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And It's NOT The Pirates Anyway- NON-SC!

ericlater said:

And even at this moment I am willing to and trying to contribute although I have little time left and the remainder of my days are being devoted to putting my business affairs in order, my legal affairs in order, saying goodbye to friends, and insuring my family that I have lived a very full and blessed existence that will soon transition due to cancer.

Wow! My heart certainly goes out to you, Eric. This is terrible news. Regardless of the fact that some just don't get the point you're making (as you know, I have the same trouble), you have contributed much and you have given us some valuable information.
My wish is that you will be able to beat this and spend many more years contributing. ((((hugs)))) to you and your family.
And even at this moment I am willing to and trying to contribute although I have little time left and the remainder of my days are being devoted to putting my business affairs in order, my legal affairs in order, saying goodbye to friends, and insuring my family that I have lived a very full and blessed existence that will soon transition due to cancer.

Dear Eric.
I do appreceate your imput very much. I have only been on this board for a few months and did not have the benefit of your earlier posts. Alot of what you say I agree with and I understand your frustration that the pirates are not being run out of business. We have also spent a tremendous amout on our business and face that frustration. I do not know what type of cancer you are fighting but keep fighting. None of us know how many days we get live each day "putting things in order" but dont give up. May you continue to live a blessed and full existance. I will keep a candle lit for you.

Bright Blessings
Big Joe said:
Well, the ones that are still putting out new material are still getting my support. I don't however, have any insider knowledge of any of thier business records. Perhaps the ones that are not doing well had issues other than piracy that put them in the red. Hard to say from an outsiders point of view though.

You need to look ahead dear friend if you look at the number of manus 4 years ago and how many are left producing today you will see a scocking decease...in another 4 there maybe none and word on the street is that chartbuster is gearing up to go after the pirates
Diafel said:
Wow! My heart certainly goes out to you, Eric. This is terrible news. Regardless of the fact that some just don't get the point you're making (as you know, I have the same trouble), you have contributed much and you have given us some valuable information.
My wish is that you will be able to beat this and spend many more years contributing. ((((hugs)))) to you and your family.

All positive thoughts and energy are greatly appreciated. Since you are a nurse, Diafel, this is what I know.

I have Stage4, non-small cell lung cancer. It has also has metastasized in my brain producing 4 lesions. I have 4 tumors in my chest, at least one in my colon and at least in two other organs!

And while a miracle may come to pass that will significantly extend my time and allow me to experience the passionate business experience I so looked toward for karaoke, I am not sitting around hoping or waiting for a miracle. Once my affairs are in order, and I hope I have the needed time left, I am ready to let go of an amazing existence that lacked nothing and was blessed with everything a person truely needs
KjAthena said:
You need to look ahead dear friend if you look at the number of manus 4 years ago and how many are left producing today you will see a scocking decease...in another 4 there maybe none and word on the street is that chartbuster is gearing up to go after the pirates

4 years ago there were also:

-Many more auto workers employed. Is everyone just stealing cars these days instead of buying new ones?

-Alot less vacancies in the shops and businesses in our local strip malls around town. Were they all put out of business due to shoplifters and break-ins?

-Alot more carpenters working in this country. Did a bunch of guys suddenly steal some tools to allow them to underbid the honest ones who paid for them??

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Manufacturers can take whatever means they wish to protect their property. I will also still have an opinion. When Chartbuster gets involved, I highly doubt they will follow SC's tactics. They still have something to lose.
Big Joe said:
4 years ago there were also:

-Many more auto workers employed. Is everyone just stealing cars these days instead of buying new ones?

-Alot less vacancies in the shops and businesses in our local strip malls around town. Were they all put out of business due to shoplifters and break-ins?

-Alot more carpenters working in this country. Did a bunch of guys suddenly steal some tools to allow them to underbid the honest ones who paid for them??

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Manufacturers can take whatever means they wish to protect their property. I will also still have an opinion. When Chartbuster gets involved, I highly doubt they will follow SC's tactics. They still have something to lose.

All of the above was mainly caused by sending jobs overseas with "undercutting" wages... You can thank "Reganomics" & Clinton's "NAFTA" for that.

Pirates in my area have "undercut" my pricing...

Here's some truth if you dare to look....

Maybe I should send my shows to China... "Get show cheap fun time"
Wall Of Sound said:
All of the above was mainly caused by sending jobs overseas with "undercutting" wages... You can thank "Reganomics" & Clinton's "NAFTA" for that.

4 years ago there were also:

-Many more auto workers employed. Is everyone just stealing cars these days instead of buying new ones?

