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Fighting Back

It's Karaoke said:
The unfortunate realization is thunder, that these pirates are maggots that will just move around, and pop up someplace else. They're like ****roaches, you drive them out, and they just appear at your neighbors place... Once a pirate taste that easy money, a threat of a so called lawsuit will not get shun of them. They are here, and they are here to stay in one form or another. I am starting to come to the realization, that we had better learn how to deal with them, instead of trying to be rid of them. Educate club owners, keep a keen eye out, and stay within the law, but show the club owners the error of their ways. Sound choice thus far has accomplished nothing that i can see. If you think you've gotten rid of one,maybe two pirates, which you haven't. Then you will spend the rest of your life chasen, and still not be rid of them. Just gotta figure out a way to deal with this problem in a realistic way, thats the best we can hope for......Sad...but thats the way i think it's gonna be.:sqfrown:

I understand what you are saying BUT (man that is a big But), You are not addressing the fact that some of these KJs who are running have already been named in the lawsuit! No matter where they may pop up again they will be in major jeapordy. Now the ones that are running who haven't been named, if these suits are successful it is just a snowball rolling down the side of a mountain, it won't take long before it becomes an avalanche and the vast majority of pirates will be swept away!

Personally I think that the best way to deal with this problem in the most realistic way has already been found and initiated! It is just a matter of time to see it to fruitation!

What the suits in Virginia have already done is educated the venues to look for legitimate KJs and I have already stated in previous post that I am already receiving calls from them! And I have already had offers of more money than I currently charge my established venues.

I have already seen the proof that it is working even at this early stage in the game.

I don't know where you are from or if SC has initiated suits in your area but until they have you have nothing to refute what i have already stated!
It is real simple.
all a pirate has to do is go to an GOOD Trust Attorney and have him make a trust that will suit your needs, and hold up in any court. Your name can not be on the trust to control it or it will be fair game to take. Make sure the trust has nothing in it that is not legal.

I don't own my DJ equipment, pickup, DJ trailer, tools, guns, or home any more, it is all in a trust that my 2 sons are the Trustees of, and the trust takes care of me, and I don't own or have anything to take. I did this after my 2nd divorce and it has worked out great for divorces 3 & 4. There was nothing for those wives to go after and if they wanted to get nasty I could have went after half of what they had. If I want something the boys use the trust to by it and I get to use it, want a new pickup they buy it and sell the old one. You just have to have somebody you can really trust.
Doug said:
It is real simple.
all a pirate has to do is go to an GOOD Trust Attorney and have him make a trust that will suit your needs, and hold up in any court. Your name can not be on the trust to control it or it will be fair game to take. Make sure the trust has nothing in it that is not legal.

I don't own my DJ equipment, pickup, DJ trailer, tools, guns, or home any more, it is all in a trust that my 2 sons are the Trustees of, and the trust takes care of me, and I don't own or have anything to take. I did this after my 2nd divorce and it has worked out great for divorces 3 & 4. There was nothing for those wives to go after and if they wanted to get nasty I could have went after half of what they had. If I want something the boys use the trust to by it and I get to use it, want a new pickup they buy it and sell the old one. You just have to have somebody you can really trust.
yeah BUT doesn't that put your children or whoever you make the trust for liable if you're caught with illegal songs? I couldn't do that to my worst enemy.
"Thunder" said:
Originally Posted by ericlater View Post" said:
I've already answered that question, at least twice. And my strategy will work for quite awhile, and might even still work after the knowledge becomes widespread of what SC is doing.

Simply, ask the suspected pirate. As of now they all still brag about the size of their library. I met a KJ two weeks ago at the Mobile Beat convention in Vegas. Right on his biz card it states he has over 100,000 tracks.

He, BTW, has gotten drift of SC activities and is trying to legitimize his library. That's one instance, and the only instance I am aware of, of SC benefiting the industry by causing someone to purchase a volume of discs. And keep in mind that while his purchases are benefiting the "entire" community of retailers and manufacturers, his competitors, however, are unaffected. He still has the same number of shows that he had before. And he will decide what he wants to purchase, not SC!

