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Fighting Back


You are correct there is no direct benifit to you from what Sound Choice is doing!

BTW for those that are interested in SC disc they have a 25% off sale going on right now!

They have also recently rereleased some of the disc that they had discountinued!

And have already started producing again and have a new disc that will be released this month!

I have an issue with the last shipment of Pop Hits Monthly that I have recieved, first they are on computer burned disc and my urban disc was blank!
I haven't really been following these threads lately because I've had better things to do with my time. I landed back here via Google completely by accident. However, since I am one of the accused by Sound Choice who is having my time wasted by their witch-hunt in court, I'll throw in my two-cents and share a little new information...

Thunder is indeed right that through the course of a lawsuit the pleadings may be amended and identities corrected. In the Phoenix lawsuit I was identified as "John Doe #1". I just got a copy of a Motion filed by Harrington, SC's attorney, seeking to amend their complaint to correct the names of four defendants, including myself. Personally, as I am not a pirate, I do not have a problem with that. The correct information on me they got the day after I was finally served their Complaint in December when I called Mr. Harrington and gave it all to them. I further supplied it when I filed my Answer in Federal Court two days later. If anyone on here cares to read it, just PM me and I'll e-mail it to you. As I know SC does not have a case against me, and have the education and experience to represent myself in court, I'm quite looking forward to it. Had they done any real investigation, they would have already had my information and put in in the complaint correct in the first place.

Personally I think Sound Choice has used deplorable thug-like business tactics, and I hope enough KJs fight these cases that the expense of it puts SC out of business. There are plenty of other karaoke music manufactures who don't file baseless lawsuits against their customers I'd rather support. And it's not like I have an excessively large library. I do print and frequently update my books. I have just over 11,000 different songs now, and at the time SC filed their frivolous lawsuit against me, I had about 8,000.

I'm sure I'm not the only legitimate KJ who has been hurt and inconvenienced by this. Fortunately the venues I host at are not scared and see through SC's BS and I have not lost any gigs over it. I know some other legitimate KJs here in Arizona have.

There's no way in hell I'll submit to an audit under SCs terms as they were e-mailed to me by Mr. Harrington. (PM me and I'll e-mail that as well) There's also no way in hell Judge Murgia will order it by those terms during discovery. Speaking of discovery, so far SC hasn't sent me any discovery requests, and about all they've been doing in court here in Arizona is trying to cover up earlier mistakes. I'm highly doubtful that I or any of the other few defendants who have contested the lawsuit will ever see a trial. However, many of the defendants were scared into settling; giving the bullies that are Sound Choice their money. As a legitimate KJ, I haven't seen any kind of benefit from it.

I can't speak for the other defendants, but I know I'm completely legit, and I understand that it's on SC to somehow prove that I've caused them a financial loss due to trademark infringement and/or unfair competition. As I stated in my answer, I feel they've failed to state a claim for unfair competition as I do not manufacture karaoke disc and they don't provide entertainment in bars. As for trademark infringement, as the law defines that, I would have to have put Sound Choice's trademark on a product that is not a Sound Choice product. I haven't done that, so I'm far from worried.

I just don't see how anyone can see SC as a savior or as good guys in any way because of these lawsuits. All I can see them as is greedy bullies. As far as I can tell, the KJs and venues named in the suit here in Arizona were picked by "informant" KJs such as Alan from AAA Karaoke and Eric from Starz Entertainment who wish they had our gigs, and SC has been stupid enough to believe the BS told by those KJs to run with it as opposed to hiring any kind of professional investigators.

I believe that you are innocent because I want to believe you. What you have presented supports many of the reasons that I have been warning my fellow KJ's to be concerned about what SC is doing. And one of my initial conclusions was that innocent people could be hurt. You claim they have been.

But generically speaking, with no question of guilt or innocence I wondered how SC's efforts would benefit the industry and/or me. I don't know why there are those who blindly embraced what SC is doing while minimizing my clearly thought out and reasoned opposition to their efforts?