Foriegn cars aren't coming off the boats any more. The majority of Toyota and Hondas are made right here in North America. Now, the unions are no longer getting their inflated wages any more...I guess if you wanted to equate the unions with say, a Karaoke host that thinks he's still entitled to make the same wages in this economy as he did 10 years ago, I could agree with that. Does that make all the auto workers that accept todays wages pirates in your eyes???

-Alot less vacancies in the shops and businesses in our local strip malls around town. Were they all put out of business due to shoplifters and break-ins?

Many just weren't offering products or services that were affordable to allow thew to stay in business. Maybe they didn't have good long term business plans. Hard to say.

-Alot more carpenters working in this country. Did a bunch of guys suddenly steal some tools to allow them to underbid the honest ones who paid for them??

Pretty much can be attributed to the same reasons above, along with a global recession.

Pirates in my area have "undercut" my pricing...

So what if a host with a 100% legal library decided he could do the same and undercut you. Who would you call on to put him or her out of business???

Berkeley, huh??? Makes sense. Any future political discussions you're interested in having??? Gladly meet ya for a couple hours in the Politics Board.
ericlater said:
All positive thoughts and energy are greatly appreciated. Since you are a nurse, Diafel, this is what I know.

I have Stage4, non-small cell lung cancer. It has also has metastasized in my brain producing 4 lesions. I have 4 tumors in my chest, at least one in my colon and at least in two other organs!

And while a miracle may come to pass that will significantly extend my time and allow me to experience the passionate business experience I so looked toward for karaoke, I am not sitting around hoping or waiting for a miracle. Once my affairs are in order, and I hope I have the needed time left, I am ready to let go of an amazing existence that lacked nothing and was blessed with everything a person truely needs

Eric your attitude is amazing. When your time does come safe and swift journey...may you be remembered into eternity and may your next home be all you could wish for.
ericlater said:
All positive thoughts and energy are greatly appreciated. Since you are a nurse, Diafel, this is what I know.

I have Stage4, non-small cell lung cancer. It has also has metastasized in my brain producing 4 lesions. I have 4 tumors in my chest, at least one in my colon and at least in two other organs!

And while a miracle may come to pass that will significantly extend my time and allow me to experience the passionate business experience I so looked toward for karaoke, I am not sitting around hoping or waiting for a miracle. Once my affairs are in order, and I hope I have the needed time left, I am ready to let go of an amazing existence that lacked nothing and was blessed with everything a person truely needs
Ouch, Eric! Again my heart goes out to you. Take the time, like you're doing, and enjoy your family. Too many patients spend the energy they have left chasing an elusive cure, rather than enjoying what they have left. As you well know, life is too short. I wish you and yours all the best. In the mean time, I'm glad you're still here and hope you will continue to be, for at least a while yet. I don't think we're ready to let you go yet. ;)
Diafel said:
Ouch, Eric! Again my heart goes out to you. Take the time, like you're doing, and enjoy your family. Too many patients spend the energy they have left chasing an elusive cure, rather than enjoying what they have left. As you well know, life is too short. I wish you and yours all the best. In the mean time, I'm glad you're still here and hope you will continue to be, for at least a while yet. I don't think we're ready to let you go yet. ;)
Thanks. You completely understand my situation and that is a comfort. Those who don't understand and make outlandish statements regarding unrealistic possibilities would be the biggest drain on me if I seriously entertained such thoughts!
Alright, now let's get back to the real world.. It seems that Chartbuster is ready to begin their legal maneuverings. I had been in weekly contact with David Grimes, their COO, until he learned of my fate and stopped taking my calls. "Death" does scare lots of people

Has anyone any input on what the CB strategy is?
no chatter hear yet...just that some PI's had been about the are for stellar and CB
ericlater said:
I had been in weekly contact with David Grimes, their COO, until he learned of my fate and stopped taking my calls. "Death" does scare lots of people
Funny how that works, eh? (it's the Canadian in me!) I always find it odd behaviour as well. But then I deal with it more than most, so I guess I have the advantage (hint for those that don't: deal with it head on like it's fact, cause it is. Euphemisms are only used to cover YOUR discomfort, not the patient's.)
Now to the matter at hand:
ericlater said:
It seems that Chartbuster is ready to begin their legal maneuverings.?
What gave you that idea? Care to share what you know so far?
And any ideas if they intend to follow suit and use the same "methods" as SC?
ericlater said:
Alright, now let's get back to the real world.. It seems that Chartbuster is ready to begin their legal maneuverings. I had been in weekly contact with David Grimes, their COO, until he learned of my fate and stopped taking my calls. "Death" does scare lots of people

Has anyone any input on what the CB strategy is?