Now my strategy:
Just approach the Kj casually, as a singer and ask reasonable, non-threatening questions
1. why don't you have a song book?
2. Golly, your book is huge, how many songs do you have?
3. Your song selection is fantastic and I appreciate that you have SC tracks. Lots of shows I've been to must have purchased their stuff on the cheap because some have virtually no SC (some pirates will proudly let you how what good businessmen they are and tell you that when they purchased their HD they made sure there was plenty of SC tracks included)
4. How long have you been KJ'ing?
5. Did you start off playing discs or have you always be digital?
6. Do you have other "rigs"/shows?
5. I was looking for a song and didn't find it in you book. Might you have it?
(picking something quite obscure to ask about)
6. go to their website. Some have their entire catalog available on line. Some promote how many tracks they have. One pirate I know has 4 rigs and advertises that all 4 have the same exact library!

Again, this is not rocket science. I have asked these very same questions from time to time just to get a sense of what the person might understand about pirating and whether they realized that they are a pirate?

Now my strategy:
Just approach the Kj casually, as a singer and ask reasonable, non-threatening questions And the KJs answers are in red for your questions
1. why don't you have a song book? Don't need them!
2. Golly, your book is huge, how many songs do you have? More than you will be able to sing in one night
3. Your song selection is fantastic and I appreciate that you have SC tracks. Lots of shows I've been to must have purchased their stuff on the cheap because some have virtually no SC (some pirates will proudly let you how what good businessmen they are and tell you that when they purchased their HD they made sure there was plenty of SC tracks included) Well thank you, I am glad you like the selections
4. How long have you been KJ'ing? Too long
5. Did you start off playing discs or have you always be digital? Disc
6. Do you have other "rigs"/shows? No and yes
5. I was looking for a song and didn't find it in you book. Might you have it? If it isn't in the book I don't have it!
(picking something quite obscure to ask about)
6. go to their website. Some have their entire catalog available on line. Some promote how many tracks they have. One pirate I know has 4 rigs and advertises that all 4 have the same exact library! I don't have a website

You are right it isn't rocket science and your question got you squat as far as answers to a person being a pirate or not! With the news of the SC suits all over the country right now do you really think a pirate is going to tell anyone asking questions "hell yes I am a pirate"?


Why not try something new and thoroughly read and try to digest what others have to say. Specifically, reread what I restated above in red. Go to some of the websites of you competitors and see what they still have up. And remember, what I suggested could still be done and could have been done long before now even considering the increased awareness SC's efforts. But again I got that business card with the 100000 song library just a few weeks ago from someone WHO IS AWARE OF SC'S EFFORTS. Do you understand my strategy NOW?

So, as I have suggested, stop making up your own scenarios to fit your weak arguments. I am not even sure what you are arguing about or trying to prove, anyway? SC DOES NOT HAVE A FOOL PROOF STRATEGY AND THE JURY, NOT YOU WILL DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS IN COURT!

And to suggest that someone who is a pirate might not break other laws in trying to defend themselves at a trial is a little absurd. I know that Trademark Infringement is a civil matter and perjury a criminal matter, but to my thinking a person is either honest or not.

And since you have assumed that the accused are guilty, just the fact that someone who you deem to be guilty would go to trial when there are simple means being offered by SC to avoid the trial speaks volumes about that persons intentions when they get to court. According to you, they would have to be committing perjury with any defense they proffer! Because if they are guilty any viable defense would be a lie. Right?
ericlater said:

Why not try something new and thoroughly read and try to digest what others have to say. Specifically, reread what I restated above in red. Go to some of the websites of you competitors and see what they still have up. And remember, what I suggested could be done could have been done long before now as awareness is increasing. But again I got that business card with the 100000 song library just a few weeks ago from someone WHO IS AWARE OF SC'S EFFORTS. Do you understand my strategy NOW?

Eric, I did read it and I understood exactly what you said:

Debra from Mississippi has been a KJ for many years, she is disc based and 5 years ago she stated in print that she had over 125,000 song titles in her library at that time, and climbing! She is still disc based, and runs two systems!