And while these folks lauded SC's efforts from the get-go and were convinced of how wonderful they are, these same people now imply that it is ignorant for me to expect that that SC's strategy would be of a benefit to me. Well, if you agree that SC is not going to benefit me then you must agree that they are not, therefore, going to benefit you. If that's the case, why is anyone supporting their efforts?

And I never said I expected that they would benefit me OR anyone; I just questioned what benefit(s) should I be expecting? To the contrary, I did subtly imply that, SC is SUPPORTING piracy. And while I didn't come out and say it explicitly before now, here it goes:


1. I still have to compete against the very same pirates
2. The pirates paid less for their TOTAL library (including tracks from CB, LG, SGB, PHM) than I did per track so they had discretionary funds to invest in other areas of their business, like setting up additional rigs on the cheap to further compete against me
3. Pirates can now state that they have been audited (by SC) promoting an aura of professionalism and legitimacy even though we now understand that the SC audit doesn't substantiate legitimacy of the total library or change the fact that they got into business as a pirate and on a pirate's budget!

So, I ask, if SC is not benefiting me, and they are not benefiting you, who are they benefiting? And if they are not providing a benefit, why should their efforts be defended and/or supported? I am not suggesting we can tell them what to do or how to do it. It is their business to do with as they please. But don't pee on my shoes and tell me it's raining!

I HAVE been offering reasons for concern and have defined specific points that one by one, slowly but surely are proving to be valid reasons to be, if nothing else, neutral regarding SC's efforts!

And what I have reiterated here is no longer just my opinion, it restates facts taken from two recent posts from people (Loneavenger and azdandan) who have been involved directly with SC

PS: I don't think anyone ever doubted the correctness of Thunder's assertion that the list of defendants named by SC could be fine-tuned along the way. Those who were concerned about the incompleteness of the original list were using that incompleteness as evidence to support our accusation that SC investigations were incomplete if they couldn't properly and thoroughly name those who were being accused by the time they saw fit to make their filings!
Loneavenger said:
until i read kurt's post recently, the paperwork i received stated that even one track which you did not have a disc for would result in a failing of the audit, not to mention that to even have the audit means you declared innocence and once you agree to the audit if you fail the settlement more than doubled in cost, you would have to pay something like 15,000 as opposed to 6,500. We decided this risk was too great considering over the years we have accumulated some tracks we did not have disks for. We have 2 sets of discs for ALL of the music we own, and in the days since we have verified that there is not a single track in our possession that we do not own a physical disc for.

The red highlighted parts indicate you settled because you feared you wouldn't pass an audit.

The green highlight seems to indicate that you settled when you would have indeed passed an audit. Did you remove music from your library after settlement to accomplish the 1:1 ratio? I would assume that would be part of the settlement terms.

Your logic amazes me!

The actions of Sound Choice have no benifit to you for one reason and one reason only! YOU!

1. I still have to compete against the very same pirates

Once they have a "paid for" library you are still competing with them but on a level playing field (that is what the problem was all along) Do you have $6500 to drop on a Sound Choice library right now? How about visiting the Sound Choice site and see what they have to offer you!

2. The pirates paid less for their TOTAL library (including tracks from CB, LG, SGB, PHM) than I did per track so they had discretionary funds to invest in other areas of their business, like setting up additional rigs on the cheap to further compete against me
You are correct they did! Now they have to purchase the disc for each of those systems or shut them down, again the playing field has been leveled for you!

3. Pirates can now state that they have been audited (by SC) promoting an aura of professionalism and legitimacy even though we now understand that the SC audit doesn't substantiate legitimacy of the total library or change the fact that they got into business as a pirate and on a pirate's budget!
It seems again that the answers are the same because the statements are the same. When Sound Choice is successful with the court actions (and probably just the settlements) the other manus will be following suit! Pop Hits Monthly has already began it's campaign to this end, Chartbuster and the rest won't be to far behind! With this happening do you really think that someone who has already gotten hung out to dry once is going to keep illegal files on their systems? I certainly don't think so! So again the playing field is being leveled (just for you)!
Loneavenger said:
I apparently was unclear in my post. I have been through the Legal Mumbo jumbo and my company is now cleared but i settled i was not " cleared ", I just meant that we were now in the clear. Sorry for the confusion, I'm not sure why you feel questions remained unanswered, i have answered all questions asked to me directly and noone has pm'ed me about anything related to sound choice..