I'd also like to preface my opinions by saying all my best to you and yours. You've got the attitude of a real champion regarding your condition.

I'd have to believe that the other manus have been watching all thats happened with SC. There are alot of things that could have been handled better, so I would think they would try to be a little more precise in their efforts.

Whatever their strategy is, I hope it would involve some actual punishment if in fact some actual wrong doing has occured. Some big financial penalties for pirates would be nice. Because at the end of the day, if they too only want to sell some more copies of their catalog to people who have no other alternative, it will be hard to claim that they are interested in fighting piracy. Thats a sales tactic at best.

When a crime has been committed, punishment is in order. That is what will make people think twice about trying it themselves. At this point, what's to stop someone getting started from using illegal content. They can use it until they've made enough to buy the real thing, or continue using it until they get the intent to file letter, and then buy the real thing with no additional penalties. If a company truely interested in fighting piracy was willing to sue and take away everything they owned, now that might make some one think twice. That's how you fight piracy.
Joe i'll just let you know one thing that I was told (could even have read it from Sigman Froid!)

that the more people go on about things weather it be Piracy, stealing, or anything - it gets worse because its all in peoples minds

now you ignore things and it soon dies right down to a slow trickle

dont belive me - try it out somewhere
Start a hum dinger of a question and dont reply and watch it die a slow death
and start another one that you reply and force your feelings on and it will stay a hot topic for AGES....

remember if people dont see about things they dont ask, the same with djs, kjs etc etc

so there u have it, a little phycology 101....
"ericlater I had been in weekly contact with David Grimes said:
It seems that Chartbuster is ready to begin their legal maneuverings.
Diafel said:
What gave you that idea? Care to share what you know so far?
And any ideas if they intend to follow suit and use the same "methods" as SC?

This is my understanding of what I believe I've been told as to what Chartbuster intends to do. I may be all wet, which isn't the worse thing that I would have to be dealing with right now:

1. Their lawyers are much more concerned with the “finer legal points” of how the “suits” are established than was Sound Choice. And I have been told that is the case because CB does plan to put some people out of business
2. They are ready to begin legal action
3. They will probably be filing in two states – one new one and in Florida, again
4. SC filled CB in on their targets and made it appear that if CB hit the same operators they’d have easy pickings. I let Grimes know that the operators pursued by SC in South Florida are now devoid of much of any CB product
5. The fees that CB will charge to become legal will based upon the number of illegal CB tracks the operator has, rather than a flat fee of $6500 as charged by SC, regardless of the number of tracks. Which, if the fees are "stiff" enough, that alone could put some operators out of business. Many pirates have every single CB track!
6. Pirates are not going to be offered "discounts" prices on the fees to become legal
PS Unlike SC, I believe that CB is not simply trying to get their "pound of flesh". I believe they have their eye on helping the KJ fight local piracy. JMHO. Oh, I will soon be starting a new thread to discuss the "if you're not part of the solution" thinking!
QUOTE=ericlater;411223]PS Unlike SC, I believe that CB is not simply trying to get their "pound of flesh". I believe they have their eye on helping the KJ fight local piracy. JMHO. Oh, I will soon be starting a new thread to discuss the "if you're not part of the solution" thinking![/QUOTE]

Thank You:tribiggrin::yoBiggrin::yopolitician::sqlaugh:[
Diafel said:
Funny how that works, eh? (it's the Canadian in me!) I always find it odd behaviour as well. But then I deal with it more than most, so I guess I have the advantage (hint for those that don't: deal with it head on like it's fact, cause it is. Euphemisms are only used to cover YOUR discomfort, not the patient's.)
Now to the matter at hand:

What gave you that idea? Care to share what you know so far?
And any ideas if they intend to follow suit and use the same "methods" as SC?


Chartbuster is going for the per song violation, with the fines that the law allows.......... up to $250,000 per song per incident, that way they don't need to do audits!

All they have to do is prove you were using their product on a computer without their permission in a public performance! You see Chartbuster doesn't even care about the 1:1 ratio and clearly state on their website that you can not convert their products, so if you have CDGs they have to run from a CDG player, SCDGs can run from a either CAVs or Computer!

1 song = 1 violation= up to $250,000

3 songs = 3 violations = up to $750,000

10 songs = 10 violations = up to $2,500,000

Yes a much different approach than Sound Choice is using, they aren't interested in allowing a pirate the chance to become legal. And I bet they fast track the cases they file as well!