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At what age should people start working?


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I think getting some work experience as early as possible is a good thing. You can get some extra money and you learn what is it like to be working. However, I was suprised to see that some people think differently. My boyfriend's parents, for example, believe that young age is for fun and teenagers should not waste time working if their parents can provide for them. My boyfriend's family is nowhere near rich, but he never worked as a teenager, because his parents didn't want him to.
For me it's kind of weird, but what do you think?
I think working provides a sense of independence that is important to young adults, or adolescents who are about to leave their teenage years. Earning your own money not only gives you a notion of the 'world out there', by forcing you to control how you spent; but it also allows you to reward yourself. Plenty of friends of mine worked where they could so they could go on an interrail.
Around 18 is a good age, I think. :3
I think it's good to start work early because you get to do more things if that makes sense & having experience seems to be just as important as having a good education, I'm currently applying for like weekend jobs at like Tesco and stuff :D
Though I've been earning money in different ways since I was like 12 and I always save up for trips out etc... It's annoying when people are like "Well money isn't a problem for some people" when maybe it's because I put effort into things unlike them?? Haha :p
18. Younger than that it's an insurance nightmare for the employer. If you want to work before then, hope your family has a business you can work in where that isn't so much of an issue.
I think it depends on the child and your family's financial situation! I was pushed to start working at 16 because we were always tight on money. Not just that, but my mother thought it could benefit me. Well, it did! I learned a bit of independence and I think I can function as an adult a bit better than my friends who never worked as teenagers. That being said, I think a minimum hour, part time job is best for teenagers. Something that won't mess up their schooling or take up, literally, all of their free time.

I don't mind if teenagers don't work, that's between them and their parents. I can understand the, "you're young, have fun" approach. It makes sense. I just know that working helped me out. I got to do more as a young adult as well, like roadtripping the US and going to Chicago for my high school graduation, because I had worked and earned my own money while living with my parents.
The "you're young; have fun" approach is stupid, because it implies that adults can't/shouldn't have fun as well.

I don't work and I don't really care. If I started working now, I'd probably be working in retail, or some other tedious job. My goal is to educate myself so that I'll qualify for a job that I actually enjoy. That way, I won't actually have to work a day in my life.
a job that I actually enjoy. That way, I won't actually have to work a day in my life.

You'll find out that you're wrong, the minute something you like turns into a job, you will no longer like it that much, and keep liking it less and less until you hate it.
I'd agree with the UK's "stay in education till you're 18 first" movement. You can leave when you're 16 to get an apprenticeship so I feel all is good with that.
I live in England and you can start working for a company at the age of 16, I think that is a reasonable age, It helps you so much for funds and a social aspect of your life.
I agree with 16.
I believe it depends on the situation. I don't believe people should work while they're studying; although it does help to pay for everything, including some enjoyment, it can also effect their studies negatively.
If a teenager is just leaving school and has no plan of furthering their education, then trying to go straight into work would be ideal. That way they aren't lazing around and such, sponging off of their parents - because sooner or later they'll probably just want to do it with everyone's taxes.

I worked while I was at college, but I was working 3 evenings and 2 full days, while studying 4 subjects at college. I enjoyed the idea of having money to spend on what I pleased too much, and my studies suffered because of it.
I think getting a part-time job would be fine when younger.

Personally, I've never worked. Period.
I really struggled for work. I think having a job when I was younger would have benefited me with experience.
Work when you need money and when you get to 18, think about a job. It's better than leeching off of people. You have freedom.
It depends on the situation. I got my first real job out of high school. My parents felt that babysitting and being a nanny in the summer was sufficient enough until I turned 18. I will always work now. I like being productive and having my own money.
If you can get into a job at 16, go for it, but I'll always recommend going to college/sixth form or university or something like that as it's pretty hard to come by a good permanent job straight out of school. :p
I've always been in part-time/weekend work since I turned 16. I thought it was good as it gave me money to do whatever I want really, but it does get in the way of school stuff a lot, especially when you're say working over Christmas full time when you have exams in January. Revision time really takes a hit.
I don't care about other people, but if I had a kid, yes I would make them try the thing at an early age, esp an uneasy work. The last thing I'd like my kid to get at their early stages is an easy life.
That depends, If I had a kid who was involved in alot of after-school activities and enjoyed them, then no, I wouldn't want them work until they were out of school. But If I had a kid, who just went to school and came home, then yeah, I'd have him work.
I believe that in an ideal world, we would have no need for a job while we got the most out of our education, and we would fall straight into the perfect one after finishing out education. But that's not how it works.

I got a job while I was in college, and it was a bad move. Just the job in general was a bad move - but mostly because of my education. So I'm a pretty firm believer that if you're studying, don't work unless it really is minimal hours and won't effect the academic side. If you're just there to doss (-.-) then feel free to work your **** off.
I think it depends on what you want, what you need and also several variable factors. I for once started working at 22. I thought it was late, but my parents wanted me to finish school and college before I started doing anything else. I must say it didn't particularly interfere on my career, because at my age I hare a nice job and I'm able to sustain myself 100%, while some people who started working at 16 still can't.
I don't think people should start working at a very early age unless they want to or they really need for financial purposes. They definitely should not start to work just cause everyone else is doing the same. You will have a plenty of time in the future to work.