Lone, the unanswered questions were not so much procedural as they are directed to SC and the results of their methodology.

I do have a question for you though:

Did you sign an audit agreement document given to you by Sound Choice? If so, did you have legal council present?

The reason I ask is that if you did sign it, you have admitted to guilt, AND evedince of guilt- whether true or not- and not as "in the clear" as you may believe.
Thunder said:

Your logic amazes me!

The actions of Sound Choice have no benifit to you for one reason and one reason only! YOU!

1. I still have to compete against the very same pirates

Once they have a "paid for" library you are still competing with them but on a level playing field (that is what the problem was all along) Do you have $6500 to drop on a Sound Choice library right now? How about visiting the Sound Choice site and see what they have to offer you! - Joe's Reply: Dropping $6500 isn't going to level anything- not enough to even justify raising fees.

2. The pirates paid less for their TOTAL library (including tracks from CB, LG, SGB, PHM) than I did per track so they had discretionary funds to invest in other areas of their business, like setting up additional rigs on the cheap to further compete against me

You are correct they did! Now they have to purchase the disc for each of those systems or shut them down, again the playing field has been leveled for you! - Joe's Reply: Maybe... or maybe- after the audit- they pirate a few more systems and hire a few more hosts to put into a few more venues to make up the difference

3. Pirates can now state that they have been audited (by SC) promoting an aura of professionalism and legitimacy even though we now understand that the SC audit doesn't substantiate legitimacy of the total library or change the fact that they got into business as a pirate and on a pirate's budget!

It seems again that the answers are the same because the statements are the same. When Sound Choice is successful with the court actions (and probably just the settlements) the other manus will be following suit! Pop Hits Monthly has already began it's campaign to this end, Chartbuster and the rest won't be to far behind! With this happening do you really think that someone who has already gotten hung out to dry once is going to keep illegal files on their systems? I certainly don't think so! So again the playing field is being leveled (just for you)! - Joe's Reply: Going back to assumptions here. You assume SC will win a court case, whereas I see no possibility of it, and you assume all the companies will jump on the bandwagon. Due to licensing problems of their own and other things, at best they will wait to see what happens to SC in court- a very long and fruitless wait. Hope is a good thing, but windmill tilting is a waste of time

No tongue after all.....:sqfrown::sqerr::sqrolleyes:

And geez, Steve, I wish you would reply in a separate post like my wonderful self- this way is a PITA... Just sayin'. :sqwink:
We removed music during Settlement To comply with the 1:1 ratio. And yes Joe, My company is an LLC and we have Lawyers who represent us. They were present and went over our settlement and we did sign. As long as you always operate in a 1:1 manner you are cleared. The only small stipulation that you are referring to is that they have the right to give you 24 hours notice and then do an audit of your system. Which is fine with me, If you follow the rules i see no reason for that to be a big deal?
Joe, if I give you tounge it will make you question your manhood (just ask Harry)!:sqlaugh:

Dropping $6500 to SC, $2800 or more to Stellar, another $6500 or more to Chartbuster, Zoom, Sunfly, and whoever comes next! And this is for each system! How is this NOT leveling the playing field? When I consider what I had invested in laser disc alone I felt slighted when DK came out with their CDG package, then Sound Choice followed suit, then Pioneer all with a product that let Kjs step into the business for less than 1/3 of what I had invested in music, but I chomped down on the bit and forged ahead, that is what i expect to do now!

So do the KJs that settled with Sound Choice choose to keep their other illegal tracks and run the risk of going through the same thing with every other Manu that decides Sound Choice had a good idea or do they strip down to what they legally have! I tend to believe that most people aren't generally stupid (of course I could be wr.wr.wr. well I could be mistaken):sqwink:

For every pirate KJ that becomes legit two will be leaving the business rather than settle!