Most of the competitors you are refering to have taken down there websites and any mention of libraries!

So, as I have suggested, stop making up your own scenarios to fit your weak arguments. I am not even sure what you are arguing about or trying to prove, anyway? SC DOES NOT HAVE A FOOL PROOF STRATEGY AND THE JURY, NOT YOU WILL DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS IN COURT!

I am simply replying to your made up scenarios! What are you trying to prove?

What Jury? these cases will be tried by a single U.S. Federal District Judge!

And to suggest that someone who is a pirate might not break other laws in trying to defend themselves at a trial is a little absurd. I know that Trademark Infringement is a civil matter and perjury a criminal matter, but to my thinking a person is either honest or not.

Hey we agree on somethingin part anyway! I however don't believe that the majority of KJs who are Pirates are complete idiots (apparently you do)! It's one thing to have to pay a monetary compensation to Sound Choice for a violation of their trademark rights, it is another to end up with a felony perjury charge and 5 years in the federal pen!

And since you have assumed that the accused are guilty, just the fact that someone who you deem to be guilty would go to trial when there are simple means being offered by SC to avoid the trial speaks volumes about that persons intentions when they get to court. According to you, they would have to be committing perjury with any defense they proffer! Because if they are guilty any viable defense would be a lie. Right?

See you are assuming here not me, I have always maintained that IF they were guilty! However, if their "viable" defense was based on a lie as stated then I certainly see a problem! Could they possibly get away with it, YES it has been done before, but my position is it worth the risk!

Calm done a little Eric I am not calling you a thief here I am just debating the issue nothing more. I know mine makes more sense than yours but that's OK!:sqwink:
I tried to find websites for KJ's in Richmond Va and found not a one.

However, the first two I found looking in Wash, DC. revealed one KJ with a published book by Artists of over 500 pages with 50 items per page. So that's over 25,000 tracks.

The next site stated that he had over 30,000 tracks.

Now, from my limited time on forums, and have found that the most experienced KJ's have claimed that their collections are less than 15000, some less than 10,000. Typically none exceed 18,000!

And I don't know Debra from Mississippi, but she is clearly not an exception that disproves the rules - the typical legitimate KJ doesn't have 100,000 tracks.

So start with those rigs in Wash, DC. If they're legit, no problem. Just move on using the same strategy!

But again you did not read or did not care to digest what I stated. My method works because I have used it. I have had KJ's brag to me that they have every track every manufactured (not likely) but what would you surmise from such a statement? Or, I don't have books because they would be so huge that it would be impractical to put out. Just tell me what you want, I have it!

It's that simple Thunder, Not rocket science!
ericlater said:
I tried to find websites for KJ's in Richmond Va and found not a one.

However, the first two I found looking in Wash, DC. revealed on KJ with a published book by Artists of over 500 pages with 50 items per page. So that's over 25,000 tracks.

The next site stated that he had over 30,000 tracks.

Now, from my limited time on forums, and have found that the most experienced of KJ's have typically stated that their collections are less than 15000, some less than 10,000. None have exceeded 18,000!


Up until a week ago there were several KJ websites in Richmond!

I have already stated that Debra from Mississippi had well over 125,000 song titles in her collection and she is completely disc based with two seperate systems with repeated disc! (bought 2X not copied) I know of another KJ in Penn, that has very near to 100,000 songs and he too is disc based! I have a pretty decent library close to 19,000 titles all on disc. Believe it or not there are a few KJs in this business who have been doing this a long time and have purchased many disc! I don't know what Lee's library is up to but I am willing to bet it is on up there by now!

So is it possible to have a huge legal library YES it is, is it probable NO!
Thunder said:

So is it possible to have a huge legal library YES it is, is it probable NO!

Thank you! So that's where you start. With the obvious!

So the probability that someone is illegal because THEY ARE NOT USING DISCS (DEBRA IS DISC-BASED), and openly promotes and brags about the size of their catalog sound like a pretty reasonable proposition!

