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GEM Set #1 has arrived!

Thunder said:
And dump Chartbuster, Top Hits Monthly, Pop Hits Monthly, and Zoom!

Then Dump Karaoke, because you don't have anything left!

I hope a lot of the pirates do just as you suggest because because that would certainly be the easiest and smartest thing for them to do, and it certainly won't hurt those of us who were dumb enough to be legit and willing go through an audit!:trismug:

I think if you're willing to set the bar at $50 a night it leaves very little room for anything that could be defined as "hurting."

I don't think the SC actions will provide anywhere near the level of aggravation for "pirates" as the remainder KJs create for themselves via low expectations.
Thunder said:
And dump Chartbuster, Top Hits Monthly, Pop Hits Monthly, and Zoom!

Then Dump Karaoke, because you don't have anything left!

I hope a lot of the pirates do just as you suggest because because that would certainly be the easiest and smartest thing for them to do, and it certainly won't hurt those of us who were dumb enough to be legit and willing go through an audit!:trismug:

The point you're missing Thunder is that the venues will dump karaoke too. Then it won't matter for you either will it? I won't matter if you have 10 zillion legal discs, if there isn't a venue in sight, you're out of luck.

Would SC be willing to go through the same type of "audit" to see if the date they started selling each disc was always after all licensing was completed?
Nope. They wouldn't do it nor would they even be "willing to go through an audit" because they would fail miserably.

Piracy comes in many forms and it didn't start with the KJ's.
Thunder said:

The simple answer is ludite:tribiggrin:

If anyone is really concerned about possible or continuous harrassment then all they have to do is run the show from disc (if they have them)!

NOW yer talkin' my language...:tribiggrin:
KjAthena said:
I really dont care how many audits we have to go thru... :

I don't doubt you, considering past responses. The thing is, most people running a business have much better- and more important- things to do then stand at a vendor's beck and call. That would go for ANY business. If a vendor is a PITA, they just get eliminated from the vendor list. Done.
Thunder said:
And dump Chartbuster, Top Hits Monthly, Pop Hits Monthly, and Zoom!

Then Dump Karaoke, because you don't have anything left!

Why? Who says that the mfrs. above will screw up the methodology as badly as SC? As a matter of fact, my indications from CB on another forum show that they are much smarter than that. They watched and learned from SC's numerous errors.

As stated in other threads, only SC has created such hostility toward themselves. Other mfrs. may well get ( and deserve) more cooperation.

It appears to me that the vast majority of legit and legal KJ's are already supporting Sound Choice!

What makes you think the pirates are going to be any happier with Chartbuster when they start filing suits against them?

Think about it for a minute, even at best of the KJs who are opposed to Sound Choice 50% of them are pirates, personally I put it at a much higher level around 95%, and honestly from some of the PMs I have received several think it is 100%!
Thunder said:

1) It appears to me that the vast majority of legit and legal KJ's are already supporting Sound Choice!

2) What makes you think the pirates are going to be any happier with Chartbuster when they start filing suits against them?

3) Think about it for a minute, even at best of the KJs who are opposed to Sound Choice 50% of them are pirates, personally I put it at a much higher level around 95%, and honestly from some of the PMs I have received several think it is 100%!

1) It appears to me that what appears to you is incorrect....:tribiggrin:

2) What makes you think I give a fat rat's a$$ whether pirates are happy or not? Just the opposite. If CB's plan really is as described, it might actually do some good, as opposed to SC wasting everyone's time, energy, and money. I'm talking about legit hosts not getting the " I'm SC you'll do as I say" treatment and being more responsive and cooperative to a company with a better plan, making ACTUAL, TRUTHFUL, GENUINE INVESTIGATION much easier and less expensive in time and money.

3) I think that there is nothing that supports your guesses at percentages, and leave it at that.
JoeChartreuse said:
1) It appears to me that what appears to you is incorrect....:tribiggrin:

2) What makes you think I give a fat rat's a$$ whether pirates are happy or not? Just the opposite. If CB's plan really is as described, it might actually do some good, as opposed to SC wasting everyone's time, energy, and money. I'm talking about legit hosts not getting the " I'm SC you'll do as I say" treatment and being more responsive and cooperative to a company with a better plan, making ACTUAL, TRUTHFUL, GENUINE INVESTIGATION much easier and less expensive in time and money.

3) I think that there is nothing that supports your guesses at percentages, and leave it at that.

I agree the Chartbuster plan is going to be a lot simplier and easier if a KJ is computer based and using Chartbuster CDG product he/she is in violation, period!

Can't get any simplier or easier than that!

Joe look at the percentages here on this site alone!

