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Fighting Back

Thunder said:
Joe, if I give you tounge it will make you question your manhood (just ask Harry)!:sqlaugh:

1) Dropping $6500 to SC, $2800 or more to Stellar, another $6500 or more to Chartbuster, Zoom, Sunfly, and whoever comes next! And this is for each system! How is this NOT leveling the playing field? When I consider what I had invested in laser disc alone I felt slighted when DK came out with their CDG package, then Sound Choice followed suit, then Pioneer all with a product that let Kjs step into the business for less than 1/3 of what I had invested in music, but I chomped down on the bit and forged ahead, that is what i expect to do now!

2) So do the KJs that settled with Sound Choice choose to keep their other illegal tracks and run the risk of going through the same thing with every other Manu that decides Sound Choice had a good idea or do they strip down to what they legally have! I tend to believe that most people aren't generally stupid (of course I could be wr.wr.wr. well I could be mistaken):sqwink:

3) For every pirate KJ that becomes legit two will be leaving the business rather than settle!

4) What I chose to do was expand my library to compete with the KJs who settled in the Sound Choice suits by taking advantage of Sound Choices generous offer on the pricing of their disc @ 25% off and filled a lot of holes in my library. I am going to contact PHM about their offer to legitamize their library to the pirates as well and see if I can't fill out even more of my library, by trying to get a deal on the THM disc they now own (I already have all of the PHM disc but the THM had songs that PHM didn't, I would like to add to my system)

I am choosing to use the situation to expand and compete rather than cry and moan about it!:sqlaugh:

1) So far, it's just SC, so not enough....

2) Yup, the other mfrs. will wait and see what happens with SC- for quite a while....

3) Just because a pirate may pay SC there is no reason to consider them legit- plenty of mfrs. to go....

4) OOPS. I don't think I got that right. It sounded like you have some PHM that weren't on the up and up. I'm pretty sure I misunderstood- please explain?
Loneavenger said:
Ah, well it would be a different settlement you read though, due to the fact that mine was was re-negotiated by my lawyers. So we could be talking about 2 different sets of paperwork..

Not the settlement, but the "Audit Agreement", which you may have signed before the audit:

Article #2:
2. EXISTING EVIDENCE. A Sound Choice representative has already visited one or more of your shows and gathered evidence,
including photographs, song lists, and other information, that based upon our experience reflects a high probability that
you have committed acts of infringement. You have been sued for trademark infringement involving counterfeiting. In
summary, you have been accused of playing karaoke accompaniment tracks that include a display of Sound Choice
trademarks, without owning a legal CD+G disc containing that track for each system on which you store that track.

If you signed, you have agreed to guilt, and evidence of guilt. This, despite your payment, leaves you open for later prosecution. Unless, of course, SC gave you a signed document making you immune from further prosecution. Of course, if they did, you may now pirate at will....- which leads me to believe they haven't.
PHM's methods is different than Sound Choice's in that they are legitimizing their pre2007 stuff without the benefit of discs. Just a $2800 settlement fee and you're good to go.
It's up and up just a disc that wasn't burned, labeled ok just no music!
To ERICLATER - all I can say is that you are just plain IGNORANT as to:
1) What Sound Choice is doing; and
2) Business law in general and IP laws in particular.

ig·no·rant? ?/??gn?r?nt/ Show Spelled[ig-ner-uhnt]
1.lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2.lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3.uninformed; unaware.

How can you make such statements as "And I also want to congratulate SC on what is turning out to be a successful inventory liquidation sale! BRAVO again" without knowledge of what our inventory situation is? As a matter of fact we have had to replace quite a lot of stock in order to supply the discs in our settlements. And we have relicensed and brought back over 100 titles so that KJs wishing to get ahead of a possible lawsuit can purchase legal original Sound Choice discs - which smart KJs ARE doing. It's the stupid (as opposed to ignorant) ones like DanDan in Phoenix (who brags about buying discs AFTER he is sued in another post here) who try to boost their 1:1 ratio AFTER they are sued.

As to us "forcing" pirates out of business, there is a limit to what we can do without us running afoul of other laws protecting all businesses. As Thunder stated, we can only help "level the playing field" by increasing the KJ's costs. How a KJ (or even our own competitors) go about marketing their services - provided that everyone pays roughly the same costs for hardware and music and equipment (or in the case of Karaoke producers, recording, licensing and disc manufacturing) is not under our control, even after we sue them. If a completely legitimate karaoke hosting company decided they wanted to get more gigs by selling their services below their amortized costs that would be a decision that they could legally make. And his competitors would have to decide how to respond on such variables as price, service, quality of the show or host, etc.

