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GEM Set #1 has arrived!

Birdofsong said:
Calm down, Skid...he wasn't calling you a pirate...simply pointing how ridiculous it is when all the Sound Choice groupies constantly say that Sound Choice never makes mistakes and then somebody like you ends up with their target on your back. Contrary to what you may think, Chip is not your enemy. He's standing up for you, but can't understand why you're not standing up for yourself.




Skid the reference to anyone caught in the "sweeps" having to "settle" anything came from Thunder who's post (earlier in the thread) suggested only 2 options: (1) Settle or (2) go to court:

It is really simple if someone doesn't like how Sound Choice does the settlement then take it forward into court ...
Skid Rowe said:
Chip, where the he** do you get off calling me a pirate ? I'd really like to know why you had to say that.

It was a satirical statement... He wasn't calling you a pirate.
Big Joe said:
Well, there is this guy:trisad:


It doesn't appear that he went through the whole process. He basically told SC to stuff it and they went away. Does that still count?
There's one.
Thank you for posting this!!!
He got the media involved and made SC look bad. That forced SC to check his discs the way I suggested, not through their burdensome audit process. Too bad SC didn't learn from this mistake the first time!
And again, using my theory above, you can't possibly know just how many there are. I would be willing to be that most would love to sweep it under the carpet as an embarrassment and not want anyone to know they've been named. Bad for business. People have a habit (kind of like Kurt does) of believing that if someone looks guilty or is named in a suit, then they MUST be guilty!And those same people will not bother to ASK! Bad for business.
Thunder said:
It is really simple if someone doesn't like how Sound Choice does the settlement then take it forward into court

Simple? Maybe.
Cost effective? Certainly not!
And THAT's one of the things I take issue with. Most Kj's can't afford a lawyer to fight for them. So they take the "easy" (read cheaper) way out and bend over. How is this a "choice"?
Diafel said:
There's one.
Thank you for posting this!!!
He got the media involved and made SC look bad. That forced SC to check his discs the way I suggested, not through their burdensome audit process. Too bad SC didn't learn from this mistake the first time!
And again, using my theory above, you can't possibly know just how many there are. I would be willing to be that most would love to sweep it under the carpet as an embarrassment and not want anyone to know they've been named. Bad for business. People have a habit (kind of like Kurt does) of believing that if someone looks guilty or is named in a suit, then they MUST be guilty!And those same people will not bother to ASK! Bad for business.

Really you got one right? Wrong as I said find ONE negative statement from anyone AFTER the issue was settled!

You can't because there aren't any from this guy or anyone else!

We all already knew about this one!
Thunder said:
Really you got one right? Wrong as I said find ONE negative statement from anyone AFTER the issue was settled!

You can't because there aren't any from this guy or anyone else!

We all already knew about this one!

Not only that Thunder, but it appears that Diafel has some short term memory loss....

The KJ himself was never named in the suit, the venue was.....

Within the week, the venue was dropped from any litigation, and yes, have yet to hear a single comment from them since...

Maybe someone from the "anti-SC" camp can contact MacLoed's for comment. That should stir up this pot some more & keep the daily entertainment fresh, or should I say, stale......
Thunder said:
Really you got one right? Wrong as I said find ONE negative statement from anyone AFTER the issue was settled!

You can't because there aren't any from this guy or anyone else!

We all already knew about this one!

I guess that would depend on what the meaning of IS is, Mr President.
Wall Of Sound said:
Not only that Thunder, but it appears that Diafel has some short term memory loss....

The KJ himself was never named in the suit, the venue was.....

Within the week, the venue was dropped from any litigation, and yes, have yet to hear a single comment from them since...

Maybe someone from the "anti-SC" camp can contact MacLoed's for comment. That should stir up this pot some more & keep the daily entertainment fresh, or should I say, stale......

Please come back and school us all on short term memory loss.....

When you can actually not forget to finish a sentence....
DannyGKaraoke said:
in response to #2: You'd like to see all of us computer KJ's go down wouldn't you. IF CB is going after the computer KJ and not allowing the 1:1 shift then that is what is going to happen. A lot of legit KJ's going down the tubes that can't even afford the fines CB is looking for.

I don't have any reason at all to wish PC KJs any ill will. Where did that come from?