To me you're starting with the obvious and why not? No investigators randomly running around. No snitches who might have an agenda. I can't accept that most metro areas don't have a multitude of pirates like those I have here. Some are virtually brand new to the industry and don't know a thing about legalities and what is currently going on.

And your collection, Thunder, is where most other long experienced KJ's are at in size as per my prior post!


And BTW, you've already called me a pirate. But wasn't it you who indicated you have a flash drive at your show with your personal tracks on it that there are no discs for? Maybe I misread that?

As for me, I have not a single SC track for which I do not own the disc! And I have a large enough (legal) library that the that thing I would want to do is to give SC $6500!!!
I posed the following questions:

ericlater said:

And if you know the answer to any of the following questions I have posed, please enlighten us all

1. How does it benefit me when a pirate purchases discs from SC and he stays in business?
2. What agency does SC actually have regarding other manufacturers?
3. Is SC actually auditing all tracks on a HD including non-SC tracks?
4. Without said agency, what can SC do about a pirate who has non-SC tracks?
5. After settling with SC, what will a shrewd pirate do with the thousands of non-SC tracks that are on his HD?
6. What is the experience level and qualifications of those performing the audit?
7. If someone has any substantial number of pirated SC tracks why would they agree to an audit in the first place? Yet, one poster (Mr Cowles) claims he did just that. Why did he go through the audit? Why didn't he just say you got me!
8. If we are to take what Mr Cowles says at face value, he wasn't a complete pirate anyway! He had, from what he says, a much larger investment in karaoke discs than the average KJ! So, IMHO, there are more important "fish" to hook than Mr Cowles in the fight to eliminate piracy, perhaps he was targeted because SC believed that he was in a position to and would cooperate with the settlement offer? And he did to the tune of $13000!
9. Why should I be excited to know Mr Cowles is delighted with the deal that SC cut him?
10. What happens if SC finds one set of SC tracks that was ripped from a disc that is unavailable at the time of audit?
11. What happens during an audit if there is a substantial, or even small amount of missing sales receipts?
12. What about receipts on thermal paper that have faded and can no longer be read?
13. Why isn't SC putting pirates out of business rather than supporting them?

Thunders replies to the above:
Question #1. Thunder's Answer:
IWhen he is investing in the product his bottom line changes and the benifit is the price going up for everyone including you!
My rebuttal: That is a generalization that is in no way true. One local multi-rigging pirate has a large enough following that he CHARGES MORE than the going rate because he can deliver the crowd! So How am I benefited by SC's strategy that keeps the pirate in business (please see #1 and #13)?

Question #3 Thunder's Answer:
Does it make any difference if to Sound Choice audits anyone elses music (probably not) and they don't need to be concerned with it

I agree that they won't be looking beyond their own interests. So you've answered #2 as well. SC is NOT a legal agent for and representing any other manufacturer. And if that's so, pirates with tracks other than SC will be out there, without having their costs increased because SC can't "touch" them. And those with pirated SC tracks can end up having them replaced with legitimate SC tracks for $6500 while retaining 10's of thousands of pirated tracks from other manufacturers!!!!

Oh, I'm not doing this any longer. It has become clear that this general ongoing interchange is quite absurd, or it should be clear to anyone who actually understands the nature and thrust of my questions! Clearly Thunder still doesn't get it!
"It has become clear that this general ongoing interchange is quite absurd"............

I totally agree !!!!

But I Agree With Steve !!!!

Unbelievable !!!

There is no denying that I have a flash drive with my PERSONAL songs on it, that i take to other shows (or used to when I had a chance, I am now working 6 nights a week at bars and clubs!

Here is a list of my songs on the flash drive:

"Friends In Blow Places" lyrics by Steve Miller brand LAME DUCK Productions

"The Sheriff" Lyrics by Steve Miller music composed and performed by Miller & Collier brand LAME DUCK Productions

"Porn Star" (parody of Nickleback's Rock star) Lyrics by Miller & Collier brand LAME DUCK Productions

"Day Dream Creamer" (Monkees parody) Lyrics by Steve Miller brand LAME DUCK Productions

Well you get the picture I am sure! Since no one else can possibly have these songs i think it is alright if I carry them on a thumb drive!:sqlaugh:

BTW Please quote where I said you were a pirate, If I did I apologize for that but i would like to see it so I can make a public acknowledgement of my error!
Thunder said:

Let's try that again

OK I am going to ask you, what kind of investigation should Sound Choice conduct before filing?

