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Loneavenger said:

You seem a little excited that the " agreement " exists? This is an agreement from Sound Choice , legally binding them to never again pursue legal action towards you.....ummmm what do YOU think we were talking about

C'mon man.... don't stop mid-sentence and make this agreement sound like they can NEVER pursue you....

What happened to the; "the most they can do is conduct an audit" part?

Most they can do????

And.... if they don't like the audit or you refuse?????

Then they sue....

So it truly is NOT anything that will be "legally binding them to never again pursue legal action towards you" will it?

However, from what you have described (since I do NOT have a copy) it does require that you submit to future audits.

Is this correct?
OMG Chip, you haven't changed at all since the old JOLT days. What makes you so angry ? I've yet to see you post anything nice about anyone. Or did I miss a post ?
Skid Rowe said:
OMG Chip, you haven't changed at all since the old JOLT days. What makes you so angry ? I've yet to see you post anything nice about anyone. Or did I miss a post ?

I'm not angry at all Skid.... but I'm not about to blindly get in their line like a some sort of sheep. And if something is quoted, by golly put all the information out there, not just was "appears" to serve an agenda. The post above is a perfect example and I'd love a copy of the very agreement that Loneavenger is talking about to "see for myself" (as Thunder would put it) that it indemnifies a KJ from anything because I'll bet you dollars-to-donuts the only entity that is indemnified is SC. Why is it such a secret?.....

Speaking of JOLT: on this site, Tim Duffield has been replaced by Thunder.
c. staley said:
C'mon man.... don't stop mid-sentence and make this agreement sound like they can NEVER pursue you....

What happened to the; "the most they can do is conduct an audit" part?

Most they can do????

And.... if they don't like the audit or you refuse?????

Then they sue....

So it truly is NOT anything that will be "legally binding them to never again pursue legal action towards you" will it?

However, from what you have described (since I do NOT have a copy) it does require that you submit to future audits.

Is this correct?

Yes Staley, you're correct that you agree to allow them future audits if there is cause to justify one. How else could they ensure that people are not pirates. Just becaust you've already been through dealing with Sound Choice doesn't mean you have the right become a pirate. I see this as the only way to help continue fighting piracy. They have to put that clause in their agreement otherwise the legally binding contract " not to sue " could come back and really hurt them. That would mean that i could just start downloading karaoke as soon as they leave and they'd be powerless to do anything about it, even my lawyers instantly knew this was something that had to be included in the agreement. There is nothing dishonest or out of line anywhere in the agreement, legal has already checked it out for me when it was presented to me, my lawyers had a week with the paperwork. You've just gotta realize their course of action works, you are definitely entitled to your opinion about not liking someone finally helping our industry but don't try to make it seem like someone doing something positive for our industry is a bad thing. You can name 2 innocent people in these sweeps named, that doesn't seem like a bad percentage to me, especially when those 2 came out of it with a positive outlook, and are still recommending SoundChoice. Have you ever thought you just create these problems where there are none, show me one person who has been involved with these suits that is on your side?? There is a reason for that.......Everything from you is speculation even when you feel it is fact, the bottom line is nothing is as bad as you'd like people to believe.
Loneavenger said:
Yes Staley, you're correct that you agree to allow them future audits if there is cause to justify one. How else could they ensure that people are not pirates.

I don't know, Loneavenger. I've never purchased a product before that required me to agree, as a condition of the purchase, I maybe subject to continued harrassment from the manufacturer based on an instant presumption of distrust of their own customers. It just doesn't seem like a warm and fuzzy deal to me. Have you ever purchased anything else from anyone that treats you this poorly? I haven't.

There are too many other options. Too many other good companies that would be glad to take my money and actually thank me for it, instead of punishing me for my purchase.

Loneavenger said:
You can name 2 innocent people in these sweeps named, that doesn't seem like a bad percentage to me

Unnecessary collateral damage, and there are more than two. I don't think the KJ running discs that got named was shaking his pom pons and cheerleading for Sound Choice after being named, nor the club he worked at.

