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CW is awfully quiet.....

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I personally like the thanks button because reading 12 pages of thanks to get to see what the deals are is annoying. Personally I could care less who thanks me or not. Who the **** has that much time to care on their hands??

A lot of people apparently. Twice in the last 6 months I've received unhappy PMs over something I thanked. :surrender::surrender:

Now I find myself unthanking posts which I only agree with "part" of what was said for that reason.
I am being very selective in what I respond to.

The Target thread was not deleted in "fear" of Tazznum1. or that she would read it. I have made unpopular decisions in the long ago past...and usually PMed her to let her know what I did and why. But neither of us can PM each other now. So, I have to email her. She has never not stood behind my decision.

I was preparing my account for deletion. Deleting signature, avatar, all my friends, PMs (that no, I can't read here), etc...I deleted all posts that had my daughter's name. I wanted to make me not exist here...so I began to delete all my posts..but at 20 a page and only doing 16 (at a time as I was keeping the very last 4 posts)...I realized that 50,000+ posts was going to take a week. So, I stopped doing that.

I felt like someone died while deleting myself here....and felt that thread is what ruined everything.

I had Joy texting me that that thread had people blaming her for my leaving...I had Joy texting me that FW people were talking about the thread and she was pissed.

I wanted to delete my own posts only....not because I worry about Lex, I have no problem with anything I do to own to her....but because some misunderstood posts cost me something that I loved so much (CW). But even when I delete just myself I get criticized.

so through tears, I deleted the entire thread.

I keep being told not to respond to this...but lies I can't leave posted about me.

There was no conspiracy...no "hide from Tazz" (I didn't realize she was here, I was in my own account most of the time)...BEFORE that thread was deleted the NIGHT before, I emailed Tazz to unmod me. I didn't run in and delete anything that night. I emailed her to remove my account and she wasn't here in minutes.

The rest of the conspiracy theory and hoopla is just that. I have almost always answered for my actions...when I could without breaking someone's confidence. I am no different now.

I'm so used to thinking of her as Tazzy that I have to stop and remind myself that we aren't talking about canadia's son :lol:
I had Joy texting me that that thread had people blaming her for my leaving...I had Joy texting me that FW people were talking about the thread and she was pissed.

That isn't what I said and I still have the texts. I told you I appreciated you making appear that it was all MY fault that you were allegedly resigning as a moderator and that I was tagged in a post on FB (FaceBOOK) not Fat Wallet about who the trouble maker was that was causing drama on CW about mommy blogs.

You are so busy waiting to jump my **** that you aren't even reading what I am writing. Twice now.
But you are fine with screwing with other people's integrity by lying about what they said or didn't say.
A lot of people apparently. Twice in the last 6 months I've received unhappy PMs over something I thanked. :surrender::surrender:

Now I find myself unthanking posts which I only agree with "part" of what was said for that reason.

Seriously?? This is why I have seen other boards implode because someone gets into someone else's business that isn't their business to get into!!!!!! UGH I've seen friendships totally go sour and can never be repaired.

IF something bugs you that much then walk away from it for a day or two then come back with fresh eyes.
Great....now I'm thanking JRL's posts...this world is coming to an end..

I need to go shower or something.

Great....now I'm thanking JRL's posts...this world is coming to an end..

I need to go shower or something.


Makes two of us. Been spending the week cleaning and cleaning. Now I must shower and get my lottery ticket!!!!! **** you hos. If I'm going to become rich I will no longer need to worry about COUPONS.
That is untrue.

Well you sure as hell misquoted what I texted you now didn't you? You asked why I was pissed on the board after I nicely said I would get you the coupon earlier in the morning. And I told you that was before this **** was now on FB and I was getting tagged about the "troublemaker causing drama on CW about mommy bloggers". I still have the texts, but you want to keep on telling your "version" of what was said because it suits your purpose. Which apparently seems to be having a showdown with me. Again, not sure why. Been going on for a while now. Just own it and come out with what your problem is with me already. Instead of the passive aggressive bullshit where you take shots at me and then claim innocence.

