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Chris said:
Frost can tell you I am a posting machine lmao. The forum I originally met Frost on I had When I left 4000 post in under a year.

The highest post I probably have on any given forum is about 700-800. Most other forums I range from 50-300 ha ha :p
Chris said:
Frost can tell you I am a posting machine lmao. The forum I originally met Frost on I had When I left 4000 post in under a year.

I hope that site died and was swallowed up by the hypocrisy it floated on.

Anyways. :eek:ops:

I often range between 500-1000+
Jordan said:
The highest post I probably have on any given forum is about 700-800. Most other forums I range from 50-300 ha ha :p
I would still be posting there if they were not a bunch of morons lol.
Frost said:
I hope that site died and was swallowed up by the hypocrisy it floated on.

Anyways. :eek:ops:

I often range between 500-1000+
What forum is this you are talking about?

We are sorta a bit off [s:32k6eax2]afk[/s:32k6eax2] XD

Sorry not AFK, Off Topic! Lol :p
Frost said:
I hope that site died and was swallowed up by the hypocrisy it floated on.

Anyways. :eek:ops:

I often range between 500-1000+
I won't argue there with you :p . I know a few people have quit there because of the turn it took.
Jordan said:
What forum is this you are talking about?

We are sorta a bit off afk XD

Nothing big. It was a political site I partnered with another guy on. He screwed us royally. He was a nut job. Glad to be away.

Anyways lets go back to happier thoughts (because I am holding a grudge).
Frost said:
Nothing big. It was a political site I partnered with another guy on. He screwed us royally. He was a nut job. Glad to be away.

Anyways lets go back to happier thoughts (because I am holding a grudge).
Lmao no reason too in reality. You were better off doing what you did. I hope to have a post count like that one this forum.
Wow lol 4000, I usually go from 400-1000 within the year
Nicholas said:
Wow lol 4000, I usually go from 400-1000 within the year
I was hurt bad lol so I was not allowed to do anything. The only thing I was allowed to do was read because I could hold a book, watch TV but since I don't have TV lol, and go on the computer. SO I read a lot anyway. My wife told me to find something to occupy my time. So I tried the forum I was skeptical because things like that never kept my attention before. Though I like Politics (why I mod the Politics forum) and know a lot about history and politics. I loved it so I was there everyday.
Now I want to go back to work I am having trouble finding someone who is willing to give me a shot. I been out soo long most employers are iffy about hiring someone who has been out of work longer then 6 months. I been out of work 2 years.
Yea, well at least you've ran into forums, now you have a great hobby, and goodluck on your job hunt :)
Nicholas said:
Yea, well at least you've ran into forums, now you have a great hobby, and goodluck on your job hunt :)
Yes and I am glad I made a good friend in Frost which made it worth while. I will find something at some point.
I had over 20K posts on SodaHead which is a debating site on politics. I just quit though. Moderators didn't do their jobs, liberals took over and trolled and bullied, the place really went to hell. Kinda disappointing as I was really attached to the place and many of the people on my "side".
I feel you, I was really invested in a Guild Wars forum and when Guild Wars 2 came out the support on it died, I didn't follow GW2 so I didn't move to the new forum.
Frost said:
I had over 20K posts on SodaHead which is a debating site on politics. I just quit though. Moderators didn't do their jobs, liberals took over and trolled and bullied, the place really went to hell. Kinda disappointing as I was really attached to the place and many of the people on my "side".
Well you first mentioned about the partner that screwed you over. How so is this? Care to explain.
Jordan said:
Well you first mentioned about the partner that screwed you over. How so is this? Care to explain.

A moderator took over, she blew smoke up his ****, I disagreed with her...she was running the forum like the nazis, her fan club took over, the forum became a social club, noobs we're being driven off and bullied, and then she lied and made a scandal....and I left out of disgust. I designed the site, I kept the forums up, I did the SEO....I made the mistake...I didn't own neither the hosting or the domain. So when he wanted to stab me in the back there was very little I could do. I suspect he was a pathological liar personally - I tracked him down - he is not what he claims to be. Chris will understand that. It's a really really bitter topic. I'm not going farther into it then that.
hmm, sounds like someone gave in to a girl on the internet, just because she was a girl -_- I've seen it happen in past gaming clans I was apart of.
Frost said:
A moderator took over, she blew smoke up his ****, I disagreed with her...she was running the forum like the nazis, her fan club took over, the forum became a social club, noobs we're being driven off and bullied, and then she lied and made a scandal....and I left out of disgust. I designed the site, I kept the forums up, I did the SEO....I made the mistake...I didn't own neither the hosting or the domain. So when he wanted to stab me in the back there was very little I could do. I suspect he was a pathological liar personally - I tracked him down - he is not what he claims to be. Chris will understand that. It's a really really bitter topic. I'm not going farther into it then that.

Sorry to hear. Sadly I'm somewhat in a similar situation with one of the sites I invested into :( Nothing much I can do about it though now is there. However, I know how it may feel!
Learned my lesson. I wont ever partner up on a site now that I either don't own the hosting...or the domain. I need some sort of tie in that makes it so I can't be stabbed. Then again...I give stuff away all the time. I gave Brandon both a domain and free VPS hosting on a whim. Speaking of which he's been MIA for a bit but w/e.
Frost said:
Learned my lesson. I wont ever partner up on a site now that I either don't own the hosting...or the domain. I need some sort of tie in that makes it so I can't be stabbed. Then again...I give stuff away all the time. I gave Brandon both a domain and free VPS hosting on a whim. Speaking of which he's been MIA for a bit but w/e.
Hes on Skype all the time if you have skype. And ya he was telling about about the VPS and the xenforo license as well lol
Jordan said:
Hes on Skype all the time if you have skype. And ya he was telling about about the VPS and the xenforo license as well lol

idk I tried to help him but he seemed to be on a path of his own so I let him go. He'll figure it out. That's how I did it. Learned by trial and error. Besides as long as I'm interested the VPS ain't going anywhere and I don't mind sharing space with people I know lol