What I chose to do was expand my library to compete with the KJs who settled in the Sound Choice suits by taking advantage of Sound Choices generous offer on the pricing of their disc @ 25% off and filled a lot of holes in my library. I am going to contact PHM about their offer to legitamize their library to the pirates as well and see if I can't fill out even more of my library, by trying to get a deal on the THM disc they now own (I already have all of the PHM disc but the THM had songs that PHM didn't, I would like to add to my system)

I am choosing to use the situation to expand and compete rather than cry and moan about it!:sqlaugh:
Loneavenger said:
We removed music during Settlement To comply with the 1:1 ratio. And yes Joe, My company is an LLC and we have Lawyers who represent us. They were present and went over our settlement and we did sign. As long as you always operate in a 1:1 manner you are cleared. The only small stipulation that you are referring to is that they have the right to give you 24 hours notice and then do an audit of your system. Which is fine with me, If you follow the rules i see no reason for that to be a big deal?

Um, if it's the agreement that I'm thinking of, you may wish to re-read the second article...No knock here, by the way, Lone- just trying to be helpful.

Also, just in case you don't get it from our adversarial posts, Steve and I respect each other and none of this stuff is personal. Just an on line debate...

His only fault is that he won't admit that I'm always right...:sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh::sqerr:
Ah, well it would be a different settlement you read though, due to the fact that mine was was re-negotiated by my lawyers. So we could be talking about 2 different sets of paperwork. But, I believe overall it was the same for everyone, if you admit to guilt, it is over as long as you agree to comply with the 1:1 policy, so i'm not sure what it is that's scaring you. If your going to become a pirate after you settle then i would understand your concern.

Don't believe anything Joe tells you! Two of us can't always be right and I am never wr....wr...wr...wr oh never mind the word is not even in my vocabulary!:sqbiggrin:
Looks like Chartbuster is escalating a bit. They now have a "Report Illegal Karaoke" link on their site (or did I just notice it?). They mention the copying of discs, also. They state that "the RIAA, the karaoke manufacturers and the publishers will prosecute" for copyright infringement and the fine can be $150,000 per song. I guess if you are a pirate, you had better hope SC gets you first.
possumdog said:
Looks like Chartbuster is escalating a bit. They now have a "Report Illegal Karaoke" link on their site (or did I just notice it?). They mention the copying of discs, also. They state that "the RIAA, the karaoke manufacturers and the publishers will prosecute" for copyright infringement and the fine can be $150,000 per song. I guess if you are a pirate, you had better hope SC gets you first.

By late fall Stellar and Chartbuster will be in full swing with suits of their own, it is going to get interesting!
Thunder said:
By late fall Stellar and Chartbuster will be in full swing with suits of their own, it is going to get interesting!

What's your source on this?
Thunder said:

Your logic amazes me!

The actions of Sound Choice have no benifit to you for one reason and one reason only! YOU!

1. I still have to compete against the very same pirates

Once they have a "paid for" library you are still competing with them but on a level playing field (that is what the problem was all along) Do you have $6500 to drop on a Sound Choice library right now? How about visiting the Sound Choice site and see what they have to offer you!

2. The pirates paid less for their TOTAL library (including tracks from CB, LG, SGB, PHM) than I did per track so they had discretionary funds to invest in other areas of their business, like setting up additional rigs on the cheap to further compete against me
You are correct they did! Now they have to purchase the disc for each of those systems or shut them down, again the playing field has been leveled for you!

3. Pirates can now state that they have been audited (by SC) promoting an aura of professionalism and legitimacy even though we now understand that the SC audit doesn't substantiate legitimacy of the total library or change the fact that they got into business as a pirate and on a pirate's budget!
It seems again that the answers are the same because the statements are the same. When Sound Choice is successful with the court actions (and probably just the settlements) the other manus will be following suit! Pop Hits Monthly has already began it's campaign to this end, Chartbuster and the rest won't be to far behind! With this happening do you really think that someone who has already gotten hung out to dry once is going to keep illegal files on their systems? I certainly don't think so! So again the playing field is being leveled (just for you)!

I have given up trying to educate you about auditing, now I find you clearly need a lecture in economics and logic.

