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GEM Set #1 has arrived!

JoeChartreuse said:
Um, define "substantial". If you mean 50-100K tracks, you're right. However, how many KJs that have 100K tracks actually have the discs? The cost would be prohibitive considering even the best of bar fees.

Also, why would anyone bother buying that many unneeded tracks? When would they get used?

I've been at this a few decades. I carry somewhere around 14,000 tracks to venues ( fitting in 3 600 disc binders), another few thousand foreign language discs when I do private events, and have a box of maybe another 5000 songs that I've either removed or never bothered adding to the library. Of those thousands that I carry, I guess I use MAYBE 500 on a REGULAR basis. Call it- TOPS - 25K tracks total even after decades of accumulation, and I generally carry only a bit more than half that. That's 3 binders hand carried with no problem.

Of course, this is also another reason why the piracy issue was minimal by comparison to today's MP3 hosting. If people are to lazy or out of shape to carry 15K tracks, they sure as hell aren't going to carry 100K.

MP3 ROCK, huh?! :trirolleyes::triwink:

With all due respect Joe, I don't see anything in your illustration that constructively justifies you carrying that many discs or the CD players to match.

What I do see is someone who is simply not willing and without a compelling need to move out of their present comfort zone; and that's just fine.
James Harrington, an attorney for North Carolina based Sound Choice Studios said he could not detail the investigative methods used that identified Macleod's as running illegal karaoke.
However, Harrington said he believes the suit does have merit.
"We would never sue someone who we didn't think was infringing," Harrington said.

James Harrington "won't comment" on how they investigated the bar - because, they never went in there! They simply named every bar in the town they could find serving karaoke.

I have no trouble pointing a finger at SC's lawyer to call him a liar and a fraud and I can do it with far more conviction than any of you pointing fingers at random KJs and calling them pirates.

They dropped their case knowing full well it would be dismissed without an answer to the club's question: "how did you arrive at the conclusion that the club was using a computer or unauthorized copies?"

The answer is: "pure speculation" and that is grounds for instant dismissal. I've read one of SC's pleadings, and the answer to this pertinent question was conspicuously missing.

The bar owner called their bluff. Good for him, and congratulations to the KJ for having such a supportive relationship with his employer. Too bad there isn't much of that to go around here. :(
Thunder said:
Really you got one right? Wrong as I said find ONE negative statement from anyone AFTER the issue was settled!

You can't because there aren't any from this guy or anyone else!

We all already knew about this one!

Well, then why don't we smear your name on the Channel 11 News?

I'm sure when it's over everything will be positive, right?

What did you say you do for a living, (we know it doesn't have anything to do with reading skills)!:tribiggrin:

If you read the article you would have read the part about the Sound Choices Belief that they were running from a CAVS player (Sound Choice never released any of their Music for CAVS system)! Macleod's stated in the article that they were using the CAVS player to play regular music during the show!

Macleod's people have been extremely quite about the issue since that time, I wonder if Sound Choice "made them whole"!:triwink:

What was it you do for a living again? We know it isn't law!
Wall Of Sound said:
Within the week, the venue was dropped from any litigation, and yes, have yet to hear a single comment from them since...

Here's a few for you:

Earls said. "I'm very upset, it's portrayed us to be dishonest."

"That's not good for anybody, it's portrayed Jim to be dishonest."

We've not done anything wrong," Earls said.

"They're not going to get anything from me. I've not done anything wrong," McGaha said.

If you and Thunder are going to claim that other people can't read - you might want to first take up the practice yourselves. :)

I refuse to accept an outrage on tha basis that in it's aftermath people are able to move on.
What is it again that's the foundation of your argument?
We know it isn't just bitterness and too devalue people?
Thunder said:

What did you say you do for a living, (we know it doesn't have anything to do with reading skills)!:tribiggrin:

I don't believe he said anything and frankly, it's none of your business is it really? Does it matter at all? Are you just that nosy?

Since you are somehow asserting that you are the "king of reading comprehension, read this:

Thunder said:
If you read the article you would have read the part about the Sound Choices Belief that they were running from a CAVS player (Sound Choice never released any of their Music for CAVS system)! Macleod's stated in the article that they were using the CAVS player to play regular music during the show!

