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Apparently there is a different set of rules that applies to Moderators and Sponsors!

This is exactly what happened at DJ C H A T and why everyone came to Dan's board origionally!

And it is happening all over again!
SoftJock Rick said:
Because I don't trust them, given what I've read/seen so far.

But you produced a DJ player in the midst of the RIAA law suits! Did you trust them?
Thunder said:

Apparently there is a different set of rules that applies to Moderators and Sponsors!

Yeah -- sponsors get the privilege of paying money to argue with you... :sqlaugh: :rofl:
Thunder said:
But you produced a DJ player in the midst of the RIAA law suits! Did you trust them?

Yes, to a certain extent. There were a lot of behind the scenes "gentlemens" agreements, between people in our industry, and the recording industry.

And no, I was not one of those directly involved in those "negotiations".

What we have here, seems an entirely different situation -- similar to OMG Palin's gone rogue!!! :sqwink: :sqlaugh:
Thunder said:

Bob stated that his position in Sound Choice is "disinterest" he has also stated that he does not run karaoke "shows" that he only uses it as an add on to Private events "and very seldom"!

He also states that because of his position on the lawsuits that Sound Choice is implying that he runs a nefarious operation!

How many times have people been "implying" or otherwise insinuating that I have run a "nefarious operation" or outright accused me of piracysimply because I ran several systems? You don't want names....

All this stems from the "cheerleaders" for Sound Choice. The rest of us are really tired of the attitude that "if you don't support Sound Choice, then you must have something to hide!" It's a crappy attitude and it's a childish position to take in the first place, wouldn't you agree? Wall Of Sound and StarsKJ run multiple systems and I haven't heard a single accusation tossed in that direction. Why not? Because they are a "member of KIAA?" That doesn't make anyone an automatic angel.

Thunder said:
Well we come back to his disinterest in the interest of Sound Choice, he either has an interest in it or he doesn't!

Again, a large portion of my income is based in karaoke I don't have a "day job" my living is made from DJ and KJ work! I have a vested interest in seeing karaoke survive as an industry, I support the efforts of the music industry in going after pirates and I support those in the karaoke industry going after pirates simply because it is in my interest!

And with all this piracy going around, how much has it really affected your business? You should know of all people that the crappy pirates out there really can't touch your business can they? Because right now, you're turning down higher offers right? You're not losing business are you? Is your business so dependent on song selection that it can't possibly compete? I doubt it.

In this business, you get what you get because of what you do.... not what you carry with you, and that includes "song selection." Any brand of a song is really nothing more that a "tool in your toolbox for work" is it not? You've got lots of tools to choose from then don't you? Now, if you are particularly fond of just one of those tools then that's the one you're going to use most often. But it isn't (or shouldn't be) a "critical" piece of the puzzle and you should still be able to function without it.

Ten gazillion pirates with ten gazillion songs in their library won't touch my business period. For what I do, I'm worth more than my song selection could ever be. Once you realize that your true worth is NOT in your hardware or song selection you'll realize how little you actually need any "brand" of anything.
SoftJock Rick said:
Yeah -- sponsors get the privilege of paying money to argue with you... :sqlaugh: :rofl:

No I am talking about the insinuations and name calling Rick, but you already knew that!

It seems that the general membership gets warned for these actions while sponsors and moderators have a pass on it!

Of course if I am wrong I am sure someone will correct that issue!
I most certainly do have a dog in this fight!
I make no apology for bashing Soundchoice, it's simple politics. They are operating in my field and I have enough respect for others working and learning in this field too challenege mis-information anywhere and everywhere I encounter it.

Sound choice is first and foremost anti-competition. It is the crux of their appeal to the weakest amongst DJs/KJs. Competing is something they simply have not been very good at. Piracy and computers have both been around longer than Soundchoice, it's a known risk and they failed to adequately plan for it.

Making threats is a lousy business plan. Why anyone would expect those threats to go unanswered is a mystery; trying to label anyone who fails to support you as a pirate - is no mystery at all.
Thunder said:
No I am talking about the insinuations and name calling Rick, but you already knew that!

It seems that the general membership gets warned for these actions while sponsors and moderators have a pass on it!

Of course if I am wrong I am sure someone will correct that issue!

Hell no, I get my share of PMs too :sqcool: :sqbiggrin:

But quite frankly, some people goof around a lot, and some are serious about the name calling. The mods here are not stupid, and they can tell the difference. That's why I believe this place is far different from many of the others -- the mods actually know the posters for the most part, and are capable of discerning the difference between a fun jibe, versus a serious one.