Simply, if my competitorS are sitting with 70,000 illegal tracks from CB, LG, Sunfly, SGB, ZM, EZH, DK, PHM, PLUS 1000's of recently purchased SC TRACKS, WHERE HAS THE PIRATE BEEN DISADVANTAGED AND HOW HAS THE PLAYING FIELD BEEN LEVELED FOR ME BY LEGITIMIZING A PREVIOUSLY ILLEGAL LIBRARY???
1. I don't have 70,000 + tracks in my library
2. My library cost over $6500
3, And what would it cost me to purchase just 1/2 of the illegal the pirates still possess when SC is done with them, tracks that I don't have?

Thunder by you and others stating over and over again that the playing field has been leveled doesn't make it so. And I don't know for sure who is it that has the expertise to define what leveling the playing field would require. Surely, though, it is not you!

If left to me to define it, I would only agree that the playing field has been leveled if a pirate forfeited their illegally gotten gains and gave up every job run on an additional illegal rig!

So, Thunder, believe what you want, or say whatever you want in defense of an indefensible argument. Even Mr Cowles chided us that any professionally run business should easily be able to afford an investment in their business of $6500 and he went on to boast that he bought two SC libraries!

As to your suggestion that I should invest more money in my library just because SC is now offering deals, how absurd can you actually get? IN OTHER WORDS, are you suggesting that I will make more money and counter pirating by expanding my library which is lacking very little from my perspective?

And thank to your "heads up", I have looked at the current offers from SC and I might be inclined to buy one particular disc that contains some tracks that I wouldn't mind having for MY OWN SINGING ENJOYMENT, and which would then bring my total SC tracks to 736!

And anything you have to say about the prospects of what other manufacturers are or might be doing is not germane to the discussion of what SC is doing. And I stand by every word I have said against SC methodologies and you have yet to provide a single reason why their efforts should be supported by KJ's or what makes their methodologies so unquestionably sound and flawless! AND of course there is no response from you regarding my claim that SC is in fact fostering piracy by allowing admitted pirates to buy their way to "sainthood", when they still have other manufacturer's illegal tracks in their possession along with cheaply acquired SC tracks. And where on SC website is there an offer to the general public to buy the very same tracks they are offering the pirates for $6500!

And Mantis, I saw the SC audit agreement on another site long before it showed up here. Diafel extracted it from that forum and posted it here for your benefit. But instead of seeing it's flaws, many of you too want to assume that it is flawless. Well, it is flawless if you happen to be Sound Choice. Have any of you ever heard of any business creating a legal document that wasn't written to cover their best interests? That's why contracts are negotiated amongst lawyers. And the primary motivation that anyone would have to settle with SC is the tremendous offer of gaining a substantial and quality library for $6500 which is less than the legal costs that would be required to fight just about any of the legal issues faced by an accused - another excellent strategy on Sound Choice's part in creating their almost flawless strategy that I have already complimented their legal team on and will do so again. BRAVO!
Thunder said:

Your logic amazes me!

The actions of Sound Choice have no benifit to you for one reason and one reason only! YOU!

1. I still have to compete against the very same pirates

Once they have a "paid for" library you are still competing with them but on a level playing field (that is what the problem was all along) Do you have $6500 to drop on a Sound Choice library right now? How about visiting the Sound Choice site and see what they have to offer you!

2. The pirates paid less for their TOTAL library (including tracks from CB, LG, SGB, PHM) than I did per track so they had discretionary funds to invest in other areas of their business, like setting up additional rigs on the cheap to further compete against me
You are correct they did! Now they have to purchase the disc for each of those systems or shut them down, again the playing field has been leveled for you!

3. Pirates can now state that they have been audited (by SC) promoting an aura of professionalism and legitimacy even though we now understand that the SC audit doesn't substantiate legitimacy of the total library or change the fact that they got into business as a pirate and on a pirate's budget!
It seems again that the answers are the same because the statements are the same. When Sound Choice is successful with the court actions (and probably just the settlements) the other manus will be following suit! Pop Hits Monthly has already began it's campaign to this end, Chartbuster and the rest won't be to far behind! With this happening do you really think that someone who has already gotten hung out to dry once is going to keep illegal files on their systems? I certainly don't think so! So again the playing field is being leveled (just for you)!

I have given up trying to educate you about auditing, now I find you clearly need a lecture in economics and logic.