1. How many "working KJs" (those who actually run shows) are there here?

2. Of those those how many support the actions of Sound Choice?

3. How many are opposed?

4. How many are ambivalent?

Now go back and look at your own estimate of the number of pirates in "your" area, and what I saw in my area, what Athena has stated were in her area, what has been stated by those from the Richmond area, now correlate that to the numbers here!

Even giving that everyone here is 100% legit or legal (which they aren't) my percentages still stand!

Not completely scientific by any means but pretty **** close!
Thunder said:
Not completely scientific by any means but pretty **** close!
Not even!
You cannot possibly think that the vocal FEW here is a fair representation of ALL KJ's, legit or not, in the WHOLE country.
And just to point out, many people do not like or enjoy conflict and so avoid it all costs. How do you know just WHAT SIDE KJ's like that are on?
You can't possibly.
This forum is but a droplet in an ocean. It may even be a totally unfair representation, since most people here are bold enough to join up and speak their minds. And that's just the ones who actually know this forum exists!
Seems to me, that you've made an awful lot of assumptions here. You know what they say about making assumptions...

Remember, those other manufacturers are watching SC and our reactions. As soon as the general public hears about it, you can bet that they also will be up in arms with how SC treats its customers. I know this because anyone I've ever mentioned it to, and who has researched in on the net, has come back to me with a VERY bad taste in their mouth for SC, and NOT ONE has complained about my decision to no longer use SC. In fact I get full on support! The way SC has gone about their "investigations" and the way they make their decisions on who to name has alienated many LEGIT and LEGAL hosts! Not great for PR, now is it? I am confident that CB and the rest are smarter than that, will want to preserve their good reputation, and so will go about things a little differently.
Oh, and saying that everyone here who opposes SC's METHODS are pirates is HIGHLY presumptuous! Let's be clear here: I believe that everyone here who speaks out against SC are opposed to the METHODS, not the fact that they'd like to go after pirates! You really just don't get it, do you?
Diafel said:
Not even!
You cannot possibly think that the vocal FEW here is a fair representation of ALL KJ's, legit or not, in the WHOLE country.
And just to point out, many people do not like or enjoy conflict and so avoid it all costs. How do you know just WHAT SIDE KJ's like that are on?
You can't possibly.
This forum is but a droplet in an ocean. It may even be a totally unfair representation, since most people here are bold enough to join up and speak their minds. And that's just the ones who actually know this forum exists!
Seems to me, that you've made an awful lot of assumptions here. You know what they say about making assumptions...

Remember, those other manufacturers are watching SC and our reactions. As soon as the general public hears about it, you can bet that they also will be up in arms with how SC treats its customers. I know this because anyone I've ever mentioned it to, and who has researched in on the net, has come back to me with a VERY bad taste in their mouth for SC, and NOT ONE has complained about my decision to no longer use SC. In fact I get full on support! The way SC has gone about their "investigations" and the way they make their decisions on who to name has alienated many LEGIT and LEGAL hosts! Not great for PR, now is it? I am confident that CB and the rest are smarter than that, will want to preserve their good reputation, and so will go about things a little differently.
Oh, and saying that everyone here who opposes SC's METHODS are pirates is HIGHLY presumptuous! Let's be clear here: I believe that everyone here who speaks out against SC are opposed to the METHODS, not the fact that they'd like to go after pirates! You really just don't get it, do you?

You made some key points that need to be addressed!

1. You are correct the members here are just a drop in the bucket.

2. Honestly the percentage of pirates here are a lot less than they are out in the rest of the world

3. It is not about how they are treating their customers it is about how they are going after those who aren't legit, name ONE person you know who has been named and then gone through the audit that has said anything about Sound Choice other than the fact that they were gracious, fair and easy to work with!

4. Name any legal (disc based) operator who has been incorrectly named who has said anything negative about Sound Choice AFTER the correction was made!

Yes you can name many who have been named (who aren't legit) who raise holy hell and call SC every name in the book! But you can't name a single person who has actually been through the process who has anything negative to say about the experience!
of course Steve do you really think Kurt would strong arm during this process? It would behoove him to be sweet as sugar perhaps selling a Gem or two.
Jon Tuck said:
of course Steve do you really think Kurt would strong arm during this process? It would behoove him to be sweet as sugar perhaps selling a Gem or two.

And aren't you making my point?:tritongue:

How is the process strong arming anyone, if you agree that they aren't!:tribiggrin:

It is really simple if someone doesn't like how Sound Choice does the settlement then take it forward into court or if they haven't been named then do what a lot of pirates are doing "delete the Sound Choice files from their hard drive (s)"

Either way there is nothing left to argue about?
sort of like a black widow. Once in your web you can change your approach and sink your fangs in with the ultimate pleasure.
Thunder said:
And aren't you making my point?:tritongue:

How is the process strong arming anyone, if you agree that they aren't!:tribiggrin:

It is really simple if someone doesn't like how Sound Choice does the settlement then take it forward into court or if they haven't been named then do what a lot of pirates are doing "delete the Sound Choice files from their hard drive (s).