I tried to call Joe out last night -- did he get pissed and whine? Nah, he stuck by his guns, and didn't make up any stories. I honestly wanted his opinion on the license issue, but I also knew when to quit ;) :)
Thunder said:
Good Point Chip! So by the same token they are no longer hurting Sound Choice anymore either, so there really isn't any need to continue is there?

No, not "by the same token" at all.

YOU are NOT Sound Choice and if they dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow, would you disappear with them? I think not. If you dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow, would they disappear with you? Nope.

So when you get right down to it, you're not dependent on them and they are not dependent on you.... so why so much cheerleading?
c. staley said:
No, not "by the same token" at all.

YOU are NOT Sound Choice and if they dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow, would you disappear with them? I think not. If you dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow, would they disappear with you? Nope.

So when you get right down to it, you're not dependent on them and they are not dependent on you.... so why so much cheerleading?

He is standing up for a product he believes in and has made him as well as others here a lot of money. You can bash Sound Choice all you want but a few things HERE will never change. The Singers prefer Sound Choice over all others, without it you will not be taken seriously as a karaoke host ( in my area ). No, that does not mean that Sound Choice runs the business it is just fact, the hosts that are illegal and got scared in this area and stopped using Sound Choice, have lost their singers to me and a couple now have even lost their shows. You can't just remove something that the singers have come to expect and think it's going to be okay. Singers in our area , half of the time will write " Sound Choice version please " on their slip with their song request. We give our customers what they want, that is how you do business. Steve is " cheerleading for SoundChoice " because they are a Karaoke company that has great products that our customers expect. You can say what you will but the first rule in this business is keep your customers happy and you'll never have to worry about cashflow. And it seems that my area as well as Steve's seem to be paying us more than anywhere else reporting here from the country, so maybe you should listen a little bit? Just a suggestion, things are improving here and i see no signs of it slowing down anytime soon. All in all, you run your business how you like but if you ever wonder how others are making so much when they seem to do something you consider " foolish " like supporting Sound Choice, maybe our decisions aren't quite so foolish after all. Good luck with your Decisions

- Ken -
See Rick, there you go again implying that I am making up stories, when you do not know what I am involved in personally!

It should not be the mods discretion as to what is jus' playin' and what is a personal attack, either it is tolorated or it isn't! And personally it is twice as bad when the moderators and sponsors are quilty of it! When can't have our cake and eat it too!

And again I have to ask you why you have not asked Sound Choice directly about their position on computer karaoke players, since they have now been filing lawsuits for over a year you would think that Roxbox, Karma, Sax & Dotty, MTU, Windows Media, Winamp or any of the many other Computer players that work with Karaoke files would have been hit by now!


How many times have people been "implying" or otherwise insinuating that I have run a "nefarious operation" or outright accused me of piracysimply because I ran several systems? You don't want names....

I apologize for any comments I may have made towards you or Julie and I have been reprimanded for those comments, we have all been quilty of it but that doesn't excuse anyone of us!

I have made it my mission to see that it stops completely, it seems that for the most part it has stopped with the membership it is now just a question of getting sponsors and moderators to stop it as well!

That may be a little harder to accomplish though!
c. staley said:
.... so why so much cheerleading?

Because, he is at heart anti-competitive.

Again, a large portion of my income is based in karaoke I don't have a "day job" my living is made from DJ and KJ work! I have a vested interest in seeing karaoke survive as an industry, I support the efforts of the music industry in going after pirates and I support those in the karaoke industry going after pirates simply because it is in my interest!

It sounds so nice but, it's full of dependency and passivity.

The person best able to resolve your interests regarding priacy in your market is you!
Mind yourself and let the pied piper who says he can sue them all away paly his own flute.

Today's quiz

When a pirate lands a job in your market it's because he:

A. steals music
B. infringed someone's trademark
C. format shifted
D. did something called sales
Steve, FWIW you and Rick are always jabbing each other back and fourth. Yous seem to enjoy it, are both big boys and neither complains, hence I don't bust chops about it.

When someone complains about being branded a pirate just because they aren't towing the SC line then I have to ask you to tone it down that's all. I recently put everyone on notice about the BS in the Karaoke threads. Not just you but you're the one who by far has garnered the most complaints hence the PM to you.

Also FWIW I've had to ask a sponsor or two and even some of our staff to simmer down on a couple of occasions. The rules apply to everyone.

It's never fun for me to tell guys who are in many cases old enough to be my father to behave themselves though. :sqembarrassed:
c. staley said:
No, not "by the same token" at all.

YOU are NOT Sound Choice and if they dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow, would you disappear with them? I think not. If you dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow, would they disappear with you? Nope.

So when you get right down to it, you're not dependent on them and they are not dependent on you.... so why so much cheerleading?

Because the pirates do affect me and my business down the line!

My point was, and you made it, is that since this is no longer an open forum an arguements for the pirates don't affect anyone then by the same token arguements for Sound Choice don't affect anyone either!

Granted if I were to drop dead tomorrow, my demise wouldn't affect Sound Choice at all, if Sound Choice were to close up shop tomorrow, while I would greatly miss their porduct, I could continue on without them. But I see their efforts to curb piracy as a help to the industry and i want to see that continue not only for me but those who will continue on after me!
Wall Of Sound said:
Ok Chip, let me ask the question....

Why did you between June 2009 & June 2010 go from 7 systems to 1?

I run 2 systems with both books on my website which are different... Take a look....


(I'm not advertising, just posted the link for reference)

Duplicated is spelled incorrectly on your page.:sqrolleyes:
Sound Choice said:
Soon, very soon - NJ and NY.

Good luck with this quest here in the big City. Karaoke died out here in 1999, you may find a few hacks in the sticks. :sqbiggrin:
Loneavenger said:
He is standing up for a product he believes in and has made him as well as others here a lot of money. You can bash Sound Choice all you want but a few things HERE will never change. The Singers prefer Sound Choice over all others, without it you will not be taken seriously as a karaoke host ( in my area ). No, that does not mean that Sound Choice runs the business it is just fact, the hosts that are illegal and got scared in this area and stopped using Sound Choice, have lost their singers to me and a couple now have even lost their shows. You can't just remove something that the singers have come to expect and think it's going to be okay. Singers in our area , half of the time will write " Sound Choice version please " on their slip with their song request. We give our customers what they want, that is how you do business. Steve is " cheerleading for SoundChoice " because they are a Karaoke company that has great products that our customers expect. You can say what you will but the first rule in this business is keep your customers happy and you'll never have to worry about cashflow. And it seems that my area as well as Steve's seem to be paying us more than anywhere else reporting here from the country, so maybe you should listen a little bit? Just a suggestion, things are improving here and i see no signs of it slowing down anytime soon. All in all, you run your business how you like but if you ever wonder how others are making so much when they seem to do something you consider " foolish " like supporting Sound Choice, maybe our decisions aren't quite so foolish after all. Good luck with your Decisions

- Ken -

Thank you for that answer.... "Thunder's Spokesperson."

If it is true that the singers in your area won't take you seriously if you don't have SC then it is my opinion that you should just drop all the other brands and just keep that one... don't spend a dime on any other brand because the best way you can show your support for the company is by purchasing exclusively their product AND giving your customers "what they want."

Oh wait!... You can't purchase them anymore can you? You can only "rent them" forever.

Here is where we differ:

You believe your "singers want Sound Choice" and for some unknown reason, that those same singers are your "customers."

I believe the patrons that come in the club want to have a "great, fun time" whether or not I have any particular brand. They are the ones putting money in the till and I get paid by only one "customer" and that is the club.

Loneavenger said:
You can't just remove something that the singers have come to expect and think it's going to be okay.

Maybe you can't. I already have and it's really made no change in business except that the singers are kind of getting a kick over trying something new to them.
DJ JohnThe1 said:
Good luck with this quest here in the big City. Karaoke died out here in 1999, you may find a few hacks in the sticks. :sqbiggrin:

NYC maybe, but Westchester, Putnam & Duchess have Karaoke practically every night of the week.
Thunder said:
And again I have to ask you why you have not asked Sound Choice directly about their position on computer karaoke players...

I've already said I don't trust them in the long term. The license agreement they are using seems odd at best, and the potential for lawsuits going beyond what they are already doing, is a potential future liability.

The prospect of this hostile environment that they've created, will have effects upon the entire food chain in the industry.

I'd prefer they fold, and not do any more damage to the industry, although I am not going out of my way to help (or hinder) that. They seem to be doing fine at it themselves... ;)
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