I'm glad that KjAthena is happy with her situation, but it doesn't mean that everyone else has to be. I for one (and there are plenty more like me out there, for sure) am not interested in playing in Sound Choice's sand box anymore.


I don't need Sound Choice = I don't own the disc for the Sound Choice songs I have so I have deleted them from my hard drive!

There are plenty of good karaoke producers who I can spend my money with = I have every karaoke song on my hard drive ever produced and these other companies aren't coming after me! Yet!

The Fair use clause in the copyright law covers what I am doing = (1) I don't want to get rid of the Sound Choice songs on my hard drive that i don't own! (2) I run multiple pirate systems!

Sound Choice will keep on suing you when you sign an agreement with them = Please help me I don't want to leave the business and if everyone gets legal and on board with Sound Choice I will not have anyone going down with me!

1:1 has no legal precedent so Sound Choice can not grant you anything = I am generally stupid and just want to stir the pot!

Siding with Sound Choice just means you are trying to get rid of your competition = I am a pirate and you want to cut me out of my free beer money!

Sound Choice will never go to court on any of these suits = I sure hope Sound Choice doesn't go to court on any of these suits!

Sound Choice is just doing this to make money = Sound Choice wants me to pay for the product I have stolen from them!
The Karaoke Dictionary

Singer: I go to karaoke shows to sing, because the OnStar system in my car kept telling me to shut up and drive.

Host: Those other idiot hosts wouldn't put me in the rotation enough, and my fan wasn't happy. So screw them, I started my own business, called SC and am getting everybody else sued, because I actually have no clue what I'm doing, but I'm gonna be a star no matter what it takes.

Audience: Yes, my life sucks sooo bad, that my therapist told me to come here and watch -- it might improve my self esteem.

Please, slow down with the comedy. I still haven't gotten over the image of super-hero Soundchoice making the world safe again for $150 KJs.
darkpowrjd said:
That's a matter of preference, though. The point is we shouldn't be FORCING people to use one thing or another, but rather open up the options and have diversity. You might be more comfortable saying disc based, but should that give you the right to tell someone else that THEY have to be just because YOU are?

Funny you should say that. It's always been the PC host telling everyone that THEIR way is better. Of course, this resulted in the monstrous growth of piracy via free MP3s ( Disc piracy still COST something) and all the wannabes who had PCs at home and figured they could do it too. GREAT JOB, PC folks! Disc based hosts pretty much relax and enjoy....
Sound Choice said:
But I know that Thunder also has a LOT of Sound Choice CDGs because I handled his last order for over 100 discs myself. So, he is 1:1 in our book.


Since, as far as Steve has posted, you have never audited him- a multi-op, why is he 1:1 in your book? A free pass to a good customer, or good pro- SC poster? Explaination?
Thunder said:

....People can only make so many ignorant statements on a subject .....

....You might find that Kurt wouldn't be so dismissive of you if you were not so antagonistic in all of your postings! )

Steve, you warm fuzzy. Do you read your own posts. Without a negative personalization, but a straight out observation:

You are, at this point, the most negative and insulting poster on the the entire ODJT forum, bar none.

I have bought this up before. We have been "at your throat" debators for some time. I defy you to find a single negative personalization posted by me about you.

Why not debate points, agree, or disagree, and can the insults. This, up until recently, was the most flame free forum around. Please stop- not for me, but for the sake of this forum.

Make your point, if you can, and move on.

This post isn't about SC, Steve. It's about being part of a group of people who, at heart, respect each other. Show some.....please.

Where you are wrong,

I am not a multi-op but I hope to be very soon! I used to have a second system and a rental system (both disc based at that time they were all disc based) since that time I divested myself of the second system (before I went computer) and the rental system (the rental system was setup entirely with Pioneer disc and it was getting harder and harder to find replacements for damaged disc)!

As far as being audited by Sound Choice I have made myself available and offered both publicly right here on these boards and privately via e-mail to submit to an audit!

If you are wondering why, it was for the very reason in the post above this one!:sqwink:

The vast majority of my Sound Choice purchases, Foundations I & II, all five bricks and about 150 other disc were purchased directly from Sound Choice plus I also have all of the NSC disc sets which of course came from direct purchase of the contest packages from Sound Choice over the years!