Why don't you show your intelligence (unless you prefer appearing ignorant) and preface some (most?) of your statements concerning Sound Choice with "in my opinion, which is not founded on any facts......"? Or you can always write to me directly and get the facts on a subject before you post. Several of you here have done just that and I would dare say that I have been very timely with my responses.

Yesterday was our 25th year in business and we have gone through many cycles as nearly all businesses do. We intend to stay in business and we have plans to release new music and new products. And, yes, we are trying such "marketing" strategies as offering a 25% discount for the next two weeks in celebration of our 25th Anniversary. For those who want to buy a substantial number of discs (over 30) we'll provide an even better discount. One poster here just bought 100 Spotlight discs for about $960! (But you will need to contact us directly to get such a deal.).

So for those who believe that Sound Choice's lawsuits (which are completely legal) are just a "bully" tactic, what is their response when we are making it so affordable AND easy to purchase our products legally? And Ericlater, I am sorry if this offering is not going to help you PERSONALLY one little bit. You have declined to help yourself by sending us the suspected pirates in your area. And BTW, when are you launching your "strategy" which was going to be so revolutionary? Your month is about over. I don't want to be ignorant and make any comments without facts, so I am asking you first.

Kurt Slep
CEO, Sound Choice
sound choice said:
to ericlater - all i can say is that you are just plain ignorant as to:
1) what sound choice is doing; and
2) business law in general and ip laws in particular.

Kurt slep
ceo, sound choice

As to us "forcing" pirates out of business, there is a limit to what we can do without us running afoul of other laws protecting all businesses.


PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE read the above line until you understand.

SC is NOT a body who can do ANYTHING except for protecting THEIR stake in all this.

Expecting, wanting, desiring, hoping, wishing, demanding, SC to do anything above and beyond what they are already doing to HELP level the turf is beyond ingnorant!

They cannot and will not be the "gestapo" ( or the knight in shining armour either) you want them to be and run all the bad guys out business. It WILL NOT HAPPEN. IT CAN NOT HAPPEN.

There will be effects, but not what you want, wish, expect, demand, dream. desire etc.

It AIN'T Gonna happen!!!

PLEASE stop asking, or expecting something that is irrational, ignorant and impossible.

Peace already, Your gonna driver yourself crazy !!!
I clicked it wall, seems safe and it is interesting that someone took the time to create that site, there's definitely some angry people out there
Loneavenger said:
I clicked it wall, seems safe and it is interesting that someone took the time to create that site, there's definitely some angry people out there

Ok. It's created from a blogspot template.

Let the blogosphere continue!

Lots of opinions for sure & they have every right to spew!
I thought it was interesting that they used Sound Choice's postings on this forum as "Their Response" without identifying that it actually came from this forum and wasn't a direct response to their particular site (Thunder is mentioned by name). But I guess it is safe to say that the creator of the site reads this forum. Didn't get much from it other than what we already read here.
Sound Choice said:
Yesterday was our 25th year in business and we have gone through many cycles as nearly all businesses do. We intend to stay in business and we have plans to release new music and new products. And, yes, we are trying such "marketing" strategies as offering a 25% discount for the next two weeks in celebration of our 25th Anniversary. For those who want to buy a substantial number of discs (over 30) we'll provide an even better discount. One poster here just bought 100 Spotlight discs for about $960! (But you will need to contact us directly to get such a deal.).

Kurt Slep
CEO, Sound Choice

And I couldn't be happier with the deal, I was able to fill in gaps in my library, get songs that people have been requesting (that are not MM, CB or Nu-tech), replaced damaged disc "8107" "8216" "8360" "8554", If I had the money I would purchase another entire library from SC, just to keep for emergency use, and I may very well do that when they release the digital version!

Kurt, thank you so much for everything you have done! And the awesome deal you have given to me!:sqbiggrin: SC has always been a leader and the other manus will soon follow your lead! :sqwink:
I just read it most of the content (including Kurts statement) were copied and pasted directly from this site!

I think we are seeing someone's new approach to fighting piracy!:sqwink:

It isn't DanDan's blog, I know it isn't NB's blog (not enough misspellings and Zs for Ss in it to be him)!

But whoever it is has a lot of hostility towards Sound Choice!:sqlaugh:
truthteller said:
I stumbled across this site that you guys may find interesting:


LOL! Hyperbole much dude? According to Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies, you blow it in the first paragraph I read.

OH! The faux horror! Egads! Such ersatz outrage! Such vitriolic opinion vomited by one who takes the pusillanimous expedient of hiding behind anonymity!

Translation: If you had the cojones to stand up and post your opinions under your true identity, people might think they're worth reading. Failing to do so identifies you as yet another poltroon with your knickers in a twist.
Apparently this blogger is on the MTU ( hoster) forum also. The link for the lawsuit is an mtu page.