I'm a big girl Barb. LOTS of people don't like me here, and have said so. But they've also been honest about WHY they don't. That I can respect. I can't respect the woe is me bullshit. You can't run around taking shots at people and calling other people ****s and then pretend that you had nothing to do with the response that you got.
Reporter20's mom was a Kindergarten teacher....and an amazing woman (still is)

When I worked as a mom volunteer in her room she used to tell the kids that were upset by things other's said about them "Just because someone says something about you, doesn't make it true"

You can and have (to Joy) said many many untrue things in this thread. It is with great restraint that I try to remember that it doesn't matter...just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah I said that about you. You can pretend I'm the problem and I'm the liar until you are blue in the face. Doesn't make it so.
Aw ****!!! You guys are still going at it?! I can NOT waste another day! :tmi:

I didn't even shower yesterday for cripes sake!!! :surrender:

Can someone sum up yesterday for Fiya? kthxbye
I am surprised none of the other moderators here haven't said something to let everyone know reading of personal PMs by mods isn't possible, since they know it's not possible.

For the record, I cannot access pms. Sorry I haven't been keeping up with this thread.
I am being very selective in what I respond to.

Yeah no ****, which is why you are refusing to acknowledge my post about having been the one to send YOU an email that night about the Target thread making sure that you knew I was kidding about the spoon feed comment, and expressing concern about whether you were OK, and telling you AGAIN that I would get the coupon for you.

Nor will you acknowledge that you sent me a PM about the comment how you understood that it was a joke and that YOU needed to lighten up.

But again, I'm the big bad wolf.

There was a "misunderstanding" as you put it. And I tried to repair it, and you acknowledged privately that you overreacted then you posted your resignation. That's SHADY.

But again, I'm the big bad wolf.
I know I'm a dork, I sometimes see if someone thanks'ed me if I think I said something funny :lol:
Cause I'm a total dork and wonder how many others appreciate my humor :laugh:

:flowers: Now that's funny because I use the control panel and thanked posts to remember where I posted because I think I have a touch of alzheimers and I hate the new post button.

A lot of people apparently. Twice in the last 6 months I've received unhappy PMs over something I thanked. :surrender::surrender:

Now I find myself unthanking posts which I only agree with "part" of what was said for that reason.

Wow, I honestly did not know this goes on...I thank any post I want and don't care about the rest.

Makes two of us. Been spending the week cleaning and cleaning. Now I must shower and get my lottery ticket!!!!! **** you hos. If I'm going to become rich I will no longer need to worry about COUPONS.

Ummmmm, yeah, save your cash for couponing...that jackpot is mine...all mine! :snort:
Sounds like time for another round.

:choir: :choir: :choir:


:choir: :choir: :choir:
I'm happy to sing Kumbaya, just as soon as Barb admits she's not being 100 percent honest. This could have been repaired before it became a huge drama, and I TRIED to make it so, and I THOUGHT when I got her PM that she was going to try to lighten up that it was done. Then SHE posted her resignation and set us off to the races.

No, it's better to make it look like I was on a witch hunt and strung her up at the stakes and asked everyone to pass me some matches.

Now I am supposed to sit her and be chastised about why we didn't handle this privately, and why we can't just all get along and why I'm being mean to her when I thought we'd resolved it. But resolving in private apparently isn't as much fun as all this :drama:

I have the PM, I have the email. I don't need her to admit **** in order to carry on with my life, but now MY integrity is on the line. And I'm being portrayed as the villan when I tried to make it good (and I thought we had). I didn't start the fire...
Aw ****!!! You guys are still going at it?! I can NOT waste another day! :tmi:

I didn't even shower yesterday for cripes sake!!! :surrender:

Can someone sum up yesterday for Fiya? kthxbye

What exactly does that have to do with this thread? :snicker:

Fiya's here? :bliss:
UGH! @@

Why did I come back in here at lunch time?! Barb, great to see you back.

Can we all just stop now?! PLEASE! Really people. Everyone says how juvenile things like this are and how wrong cyber bullying is.... Let's be grown ups and just stop this nonsense.

I am out. Take care ALL!
Not to add fuel to the fire or anything but a little while back I asked Joy if she did something to Barb because it seemed like Barb kept making little digs at Joy. Whether or not it was intentional, it seemed like that to me. I wish I could remember the topics, but my brain only has so much room. The only one I remember recently is the traditional home one.

When the "traditional" home thread came up, I had my DH read it, without knowing any of what was going on and he turned to me and said "What problem does Barb have with Joy" (he knows who most of you that I interact with on a regular basis are) I had him read it to see if I was over the top to find it sort of insulting. Most of us read tone into what we read and type, but sometimes we spin it in our head. I wanted a cold read.

So I guess it might be a good time to say that sometimes your post might not be read in the manner you intended it to so what you think is innocuous, may not be seen that way.
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