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Like I was told when I first got involved with this site... Your not always going to like what others have to say, and if you can't deal with it... too bad.
Now I have learned the hard way, wanting to quit my first time on the site, but I didn't, I stayed and have actually made some friends on here... but at first kinda hard being told "deal with it"... "heated discussions, can't take it too bad".... "Not everybody will agree with what you have to say or believe in, so"....
I believe you were one of these ppl, So we are not attacking you personally we are telling you what we think is happening, that's all, I myself believe you have great points to share sometimes... Feel like maybe you should just fight a lil harder for them... No big deal, nothing against you personally.
Whatever you say I still stick with my own believes. I am also telling you that not everyone is going to agree with you right or wrong, I am one of these people.
Yes I can read what you said. I am telling you what i've been saying also.
Nightwolf04 said:
Ok I'm confused...is a boy chat but their is females in this...

*sigh* i really need to catch up with you guys...so many new people that i get left out... :(

*misses bit, rascal and pink :(*

Miss you too honey!
Yeah we are a whole other country right now. Tejas, Mexico. All this protesting is really getting out of hand. Just sign the GD immigration reform and get on with it!
Has anyone ever told the Canadians how much I loathe their flag?
They should sign that thing, we got nearly 300 million people living here we don't need anymore.
I am all for the people who immigrate here legally but I think it's BS that we rescue a boat load of cubans knowing full well they are coming here illegaly and instead of bringing them back home we pardon it and let em stay.
Yea then their childern grow up, they send them to college, and now I have to compete with them to get a well paying job.
You think it's bad there? Here you are required to be quadligual to drive down the street. At the inconvenience store you need to speak arabian, at the auto shop it's arabian and spanish, at work it's english, ebonics, spanish, arabian, french, gibirish etc. Se if I knew all that I could get paid almost double what I get paid now.
Screw that I would never learn a new language. That really sucks though.
When you go to a buffet and ask if it's chicken and if it has red pepper on it and they just go ahead and slap it on the plate it sucks. They hear "blah blah blah chicken blah blah blah?".
If you move to this country they should force you to learn English or say your not allowed to live here. Not to mention here some stores are owned by these foreigners and they write everything in their language. That should be considered a form of discrimination and they shouldn't be allowed to do that.