Yeah, it says; "Sound Choices Belief" not "proof", not "evidence" not anything substantial ....(nice of you to capitalize that too so we know it's not a typo).

Thunder said:
Macleod's people have been extremely quite about the issue since that time, I wonder if Sound Choice "made them whole"!

The word is "quiet", not "quite." The only thing Sound Choice did was expose their own crappy "investigative techniques" wouldn't you say? Oh, and let's not mention making sure that these FALSE accusations were spread to the media and the public at electronic speeds.

It's not in the best interest of the restaurant to bring up the negative publicity that they did not deserve in the first place. And did they even get an apology from SC? Nope. Nothing other than dropping them from what would have been a losing lawsuit for SC. Nice. That shows real class wouldn't you agree?

SC's been pretty quiet about the copyright suits against them too... why's that?

Thunder said:
What was it you do for a living again? We know it isn't law!

Like it's really any of your business to start with? We know that you don't run spelling bees, or teach english literature classes or facilitate writing workshops.

Feel free to post any comments that either Jim or McGaha said after that time!

What was it you do for a living again, we know it isn't research!:tritongue:
Proformance said:
I refuse to accept an outrage on the basis that in it's aftermath people are able to move on.
What part of this principle is too complicated for you too understand?

The act is not mitigated by the victim's ability to recover.
Proformance said:
With all due respect Joe, I don't see anything in your illustration that constructively justifies you carrying that many discs or the CD players to match.

What I do see is someone who is simply not willing and without a compelling need to move out of their present comfort zone; and that's just fine.

I agree with " without a compelling need". Once again, I run a business for a profit. I saw no profit in switching, and actual loss in sound quality ( for those who can hear it, and as shown on any oscilliscope), time ( a LOT of time, which is also money), and expense. I would have gained absolutely nothing. My library would be no different, because I would be ripping discs that I had ( as opposed to pirated or downloaded for illegal use in a show). As stated by others, I would have had a slower running show due to loss of usage speed.

As far as carrying players go, it's simply a sub for a PC, and vice versa. No difference.

I can do anything neccesary for the show with players that a PC can.

Those shows that only use a VIRTUAL mixer don't match those that use the real thing.

Since 3 binders ( which, when full, would hold 1800 discs) can be help in the crook of an arm, and carried with two in one trip, I'm still missing the difficulty, unless- like Athena and DH - one has some sort of debilitating condition.

Steve brought up the only real downside to discs- table space. However, this too can be a blessing- adding to a professional appearance, as opposed to just another PC like the one most people have at home.

Also, to remain profitable and run smoothly ( a requirement for any successful business) in these times of witchhunting it seems like a good idea.

The only KJs who would suffer any actual inconvenience or loss in regard to their business would be those without a disc library to begin with, or whose disc library is a whole lot smaller than the one on the PC, right?

As far as leaving my "comfort zone": I've mentioned in the past that I've spent a lifetime as an electronics design engineer, among other things. I'm used to moving with new developments. However, because I have been on the cutting edge, I also know about way too many folks who made the mistake of following trends. Sometimes the trends are not always the best way. In my opinion, this has proven out using the PC example, and will continue to do so, now that the use of MP3s has made pirating so easy and expenseless that it has virtually FORCED the music producers to go hunting.
Again I have to agree with parts of your post. The time involved to rip our legal system was extensive. It took us over 2 years by trial and error. (the extra exspense of custom designed software to protect our drives from duplication by a pirate and special locking cases was another part) And yes we ended up with the same music.We have found the digital systems to be slower requiring bumper music. You are also correct that someone well trained can do everything that a pc based system can and more.VIRTUAL mixer don't match those that use the real thing also very true...we still use Real mixers due to this. Our systems required a large tray type rack of discs and 3 500 binders very heavy and space consuming and put our discs at the risk of theft(it did happen on 2 diffrent occations...distract the KJ with a fight and run with a binder or 2)> I have no problem with you being disc based...we were one of the last to switch here but then again we did the work ....not just buying a preloade drive and it was part of the plan to lighten the load for our backs.:triwink:
Originally Posted by JoeChartreuse
I am VERY surprised that the discs are pressed. There is no advantage to it if the disc only contains MP3 files, and it's more costly. Just an observation- not an icky or subject of debate.