Now don't skip over it detail what kind of investigation should be done!

1. How would you go about investigating the issues involved here?

2. Would you conduct interviews with the KJs?

3. Would you take statements from witnesses?

4. As the investigator would you go into a venue while the KJ was working and announce that you were there to watch and see if he was in violation?

Explain what you would do and the order in which you would do these things?

I will respond with a common sense breakdown of your investigative proceedure after you post it!:sqwink:

Nothing personal Steve, but I don't want or need a breakdown from you, and I don't plan on doing any investigating. I wouldn't DO the investigating, but would put it in the hands of a TRAINED investigator. I do have some training, however, some of the techniques are most likely obsolete after a couple of decades. So my answer to you is: I'd leave it to the pros.

What I meant by ANY was just that. For instance, show up and LOOK, as I have posted ad nauseum.

For example: If SC wants to claim a SPECIFIC KJ ( which they have done- they're not all John Does)is using a trademark while doing a computer based show, it would behoove them to actually show up at the venue and confirm both the identity of the KJ and the fact that he's even using a computer, don't you think? I mean, not doing this, then claiming that they have, then having it shown that the "gathered" info was all incorrect kind of makes it look like they aren't being....ah... forthright....don't you think? Kind of discredits them some maybe? Weakens the case a bit?

And again, you've done an end run around my original concerns:

1) SC's main objective is not about fighting piracy- per Kurt himself. If you disagree, argue it with the President of SC. He agrees.

2) People, for some completely unknown reason are holding up SC as an answer to piracy, despite the above. WHY? The President of the company says they are not doing that, they AREN'T doing that, and have no workable PLAN to do that. Why keep saying that they ARE doing that? Senseless.

2) SC is doing a lot of damage to the industry through the use of bad methodology with the goal of making money. No problem with making money- that's why a company exists. It's the HOW.

3) Steve, in 2 different posts you have pretty much made it clear that you couldn't care less who gets hurt, if even a single real pirate gets nailed- and you gain singers and venues.

I do care- a LOT. I also care about my business, which has been doing quite well based on nothing more than how I run it- no help required by vigilantes, money seekers, or power trippers.

I won't give up my personal code of ethics to make a buck, and I won't help those who do.

THOSE are my issues.

NOT what will happen in court. Yes, I believe it will never get there. Yes, I believe SC will lose. However, if or until it happens, no one will have PROOF- so let it go.

NOT how SC claims they are investigating. Even if they were, it would mean that it's not being done by pros- but by screw ups.

NOT whether you agree with me on bankruptcy laws or not.

ONLY that SC is doing something in an unethical manner, and too many people are falling for a snow job, and too many people are helping SC do the snowing.

Wanna debate any of that? The rest is all side fluff.
ericlater said:
Now my strategy:
Just approach the Kj casually, as a singer and ask reasonable, non-threatening questions
1. why don't you have a song book?
2. Golly, your book is huge, how many songs do you have?
3. Your song selection is fantastic and I appreciate that you have SC tracks. Lots of shows I've been to must have purchased their stuff on the cheap because some have virtually no SC (some pirates will proudly let you how what good businessmen they are and tell you that when they purchased their HD they made sure there was plenty of SC tracks included)
4. How long have you been KJ'ing?
5. Did you start off playing discs or have you always be digital?
6. Do you have other "rigs"/shows?
5. I was looking for a song and didn't find it in you book. Might you have it?
(picking something quite obscure to ask about)
6. go to their website. Some have their entire catalog available on line. Some promote how many tracks they have. One pirate I know has 4 rigs and advertises that all 4 have the same exact library!

Again, this is not rocket science. I have asked these very same questions from time to time just to get a sense of what the person might understand about pirating and whether they realized that they are a pirate?

