixer they have no idea how to use it(set it and forget it mentality) some do not even know how to use the key changer. These types give the entire KARAOKE indusrty a "black eye".
We have rode the ups and downs of the economy and booms and busts of karaoke popularity for 16 years and hopefully many more. I show little sympathy for theives of any kind. PIRACY is STEALING and I take it personally.

I am off my soapbox now

You are so cool Athena. Stay strong! It's kj's like you that come out on top in the end. I hate knowing there are so many pirated drives out there. It's not the people buying them, it is the suppliers that need spanked!
Thunder said:

Why not let Bob, tell me I am wrong? But if you want to confirm what I am saying go back and read Bob's post!

Yeah! What the hell's wrong with you Jon? :)
Search the archives for: "Davinci code" - that must be how Steve does it.

Why not let Bob, tell me I'm wrong?
...so familiar....... oh yes, that's the Sound Choice way!
ericlater said:
And again, where do you come off ASSUMING how much I work for or what the going rate is for karaoke in any particular locale. I was just in Brunswick, GA. Going rate for disc based karaoke? $75 for four hours

You've demonstrated quite clearly when it comes to the financial aspects of competing in the karaoke marketplace these days that you are completely ignorant of what is REALLY going.

Do you ever take the time to read your own posts?
It's worth a look. Maybe change your avatar to a squirrel chasing a nut? :)

I'll take your word for it that $75 is the going rate in Brunswick, GA (and that you even know where too look) - now, you give me a compelling reason to chase that job? ...or perhaps just why I should be sympathetic to the fool who is?

Insanity is defined as: "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

Do you have an expected date for when then world is going to change and karaoke in bar rooms will become the highly valuable commodity you are dreaming of? When can I expect to track this rebounding karaoke industry on the NYSE?

There is a time, place, and dollar for karaoke. Many of you just seem late, lost, and a dollar short.

You see no denial, as he has said over and over again there is no money in doing karaoke or djing in bars!
Sorry Steve I was being my fun loving self and perhaps a bit KURT. The point I meant to make is tho one might say the karaoke pub gig is not v aluable doesnt mean that karaoke couldnt be presented and make money in another arena. I havent seen him saying he doesnt do pub type karaoke. Has he in fact said he doesnt offer karaoke period? I provide karaoke when it is lucrative and not when it is for beer and Cashews. I love both but wont barter to provide Karaoke hosting services.
Proformance said:
Do you ever take the time to read your own posts?
It's worth a look. Maybe change your avatar to a squirrel chasing a nut? :)

I'll take your word for it that $75 is the going rate in Brunswick, GA (and that you even know where too look) - now, you give me a compelling reason to chase that job? ...or perhaps just why I should be sympathetic to the fool who is?

Insanity is defined as: "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

And that quote exactly reflects the impression you are leaving with us regarding your understanding of the karaoke business, particularly as to your understanding of the competitive and economic factors effecting karaoke rates. But most notable is the revelation that your insanity compels you to ignore the economic model that I provided for one of the most successful multi-riggers of karaoke in S. Florida. Clearly, you will never be confused by the facts. But isn't that particularly ludicrous when you are obsessed with falsely holding yourself out as an expert in such. More insanity?

Or, do you declare that what I provided regarding a 12 gig operator (see website provided) is MATERIALLY inaccurate? Because I am prepared to offer you the opportunity to put up or shut up. If I am wrong, if what I have presented does NOT ClOSELY reflect the economic reality I have been discussing, you get a free vacation to S Fl, worth $1500. If you are wrong, I win $1500

BTW: How's the face painting, balloon making magic show going for ya these days?
Originally Posted by KjAthena View Post
I have to agree with you to a point. This economy has driven more people into the karaoke industry. We have always had the "newbie" KJ's that either GREW or fizzled. The preloaded HD's caused a HUGH increase in substandard shows in our area and the falling economy drove venues to using said bottom feeding KJ's. Most bar owners have to learn that you get what you pay for...some go tru 8-9 substandard pirate shows back to back and decide that KARAOKE doesnt work...other may hire and fire 12-14 before they realize they need a REAL KJ to bring in the people and the $$$$ and are willing to pay for it.
We have one venue that we worked for over 5 years and left because we made it look so easy that he hired a KNOWN and BRAGGING Pirate. Fast forward 6 months and 4 KJ's later he wants us back and we are booked for weekends...he even offered to pay more than our regular rate. We told him if we had an opening we would let him know. We are proffesional and do not leave a established show to make $50 more per night.
Small and or beer only bars have always needed the lower cost "newbie" shows(in our area under 175.00 night) But 50.00 and beer show are below bottom feeder level. Everyone has to eat and support the family but we do not look the other way if someone turns to robbing banks or stealing cars/tv's/phones/ect so why the sympathy with stealing music(DJ or KJ)?
I have checked out MANY showes in our area a couple were legal legit newbies and I applaud them and help them in any way I can( I have even given dupe cdg's free of charge to help them) however I can truthfully say 90% bought there HD's from one of the 2 big preload sellers in our area and brag about what a good deal they got...he/they even sold them some CHEAP equipment in the package. IF they even have a mixer they have no idea how to use it(set it and forget it mentality) some do not even know how to use the key changer. These types give the entire KARAOKE indusrty a "black eye".
We have rode the ups and downs of the economy and booms and busts of karaoke popularity for 16 years and hopefully many more. I show little sympathy for theives of any kind. PIRACY is STEALING and I take it personally.

I am off my soapbox now

I've been giving more and more consideration to Joe C's theory and that has caused me to wonder how many karaoke hosts are leaving the karaoke bar venue business altogether because of the newbies driving rates downward?

MHO? We all should be looking for ways to develop additional sources of income from our rigs.
ericlater said:
I've been giving more and more consideration to Joe C's theory and that has caused me to wonder how many karaoke hosts are leaving the karaoke bar venue business altogether because of the newbies driving rates downward?

MHO? We all should be looking for ways to develop additional sources of income from our rigs.

Not a bad thought. I have been known to provide music and sound for single singer shows. It's not big pay, but it's not big work either...:triwink:

I will say that there is another part of my theory, also witnessed over the years- karaoke cycles.

I know this is a repeat, but bear with me.

Starting at the beginning, karaoke is at a low popularity point, with few shows in a given area. Then the good shows start pushing the popularity up. The good shows start getting VERY long rotations. Newbies note the popularity, and hope to bleed off the excess singers who are looking for more air time- and they do. This continues to a point where everybody and their mother is doing karaoke.

This, of course, means that there is now a large amount of crappy shows.

These crappy shows, along with market saturation and lack of novelty, have a negative effect on the karaoke business in general. Popularity starts to fade.

Shows start to fade as well. The crappiest first, then up the ladder.

We hit another low, but the best hosts hang in there. The cycle begins again.

So to summarize this part of my theory: If you work hard enough, are business savvy, use common sense, and are a good and popular host, you will probably end up OK, no matter what.