1. I have more than $6500 dollars invested in my library
2. Even after the pirate buys the SC inventory, I still don't have over 70,000 tracks in my library!
3. And how much would the pirate have to pay to legitimize his entire library?

Thunder by you and others stating that the playing field has been leveled doesn't make it so. And who is it that has the expertise to define what leveling the playing field would require in this regard? Certainly not you!

If left to me to define, I would only agree that the playing field has been leveled if a pirate (someone with virtually no discs) forfeited their illegally gotten gains, paid for their entire library and gave up every job that they run on an additional illegal rig!

So, Thunder, believe what you want, or say whatever you want in defense of an indefensible argument. Even Mr Cowles chided us that any professionally run business should easily be able to afford an investment in their business of $6500 and he went on to boast that he bought two SC libraries!

As to your suggestion that I should invest more money in my library just because SC is now offering deals, how absurd can you actually get? IN OTHER WORDS, are you suggesting that I will make more money, counter piracy and level the playing field by expanding my library which is lacking very little from my perspective and contributing further to the liquidation of SC's inventory?

And thank to your "heads up", I have looked at the current offers from SC and I might be inclined to buy one particular disc that contains some tracks that I wouldn't mind having for MY OWN SINGING ENJOYMENT and which would increase the number of SC tracks I own to 736!

And based upon the SC tracks I own, I can say with confidence that a sophisticated multi-rigger who wants to keep multiple rigs could settle one rig with SC and then primarily use illegal non-SC tracks on those additional rigs and turn them over to a friend, or family member or newly formed corporation to run!

And anything you have to add to your argument about the prospects of what other manufacturers are or might be doing is not germane to the discussion of what SC is doing. And I stand by every word I have said against SC methodologies and you have yet to provide a single reason why their efforts should be supported by KJ's or what makes their methodologies so unquestionably sound and flawless!

And Mantis, I saw the SC audit agreement on another site long before it showed up here. Diafel extracted it from that forum and posted it here for your benefit. But instead of seeing it's flaws, many of you too want to assume that it is flawless. Well, it is flawless if you happen to be Sound Choice. Have any of you ever heard of any business creating a legal document that wasn't written to cover their best interests? That's why contracts are negotiated amongst lawyers. And the primary motivation that anyone would have to settle with SC is the tremendous offer of gaining a substantial and quality library for $6500 which is less than the legal costs that would be required to fight just about any of the legal issues faced by an accused - another excellent strategy on Sound Choice's part is creating their flawless strategy that I will once again compliment their legal team on! BRAVO!

And I also want to congratulate SC on what is turning out to be a successful inventory liquidation sale! BRAVO again
ericlater said:
I have given up trying to educate you about auditing, now I find you clearly need a lecture in economics and logic.

1. I have more than $6500 dollars invested in my library (Me too)
2. Even after the pirate buys the SC inventory, I still don't have over 70,000 tracks in my library! (niether does he, he only has the Sound Choice library, if he is totaly stupid he will continue to run on the rest of his/her illegal library and will get caught by the next manu that files)
3. And how much would the pirate have to pay to legitimize his entire library?
(more than you have invested, the most expensive disc on the market since laser disc are Sound Choice if you have 736 SC songs you have a total investment at the most of $1717 if you paid the full retail way back when SC was $35 a disc, Legends the most I have ever paid for them was $15 a disc but the majority of them cost me $12 or less, if you have 120 Legends disc you have an investment of another $1500, the origional DK set sold for $1095, the Nu-Tech set was $295 now it can be had for $20, MM {who would want them} sold of $17 a pop, so if you had the entire library of MM's you have just made the $6500 mark! even adding in the other misc disc and the Chartbuster 450 set you haven't made the $10,000 mark! If like me you are around the 18,000 song mark your total investment {not counting laser disc} is still under the $25,000 mark. Should I be pissed at you because you didn't have to purchase $15,000 worth of laser disc when you got into the business? If the trend I see coming continues and a pirate gets caught by each of the manus and the settlement offers are the same as Sound Choice is offering the total settlements that a pirate could end up paying out would be well above the $25,000 mark of your investments