Not bad! I like it! :sqwink:
ericlater said:
And if you know the answer to any of the following questions I have posed, please enlighten us all

1. How does it benefit me when a pirate purchases discs from SC and he stays in business?
2. What agency does SC actually have regarding other manufacturers?
3. Is SC actually auditing all tracks on a HD including non-SC tracks?
4. Without said agency, what can SC do about a pirate who has non-SC tracks?
5. After settling with SC, what will a shrewd pirate do with the thousands of non-SC tracks that are on his HD?
6. What is the experience level and qualifications of those performing the audit?
7. If someone has any substantial number of pirated SC tracks why would they agree to an audit in the first place? Yet, one poster (Mr Cowles) claims he did just that. Why did he go through the audit? Why didn't he just say you got me!
8. If we are to take what Mr Cowles says at face value, he wasn't a complete pirate anyway! He had, from what he says, a much larger investment in karaoke discs than the average KJ! So, IMHO, there are more important "fish" to hook than Mr Cowles in the fight to eliminate piracy, perhaps he was targeted because SC believed that he was in a position to and would cooperate with the settlement offer? And he did to the tune of $13000!
9. Why should I be excited to know Mr Cowles is delighted with the deal that SC cut him?
10. What happens if SC finds one set of SC tracks that was ripped from a disc that is unavailable at the time of audit?
11. What happens during an audit if there is a substantial, or even small amount of missing sales receipts?
12. What about receipts on thermal paper that have faded and can no longer be read?
13. Why isn't SC putting pirates out of business rather than supporting them?

Eric, I have have been asking these questions since this whole thing started- and I have never gotten straight answers from anyone- and these are the questions regarding actually fighting piracy.

Thunder, you answered some easy ones, but gave questions or sidetracked on others. Out of 13 questions, straight answers to only 4. ( 1,9,12,& 13)The rest were assumptions, "I don't Knows", "find my other answers" or someone else's words. However. your last answer was a biggie- once again Trademark Infringement- NOT Piracy. YOU REMEMBERED again! No dent in the piracy problem. SC claims it's the easiest tool to use- and it is- but only for their profit.

2,3,4,5 were all pretty much addressing the same thing. Other Mfrs. songs on the HD- to which there was no real reply, other than you THINK other mfrs. will follow suit. RIGHT NOW, only SC tracks are in question. Once removed or even paid for, the pirate works on. If you think $6500 will cause a pirate to significantly raise rates, think again. BTW- trust me when I tell you that despite SC's original great marketing job, a show can run without them just fine- and quite a few do. POOF, there goes another hit to piracy.

Someone will answer with what ifs or a change of subject rather than admit that the questions cannot be answered with a positive light on SC. I just can't figure out why they do that? Trying not to attract attention from mfrs.? I don't know. It just makes absolutely no sense. :sqerr:
DannyGKaraoke said:
yeah BUT doesn't that put your children or whoever you make the trust for liable if you're caught with illegal songs? I couldn't do that to my worst enemy.

There are a lot of holding places for trusts that don't involve real people, strange as that seems....
Thunder said:
Calm done a little Eric I am not calling you a thief here I am just debating the issue nothing more. I know mine makes more sense than yours but that's OK!:sqwink:

Hope you'll pardon me if I disagree....:sqlaugh::sqwink:
Mantis1 said:
"It has become clear that this general ongoing interchange is quite absurd"............

I totally agree !!!!

But I Agree With Steve !!!!

Unbelievable !!!

Nobody loves me....nobody cares...sniff...no, I'm fine....really....:sqfrown: sigh......
JoeChartreuse said:

Nothing personal Steve, but I don't want or need a breakdown from you, and I don't plan on doing any investigating. I wouldn't DO the investigating, but would put it in the hands of a TRAINED investigator. I do have some training, however, some of the techniques are most likely obsolete after a couple of decades. So my answer to you is: I'd leave it to the pros.

Good enough an answer, basically you are saying you wouldn't know how to go about investigating this issue,

What I meant by ANY was just that. For instance, show up and LOOK, as I have posted ad nauseum.