This is actually very true.

If the format is MP3 - the intedned player is a computer and therefore the transfer makes the life span of the actual disc unimportant. The preferred backup will always be another hard drive - not the actual disc.

This is the current state of reality when it comes to how most forms of audio-video media are used today. As for the SC disposition to sue and their 1:1 contention - The law does not require that I produce for SC an original disc - just proof of the original purchase. original rights, and/or permissions. If the original disc was a burned product; deteriorated rapidly, and I choose to discrad it - that would provide no basis for the Soundchoice complaint.

1:1 is not a legal principle - it simply does not exist in the law. It is a presumed license to a single user resulting from a single purchase. It has no reference to the actual posession of a disc - it refers to the posession of a right and under many circumstances that right can be retained even in the absence of the actual disc.
Proformance said:
It has no reference to the actual posession of a disc - it refers to the posession of a right and under many circumstances that right can be retained even in the absence of the actual disc.

And this, I suppose, is one of the reasons for the separate serial number document and laptop ID stickers that accompanied my GEM discs "rental" agreement.

Hey! This italic and color thing is fun! :tritongue:
Bazza said:
And this, I suppose, is one of the reasons for the separate serial number document and laptop ID stickers that accompanied my GEM discs "rental" agreement.

Hey! This italic and color thing is fun! :tritongue:

Just leave off the sticker and see where that gets you. Oops! I forgot. You had to agree to plaster those on your equipment didn't you? And how much are they paying you to advertise their name at the beginning, middle and end of each song you play? Nothing?
c. staley said:
Just leave off the sticker and see where that gets you. Oops! I forgot. You had to agree to plaster those on your equipment didn't you?

LOL...I GLADLY "plastered" those tiny stickers on my laptop! Personally, I think it looks cool and only further reinforces the legitimacy of my business. I also have a NY license plate on my car and a registration sticker in my window...I had to agree to those too. :tritongue:

c. staley said:
And how much are they paying you to advertise their name at the beginning, middle and end of each song you play? Nothing?

Wow, you really are serious aren't you. But I will play your silly game. They pay me nothing for this "advertising". In fact, I do it FOR FREE because they are the best in the business and I want everyone to know I only use the best! :triwink:

Bars don't get paid to use branded beer tap handles, but they do it anyway. Why? They could just use simple black handles. Budweiser isn't paying them for that advertising! Those fools! :tritongue:
Bazza said:
LOL...I GLADLY "plastered" those tiny stickers on my laptop! Personally, I think it looks cool and only further reinforces the legitimacy of my business. I also have a NY license plate on my car and a registration sticker in my window...I had to agree to those too. :tritongue:

And those were issued by a government entity.... Your laptop stickers were from a "karaoke vendor." Perhaps you don't see a distinction?

Bazza said:
Wow, you really are serious aren't you. But I will play your silly game. They pay me nothing for this "advertising". In fact, I do it FOR FREE because they are the best in the business and I want everyone to know I only use the best!

Well it must be worth something... it's the entire basis for their lawsuits. I'd suggest you negotiate some sort of fee because they're making lots of money off it... Or are you suggesting that since they "pay you nothing" it's worthless?

Bazza said:
Bars don't get paid to use branded beer tap handles, but they do it anyway. Why? They could just use simple black handles. Budweiser isn't paying them for that advertising! Those fools!

No, they don't "get paid" to use them because they can't sell beer without them. It's state law and mandatory to use branded tap handles here. The beer distributors (read as "vendors") give them to the bars free in order to be in compliance with the "law." Maybe where you live they can use plain handles.
Proformance said:
What part of this principle is too complicated for you too understand?

The act is not mitigated by the victim's ability to recover.


I guess there are a few things that you simply weren't aware of.

Sound Choice didn't splatter the venue or the host all over the channel 11 news, McGaha did! McGaha went to the reporters it was excellent advertisement for his business, you have to give him credit he took a lemon and made lemonade!
Thunder said:
.. you have to give him credit he took a lemon and made lemonade!

We all knew that sooner or later you would slip and admit that SoundChoice is a lemon.

Okay, who had Aug. 26th in the pool? $$$
No one was in the pool because Rick lost control of his bladder again!