Thunder by you and others stating that the playing field has been leveled doesn't make it so. And who is it that has the expertise to define what leveling the playing field would require in this regard? Certainly not you!
(I don't recall me or anyone else saying that it HAD BEEN leveled {I said it was being leveled and it is} I know it is easy for you to ignore but several including myself have already seen an decrease in the number of venues with Karaoke and an increase in the number of patrons at our own shows, I know that myself and two others have already stated that the calls have increased with venues looking for a new host, that will result in a price increase for the host that are still in the business. My show tonight had 37 DIFFERENT singers signed before the show ever started, and the signup was closed 15 minutes after the show started with 97 singers signed 2 singers got to sing a second time at the end of the night and 23 others didn't make it, this show had been averaging about 20 different singer for the night and most got to sing three times during the show. What caused this? two venues that had been running on the same night suddenly lost their KJs last month! I honestly did not enjoy doing a show this crowded

If left to me to define, I would only agree that the playing field has been leveled if a pirate (someone with virtually no discs) forfeited their illegally gotten gains, paid for their entire library and gave up every job that they run on an additional illegal rig! Well I guess it isn't up to you to define :sqlaugh: as long as they pay for their libraries on every system they are running I don't have a problem with it!

So, Thunder, believe what you want, or say whatever you want in defense of an indefensible argument. Even Mr Cowles chided us that any professionally run business should easily be able to afford an investment in their business of $6500 and he went on to boast that he bought two SC libraries! And I agree with him I just took advantage of the SC sale going on right now and purchased $1000 worth of SC disc that I didn't have now I feel like I wasted the $20 I just spent for the entire Nu-tech disc set:sqlaugh:

As to your suggestion that I should invest more money in my library just because SC is now offering deals, how absurd can you actually get? IN OTHER WORDS, are you suggesting that I will make more money, counter piracy and level the playing field by expanding my library which is lacking very little from my perspective and contributing further to the liquidation of SC's inventory? No I was suggesting that at 25% off now would be a good time to purchase to fill any holes you want to fill in your library {you are becoming totally absurb with your rantings!:sqwink: but apparently you aren't much of an SC music fan so disreagd the info

And thank to your "heads up", I have looked at the current offers from SC and I might be inclined to buy one particular disc that contains some tracks that I wouldn't mind having for MY OWN SINGING ENJOYMENT and which would increase the number of SC tracks I own to 736!

And based upon the SC tracks I own, I can say with confidence that a sophisticated multi-rigger who wants to keep multiple rigs could settle one rig with SC and then primarily use illegal non-SC tracks on those additional rigs and turn them over to a friend, or family member or newly formed corporation to run! Yep that could happen until............

And anything you have to add to your argument about the prospects of what other manufacturers are or might be doing is not germane to the discussion of what SC is doing. And I stand by every word I have said against SC methodologies and you have yet to provide a single reason why their efforts should be supported by KJ's or what makes their methodologies so unquestionably sound and flawless! I agree with you..... you are of the opinion that what Sound Choice is doing is wrong... on the other hand I think they are going about it in the most logical manner available to them, since I am always right that makes you ....... WRONG:sqbiggrin:

And Mantis, I saw the SC audit agreement on another site long before it showed up here. Diafel extracted it from that forum and posted it here for your benefit. But instead of seeing it's flaws, many of you too want to assume that it is flawless. Well, it is flawless if you happen to be Sound Choice. Have any of you ever heard of any business creating a legal document that wasn't written to cover their best interests? That's why contracts are negotiated amongst lawyers. And the primary motivation that anyone would have to settle with SC is the tremendous offer of gaining a substantial and quality library for $6500 which is less than the legal costs that would be required to fight just about any of the legal issues faced by an accused - another excellent strategy on Sound Choice's part is creating their flawless strategy that I will once again compliment their legal team on! BRAVO!

And I also want to congratulate SC on what is turning out to be a successful inventory liquidation sale! BRAVO again It is a wonderful plan isn't it, I agree with you on this one! :sqbiggrin:


The only thing that anyone here has at this time is speculation on what the final results of this will be, but in time we will find out if I am right or you are wrong!