For example: If SC wants to claim a SPECIFIC KJ ( which they have done- they're not all John Does)is using a trademark while doing a computer based show, it would behoove them to actually show up at the venue and confirm both the identity of the KJ and the fact that he's even using a computer, don't you think? I mean, not doing this, then claiming that they have, then having it shown that the "gathered" info was all incorrect kind of makes it look like they aren't being....ah... forthright....don't you think? Kind of discredits them some maybe? Weakens the case a bit?

Do you know that they don't show up and observe? Could the KJ have someone else's name on their books? Could they make a mistake, well yes and said so! An extra egg doesn't ruin the pudding!

And again, you've done an end run around my original concerns:

1) SC's main objective is not about fighting piracy- per Kurt himself. If you disagree, argue it with the President of SC. He agrees.

Their main objective is to recover revenue lost due to piracy, nobody is arguing that fact that I have seen! I just happen to agree with it and see it as slowing or killing off piracy as a side benifit!

2) People, for some completely unknown reason are holding up SC as an answer to piracy, despite the above. WHY? The President of the company says they are not doing that, they AREN'T doing that, and have no workable PLAN to do that. Why keep saying that they ARE doing that? Senseless.

I never have said that they were fighting piracy I have always maintained that they are going after pirates for TRADEMARK VIOLATIONS I have maintained that the side benifit is helping with the piracy issues!

2) SC is doing a lot of damage to the industry through the use of bad methodology with the goal of making money. No problem with making money- that's why a company exists. It's the HOW.

You and I will continue to disagree that it is hurting rather than helping the industry, as stated before I am already seeing a difference!

3) Steve, in 2 different posts you have pretty much made it clear that you couldn't care less who gets hurt, if even a single real pirate gets nailed- and you gain singers and venues.

I can't recall ever saying that JOE please post the quote!

What I have said is, I don't think anyone who is innocent has been or will be hurt!

I do care- a LOT. I also care about my business, which has been doing quite well based on nothing more than how I run it- no help required by vigilantes, money seekers, or power trippers.

So is mine Joe so is mine and always has, but i still believe that the prices for karaoke shows could come back to almost the same levels we were getting in the early 80's with the elimination of even half of the pirates out here today!

I won't give up my personal code of ethics to make a buck, and I won't help those who do.

Neither will I

THOSE are my issues.

And Those are my answers

NOT what will happen in court. Yes, I believe it will never get there. Yes, I believe SC will lose. However, if or until it happens, no one will have PROOF- so let it go.

You are right in part until it happens Only differences we have on this one is I believe it will happen

NOT how SC claims they are investigating. Even if they were, it would mean that it's not being done by pros- but by screw ups.

If you are correct and it is done by screwups then they may very well lose in court. But like the above that too remains to be seen!

NOT whether you agree with me on bankruptcy laws or not.

That was someone elses thing not mine! I just know that there are only federal Bacnkruptcy courts and only federal Banckruptcy laws!
ONLY that SC is doing something in an unethical manner, and too many people are falling for a snow job, and too many people are helping SC do the snowing.

Those are your opinions and you certainly have the right to them, I however disagree, I think they have been very up front and have issued plenty of warning that this was coming!

Wanna debate any of that? The rest is all side fluff.

Exactly what point in all of this did you want to debate?
Thunder said:
Exactly what point in all of this did you want to debate?

This way of posting is truly annoying, but ok:


Originally Posted by JoeChartreuse

Nothing personal Steve, but I don't want or need a breakdown from you, and I don't plan on doing any investigating. I wouldn't DO the investigating, but would put it in the hands of a TRAINED investigator. I do have some training, however, some of the techniques are most likely obsolete after a couple of decades. So my answer to you is: I'd leave it to the pros.

T: Good enough an answer, basically you are saying you wouldn't know how to go about investigating this issue,- No, I'm not, but not germaine- just another sidetrack from my original issue- please re-read it.

What I meant by ANY was just that. For instance, show up and LOOK, as I have posted ad nauseum.