But again if Sound Choice or you for that matter would like to audit my system let me know when and I will have everything laid out for you right here in the studio!:sqbiggrin:

I have nothing to hide and nothing to **** about!

Where have I made disparaging, negative or flaming comments about you?

Now if you would like I can without a problem show you plenty that were thrown at me, and I don't mind returning them!
Thunder said:

I don't need Sound Choice = I don't own the disc for the Sound Choice songs I have so I have deleted them from my hard drive!

There are plenty of good karaoke producers who I can spend my money with = I have every karaoke song on my hard drive ever produced and these other companies aren't coming after me! Yet!

The Fair use clause in the copyright law covers what I am doing = (1) I don't want to get rid of the Sound Choice songs on my hard drive that i don't own! (2) I run multiple pirate systems!

Sound Choice will keep on suing you when you sign an agreement with them = Please help me I don't want to leave the business and if everyone gets legal and on board with Sound Choice I will not have anyone going down with me!

1:1 has no legal precedent so Sound Choice can not grant you anything = I am generally stupid and just want to stir the pot!

Siding with Sound Choice just means you are trying to get rid of your competition = I am a pirate and you want to cut me out of my free beer money!

Sound Choice will never go to court on any of these suits = I sure hope Sound Choice doesn't go to court on any of these suits!

Sound Choice is just doing this to make money = Sound Choice wants me to pay for the product I have stolen from them!

Perfect example of what I was talking about. How about knocking it off? Really. The above is a list of YOUR words in others mouths.

It ( I believe) was YOUR posts and insults that got the "ruinization of karaoke"thread closed. I could be wrong, but your posts were the most virulent.

Why not debate with points of fact, and leave the garbage in the dumpster?

I really haven't, until this point- after all the time this forum has been around- think about mods much. Never had to before.

Unfortunately, this is getting to be like the "flame forum" I left.

To that end, I ask the mods to be a bit more vigilant.

I don't care, or have my feelings hurt if you disagree with me- heck, I like a good clean debate.

Again, please keep it that way. The above is merely trolling.
And just where in there do you see a flame aimed at anyone Joe?

It is exactly what I see it as, but if you want to clean it up then I can I only ask that you get everyone else including yourself to do the same!
Thunder said:

Where have I made disparaging, negative or flaming comments about you?

Now if you would like I can without a problem show you plenty that were thrown at me, and I don't mind returning them!

I wasn't talking about me, though you bandied about words like ignorance, stupidity, idiot, etc...

My post was more about general behavior. Why not just say what you want to put across, and leave nasty asides out of it? If your points are salient and valid, opinion will go your way without the icky stuff.
Thunder said:
As far as being audited by Sound Choice I have made myself available and offered both publicly right here on these boards and privately via e-mail to submit to an audit!

Steve, please re-read my post, which was directed at freaking SOUND CHOICE.

They said you were 1:1 in their book, yet you have never been audited- So I asked THEM why that was. Got it? Not aimed at you.
Thunder said:
And just where in there do you see a flame aimed at anyone Joe?
How about:

"Have you read the agreement/license/contract?

If you have then you already know how ignorant that question really was! "
Really? Because he read the document, and interpreted it differently, HIS question was IGNORANT? Why? Because you read it differently?

How about..... " We interpret the document differently. Would you be kind enough to expound on YOUR interpretation? Thanks in advance."

No ick, and an opportunity to see another view, right?
Thunder said:
And just where in there do you see a flame aimed at anyone Joe?

It is exactly what I see it as, but if you want to clean it up then I can I only ask that you get everyone else including yourself to do the same!

Show me a negative personalization aimed at you. I DON'T post them.

I don't call people ignorant, or stupid, or any other names-EVER. I try to debate with intelligence. On those RARE ( because ah is so brilliant :sqrolleyes:) that even I can see that I oopsed, I also say so. You have already admitted ( " I was wr...wro....") that you have way more difficulty with that than most.
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