I use discs as a personal preference, and nothing to do with legality. Though Joker and I tease each other about the dark and light side of the force, it's never been malicious. I certainly don't care what others do. Though I feel that the use of PCs caused a lot of the problems we face now, it's a done deal. It no longer matters.

As far as what CB may do, PC users always knew they faced that risk from some source sooner or later, and bet on the odds against any company bothering to do anything about it.. Unfortunately, the use of MP3s has made piracy so easy, and with no expense at all to pirates, made it a neccesity for producers that want to stay in business to do something about it. PC KJs simply gambled and lost. If it wasn't CB, eventually it would still be some agency of the music industry or the government.

The media shift was always a gray area at best, and no rights for it have ever been granted, simply because - so far- there is no legal way to grant them.

Despite the fact that Steve thinks anyone who doesn't support SC supports pirates, I don't. I don't like SC's methodology, but also could not come up with a solution- and it isn't my job to do so.

The plan that has been attributed to CB ( and so far no one really knows for sure) sounds like a good one that might actually make a little dent (no one is really going to make a big one at this point.) AND it seems they will use a more logical approach with less of a "witch hunt" mentality. Could They actually care about keeping their customer base happy?

Is my view because I'm mfr. disc based, so won't be affected? No. I'm equally unaffected by SC, yet am vocal in my protests regarding their methodology- and will be equally vocal about CB if our info is incorrect and they do it SC's way.

I am disc based simply because I don't like MP3 sound, and I don't feel it would be of much real business benefit to ME. However, at this point, I'm going to have say that if one has the discs it would probably make life simpler to use them. Of course, one could also bet long odds again, and hope that it will always be the other guy...

Yes, I understand that many who started in this business on the PC would have to go through a learning process in regard to disc organization and physical use. If it makes anyone feel better, I swear it gets very easy very quickly. I have beaten a PC host in a speed loading contest.

Worried about carrying the weight of the discs? Hey, go to a gym. I'm 54, and have no problems with it. Keep in mind that this is a business. We are here to WORK. It's not about trying to make money for doing as little as possible and making our lives as easy and pleasant as we can. It's about providing the best service and product for our customers, and doing what must be done to make that happen.

If one doesn't have the discs ( or their library would shrink from 50K to 5K )than they deserve what they get anyway.

This is one of the few post that you have made on this subject that I agree with!:tribiggrin:


What Joe is saying is 100% correct, While it is more work I can run a show just as fast on disc using two players as I can on Karma (which is the fastest computer program for KJing I have ever seen! The biggest drawback to going back to disc for me would be having to carry in two rubber maid tubs full of CDG books and the amount of table space they take up!

I could however reorganize my disc and redo my books and shrink that down to one tub!
I also have to agree with your last post. Computerizing actually slowed our process down...running 3 players in each rack was faster..no bumper music needed. Just WAY harder on our backs:tribiggrin: both DH and I have ruptured discs and a gym wont help with that...and with rates what they are now we cant afford to pay a roadie. DH is 60 and I am coming up on 50
The future is quite clear. The Disc as a form of playback is no longer acceptable to anyone with a substantial amount of material. Nothing SC, CB or any other manufacturer does will change that reality.

At best, their archaic thinking will shove karaoke out of the commercial venue entirely and place it permanently into the relative obscurity of people's home entertainment center.

Soon, the #1 hot-spot for karaoke will be right next to the X-box.

I predict all of these manufacturers will soon be bested and permanenetly defeated by somone with a much better idea. The market is so ripe for something fresh - and none of these players have a grip on; or the resources to deal with reality.
Proformance said:
The future is quite clear. The Disc as a form of playback is no longer acceptable to anyone with a substantial amount of material. .

Um, define "substantial". If you mean 50-100K tracks, you're right. However, how many KJs that have 100K tracks actually have the discs? The cost would be prohibitive considering even the best of bar fees.

Also, why would anyone bother buying that many unneeded tracks? When would they get used?

I've been at this a few decades. I carry somewhere around 14,000 tracks to venues ( fitting in 3 600 disc binders), another few thousand foreign language discs when I do private events, and have a box of maybe another 5000 songs that I've either removed or never bothered adding to the library. Of those thousands that I carry, I guess I use MAYBE 500 on a REGULAR basis. Call it- TOPS - 25K tracks total even after decades of accumulation, and I generally carry only a bit more than half that. That's 3 binders hand carried with no problem.

Of course, this is also another reason why the piracy issue was minimal by comparison to today's MP3 hosting. If people are to lazy or out of shape to carry 15K tracks, they sure as hell aren't going to carry 100K.

MP3 ROCK, huh?! :trirolleyes::triwink:
JoeChartreuse said:
Um, define "substantial". If you mean 50-100K tracks, you're right. However, how many KJs that have 100K tracks actually have the discs? The cost would be prohibitive considering even the best of bar fees.

Also, why would anyone bother buying that many unneeded tracks? When would they get used?

I've been at this a few decades. I carry somewhere around 14,000 tracks to venues ( fitting in 3 600 disc binders), another few thousand foreign language discs when I do private events, and have a box of maybe another 5000 songs that I've either removed or never bothered adding to the library. Of those thousands that I carry, I guess I use MAYBE 500 on a REGULAR basis. Call it- TOPS - 25K tracks total even after decades of accumulation, and I generally carry only a bit more than half that. That's 3 binders hand carried with no problem.

Of course, this is also another reason why the piracy issue was minimal by comparison to today's MP3 hosting. If people are to lazy or out of shape to carry 15K tracks, they sure as hell aren't going to carry 100K.

MP3 ROCK, huh?! :trirolleyes::triwink:

****, I have to agree with you again!

Except that one of my disc boxes weights in at 242 pounds! I used to carry it to every gig I did, then I guess I just got lazy because CDGs came out and I started buying those and stopped carrying around that heavy arse laser disc box!:tribiggrin:
Then being the lazy guy I am!:tribiggrin: The computer KJ system came into being and I tried it with PCDJ (it was a major disaster) and I went back to disc for a few more years then I decided to try S&D which was simple easy to use and again being lazy I spent my nights running shows from disc and my days ripping them to MP3Gs, over a years time involved just lazying around!:tribiggrin: But alas I could run circles around S&D with dual players for speed but i stayed with S&D and they came out with Digital entertainer and it was almost as fast as running dual players! Then Rob turned me on to Karma and I discovered that by playing around and a little tweaking on the start and end times of any particular song that I could put to shame any dual player system for speed and still have time to get up talk to and play with people, but again I am just Lazy!:tribiggrin:
242 pounds of discs? They must have been etched stone from your humble beginnings?......:tribiggrin:

Seriously, that's somewhere around 23 THOUSAND DISCS, which at an average of 17 songs per, would be around 391,000 tracks. And that's just ONE of your disc boxes.

Um, any dupes? :tribiggrin:
JoeChartreuse said:
242 pounds of discs? They must have been etched stone from your humble beginnings?......:tribiggrin:

Seriously, that's somewhere around 23 THOUSAND DISCS, which at an average of 17 songs per, would be around 391,000 tracks. And that's just ONE of your disc boxes.

Um, any dupes? :tribiggrin:

Don't forget that the KJ carring that box is probably around 230lbs >>> :tritongue:

That is what my "laser disc" box weighted you have to remember that each disc was a little over a pound each so 100 disc was over 100 pounds then using two 50 space flip outs (34 pounds each empty) both housed in a single carpeted plywood box!

I take it you didn't have the laser disc experience!:trisad:

Wanna see a picture?:tribiggrin:

BTW it is friggin raining again!
Thunder said:

1) I take it you didn't have the laser disc experience!:trisad:

2) BTW it is friggin raining again!

1) Unfortunately, I do. I just wasn't thinking about them, or my cassettes for that matter....:trirolleyes: We've been discussing going back to using CD+Gs. Why the heck you would have used a 34 pound box to carry them- even back then- escapes me.

2) Yup, been doing the same here for a week. However, we've been on water restriction for a couple of weeks, so I shouldn't complain...:triwink:
JoeChartreuse said:
1) Unfortunately, I do. I just wasn't thinking about them, or my cassettes for that matter....:trirolleyes: We've been discussing going back to using CD+Gs.

OK why did you stop carrying laser disc?

Why the heck you would have used a 34 pound box to carry them- even back then- escapes me.

Because the 50 disc flip outs weighed 34 pounds? They were made from high density press board and they were slick and fragile (I know I dropped one and they were also very expensive at $130 each) so I built another box from plywood to house them in to protect them from damage!