For example: If SC wants to claim a SPECIFIC KJ ( which they have done- they're not all John Does)is using a trademark while doing a computer based show, it would behoove them to actually show up at the venue and confirm both the identity of the KJ and the fact that he's even using a computer, don't you think? I mean, not doing this, then claiming that they have, then having it shown that the "gathered" info was all incorrect kind of makes it look like they aren't being....ah... forthright....don't you think? Kind of discredits them some maybe? Weakens the case a bit?

T: Do you know that they don't show up and observe? Could the KJ have someone else's name on their books? Could they make a mistake, well yes and said so! - I happen to know that they have made several that they wouldn't have had anyone bothered to check, as I have also posted ad nauseum- but also another sidetrack to the original issue.

And again, you've done an end run around my original concerns:

1) SC's main objective is not about fighting piracy- per Kurt himself. If you disagree, argue it with the President of SC. He agrees.

Their main objective is to recover revenue lost due to piracy, nobody is arguing that fact that I have seen! I just happen to agree with it and see it as slowing or killing off piracy as a side benifit!

2) People, for some completely unknown reason are holding up SC as an answer to piracy, despite the above. WHY? The President of the company says they are not doing that, they AREN'T doing that, and have no workable PLAN to do that. Why keep saying that they ARE doing that? Senseless.

T: I never have said that they were fighting piracy I have always maintained that they are going after pirates for TRADEMARK VIOLATIONS I have maintained that the side benifit is helping with the piracy issues! - And I have maintained that no proof of any such side benefit exists

2) SC is doing a lot of damage to the industry through the use of bad methodology with the goal of making money. No problem with making money- that's why a company exists. It's the HOW.

T: You and I will continue to disagree that it is hurting rather than helping the industry, as stated before I am already seeing a difference! - Yes, you have stated you are seeing more business- and at what cost to legit KJs? You have posted nothing that shows that REAL PIRATES have been affected at all.

3) Steve, in 2 different posts you have pretty much made it clear that you couldn't care less who gets hurt, if even a single real pirate gets nailed- and you gain singers and venues.

T: I can't recall ever saying that JOE please post the quote! - Steve, you do this a lot. I won't look for it. It became a thread about the end justifying the means, everyone here saw it. You remember, like it's ok to bring 49 innocents to jail if you get the ONE who did the crime? That thread? Remember?

T: What I have said is, I don't think anyone who is innocent has been or will be hurt! - Well yes, you've said that too- I disagree

I do care- a LOT. I also care about my business, which has been doing quite well based on nothing more than how I run it- no help required by vigilantes, money seekers, or power trippers.

T: So is mine Joe so is mine and always has, but i still believe that the prices for karaoke shows could come back to almost the same levels we were getting in the early 80's with the elimination of even half of the pirates out here today! That's fine- how do you plan to go about it?

I won't give up my personal code of ethics to make a buck, and I won't help those who do.

Neither will I

THOSE are my issues.

And Those are my answers

NOT what will happen in court. Yes, I believe it will never get there. Yes, I believe SC will lose. However, if or until it happens, no one will have PROOF- so let it go.

You are right in part until it happens Only differences we have on this one is I believe it will happen

NOT how SC claims they are investigating. Even if they were, it would mean that it's not being done by pros- but by screw ups.

T: If you are correct and it is done by screwups then they may very well lose in court. But like the above that too remains to be seen! - Whatever- sidetrack

NOT whether you agree with me on bankruptcy laws or not.

T: That was someone elses thing not mine! I just know that there are only federal Bacnkruptcy courts and only federal Banckruptcy laws!

ONLY that SC is doing something in an unethical manner, and too many people are falling for a snow job, and too many people are helping SC do the snowing.

T: Those are your opinions and you certainly have the right to them, I however disagree, I think they have been very up front and have issued plenty of warning that this was coming! - I haven't seen anything up front about them even years before this started

Wanna debate any of that? The rest is all side fluff.

T: Exactly what point in all of this did you want to debate?

I can only hope that last question was an attempt at humor? :sqrolleyes: