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Asking for prayers for my family


Part Of The Furniture
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NW Indiana
My DH has never healed from his surgery fully. We were going to go get a second opinion this week because even the physical therapist said it is not normal for him to have this much pain and swealing 4 months post-op. Last night, he developed a large mass on the top of his knee that was painful and warm and we went to the emergency room.

He was kept and admitted and immediately given antibiotics, it appears he has had this infection for some time and his body has been working overtime to fight it per his white blood cell count. Thankfully an entire set of doctors came in to give multiple second opinions and basically he is at the beginning of a bone infection and the mass is not fluid filled, but full of puss and he now has to have surgery tommorrow evening to see what has happened and attempt to get the infected "areas" out.

On top of that, we had a hit and run in a parking lot today when I was out trying to go see a client and stopped at a local store. Car is still drivable, but it is the company car so some headache with that.

I am trying to not be overwhelmed by all of this and I am trying to be strong and not let DH know I am overwhelmed because he is very stressed about the possiblity of being out of work for another 4 months (only 2 more months of his 6 months of disability pay remain) and he is scared he will be in the hospital and miss DD2's birthday party next week, and he has never spent a night at a hospital before.

So much more to type, but I am trying not to let myself be engulfed in the feelings of the unknown because even though when it rains it pours, I serve a God who rains blessing on those who love Him and I am trusting that we will come out of this stronger and closer than ever.

Please just keep us all in your prayers as he goes through this surgery tommorrow and as he works towards getting back fully operational.

Prayers and hugs to you Mrs. M. I'm so sorry to hear it and try to get some rest despite your worries! We are here for you!
Sending positives thoughts your way and hope your DH gets well soon.
:huggy: thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
Sending comforting and healing thoughts & prayers to you and your dh! Hope everything goes well with your dh's surgery tomorrow!
My family will be praying for you and your family. Hope your husband heals quickly and hope your daughter has a good bday party.

How old is your daughter and what is the theme for her party?

Hang in there!
Prayers of healing for DH and support for you :huggy:
Lots of prayers for you & your family and the Dr's now treating your DH. Hugs to the baby on her BD too. Your CW family is here for you. :)
:grouphug: thank you for sharing, will certainly pray for your family, DH and his doctors :grouphug:
warm thoughts and prayers sent your way, mrs m. the Lord certainly tries our faith, doesnt He? i will keep you and your family in my prayers as you go thru this difficult time. we all love you at cw. please rely on us for support, in any way that we can.

HUGE hugs :hug:
Mrs.M your in my prayers and hoping your DH has a speedy recovery.
So so so sorry!!! Praying for healing and successful surgery and a miraculous recovery. Psalm 62 my dear, "I shall not be greatly shaken." Hugs!!!
Hugs to you and your family. I hope everything goes ok and your DH is home for your DD's bday party!
I'm sorry to hear this. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Please keep us updated.