Either way there is nothing left to argue about?

"How is it strong-arming?" Really? Post a copy of a letter of intent then #1 Cheerleader. That shouldn't be so hard to do if you think their process is "sweet, and kind and fair and lovely."

"does the settlement?" Okay, I'm sittin' on the sidedlines, just waiting to see how much Skid and the KIAA memeber is going to have to "settle" for. Because they are obviously a pair of those of low-down pirates that you speak of ... Sound Choice never makes mistakes right?

And yes, the pirates will delete SC from their hard drives.... and so will a lot of legit and legal KJ's.... you always seem to leave them out... why is that?

And no, you're wrong. There's still plenty to argue about.
Thunder said:
You made some key points that need to be addressed!

1. You are correct the members here are just a drop in the bucket.

2. Honestly the percentage of pirates here are a lot less than they are out in the rest of the world

3. It is not about how they are treating their customers it is about how they are going after those who aren't legit, name ONE person you know who has been named and then gone through the audit that has said anything about Sound Choice other than the fact that they were gracious, fair and easy to work with!

4. Name any legal (disc based) operator who has been incorrectly named who has said anything negative about Sound Choice AFTER the correction was made!

Yes you can name many who have been named (who aren't legit) who raise holy hell and call SC every name in the book! But you can't name a single person who has actually been through the process who has anything negative to say about the experience!

Well, there is this guy:trisad:


It doesn't appear that he went through the whole process. He basically told SC to stuff it and they went away. Does that still count?
JoeChartreuse said:
1) It appears to me that what appears to you is incorrect....:tribiggrin:

2) What makes you think I give a fat rat's a$$ whether pirates are happy or not? Just the opposite. If CB's plan really is as described, it might actually do some good, as opposed to SC wasting everyone's time, energy, and money. I'm talking about legit hosts not getting the " I'm SC you'll do as I say" treatment and being more responsive and cooperative to a company with a better plan, making ACTUAL, TRUTHFUL, GENUINE INVESTIGATION much easier and less expensive in time and money.

3) I think that there is nothing that supports your guesses at percentages, and leave it at that.

in response to #2: You'd like to see all of us computer KJ's go down wouldn't you. IF CB is going after the computer KJ and not allowing the 1:1 shift then that is what is going to happen. A lot of legit KJ's going down the tubes that can't even afford the fines CB is looking for.
c. staley said:
"How is it strong-arming?" Really? Post a copy of a letter of intent then #1 Cheerleader. That shouldn't be so hard to do if you think their process is "sweet, and kind and fair and lovely."

"does the settlement?" Okay, I'm sittin' on the sidedlines, just waiting to see how much Skid and the KIAA memeber is going to have to "settle" for. Because they are obviously a pair of those of low-down pirates that you speak of ... Sound Choice never makes mistakes right?

And yes, the pirates will delete SC from their hard drives.... and so will a lot of legit and legal KJ's.... you always seem to leave them out... why is that?

And no, you're wrong. There's still plenty to argue about.

Chip, where the he** do you get off calling me a pirate ? I'd really like to know why you had to say that.
DannyGKaraoke said:
in response to #2: You'd like to see all of us computer KJ's go down wouldn't you. IF CB is going after the computer KJ and not allowing the 1:1 shift then that is what is going to happen. A lot of legit KJ's going down the tubes that can't even afford the fines CB is looking for.

Isn't the main point of the KIAA to verify that your transferred songs match up with discs that you own? If Chartbusters is a participating member, it wouldn't make sense to suddenly disallow it. Your membership should already protect you.

I could see it as a way of forcing KJ's who don't want to return to discs to join the KIAA. Maybe, and unfortunately, this is a choice we will all be foced to make some day.
Skid Rowe said:
Chip, where the he** do you get off calling me a pirate ? I'd really like to know why you had to say that.

Calm down, Skid...he wasn't calling you a pirate...simply pointing how ridiculous it is when all the Sound Choice groupies constantly say that Sound Choice never makes mistakes and then somebody like you ends up with their target on your back. Contrary to what you may think, Chip is not your enemy. He's standing up for you, but can't understand why you're not standing up for yourself.


Birdofsong said:
Calm down, Skid...he wasn't calling you a pirate...simply pointing how ridiculous it is when all the Sound Choice groupies constantly say that Sound Choice never makes mistakes and then somebody like you ends up with their target on your back. Contrary to what you may think, Chip is not your enemy. He's standing up for you, but can't understand why you're not standing up for yourself.



No one here that I know of has said CS never makes mistakes......if I am wrong please point to the post