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I got banned and I don't know what I did

I hate people who think they can control others. I will not ever let someone have control over me. I would do the exact opposite just to spite them or completely retreat and ignore.

In the words of the late George Carlin:

**** you and anybody that LOOKS like you!
It wasn't Mrs. Pinecone. It was mama22qts. But I noticed initially it was a 5 point infraction that was reversed and a 20 point infraction given.

TON, you are a GROWN-**** MAN!

I am more of a boob-guy. But I can get into **** play when DW wants it that way.

I dunno yet if I will post over there anymore. I have to rethink [my] interactions with our members. because I have a history of harsh exchanges here at HCW, and this is no exception. My actions call your judgement into question

Some of y'all might have noticed I like to brag, and like it or not, there's a bigger audience over there. The Stop&Shop and Shaw's threads over there get a little more activity than here or elsewhere, and I haven't yet tired of astonishing folks with my high volume shopping, outright shelf-clearing and wiping out of every peelie in the district. I'm smarter and better at this than just about anyone else - but I'm one of the very few who has the guts to talk about this kind of volume. I can hold my own with the very best of them.

I will try to find the PM I sent - basically if I recall it I copied the "report" I made to the mods when one holier-than-thou member started spewing nonsense about something I clearly know more about. It wasn't my job to let the member know why their post was being edited.

I did get a return PM from the member I reported - I think she later forwarded it to the mods. I don't think they went out of their way to read PMs.
Dear too-old-now,

You have received an infraction at Hot Coupon World. Your face will be plastered on every news channel across the Eastern seaboard.

Reason: Cavorting with the ****s at CW
You have been banned from HCW for a 5 day period. This ban comes as a result of nothing that can be pinpointed exactly, it's just that HCW is run by a bunch of selfish overweight cows who are jealous of people who have 5 cats. You are not a mod here and therefore are just a measly common peasant that we can look upon with disdain. You also do not have any authority to chide another member, that right is reserved for the Lunchlady or Wartlady. You have a history of harsh exchanges here at HCW, and since many of our members have reported recent sightings of you at couponerswanted, you have left us no other alternative than to take this immediate action. Afterall couponerswanted is a far superior coupon site that actually allows their members to have thoughts and opinions. Your actions call your judgement into question, and while you are absent from HCW, I suggest you rethink where your loyalties lie.

Many have reported your posts, and have not found them amusing. We fail to see any hilarity regarding your recent OREO encounter, as many of our mods have been known to down a few bags of Oreos in one sitting.

This banning is noted on your record, and we have contacted Homeland Security so that they can be prepared for any retaliation that you may have planned. We realize that a ban of this magnitude could seem like the end of the world for most people. We implore you not to take your life or the lives of others. At HCW we make sure that our members never question our authority or they will suffer the consequences.

Aren't we the best,
Hot Coupon World

please don't kid yourself about them not reading your pms they can and do.

Im on my phone so please forgive typos.
It wasn't Mrs. Pinecone. It was mama22qts. But I noticed initially it was a 5 point infraction that was reversed and a 20 point infraction given.


I am more of a boob-guy. But I can get into **** play when DW wants it that way.

I dunno yet if I will post over there anymore. I have to rethink [my] interactions with our members. because I have a history of harsh exchanges here at HCW, and this is no exception. My actions call your judgement into question

Some of y'all might have noticed I like to brag, and like it or not, there's a bigger audience over there. The Stop&Shop and Shaw's threads over there get a little more activity than here or elsewhere, and I haven't yet tired of astonishing folks with my high volume shopping, outright shelf-clearing and wiping out of every peelie in the district. I'm smarter and better at this than just about anyone else - but I'm one of the very few who has the guts to talk about this kind of volume. I can hold my own with the very best of them.

I will try to find the PM I sent - basically if I recall it I copied the "report" I made to the mods when one holier-than-thou member started spewing nonsense about something I clearly know more about. It wasn't my job to let the member know why their post was being edited.

I did get a return PM from the member I reported - I think she later forwarded it to the mods. I don't think they went out of their way to read PMs.

TON- if you want more of an audience, why don't you try the grocery/drugstore forums at slickdeals? They seem to get the same info but I have not noticed the assholeness yet. Of course, I tend to lay low so maybe thats why I have not noticed it. You can actually talk about things that would get you banned at HCW
I admit with much guilt that I do still go to HCW for the database tho. I have not found one as good as that one elsewhere.
This is the PM I sent - the top part was cut/paste from the report to the mods. I titled it wanted to let you know I reported your peelie post

I wanted to reply to this post, but I thought again as it is already going off topic. There are plenty of threads on this topic already.
What concerns me is that this particluar post is somewhat trollish in nature and flat out wrong. First of all, manufacturers are not the only ones who put peelies on their products. Sometimes the store does so. For example, the save $1.50 on Coke Zero 12 pk ones from last fall.
The manufacturers may print/issue the peelies, but their goal is to increase sales. If I find a $1.50 peelie on a 12 pk of coke zero at a store that is retailing them for $4.59, I see nothing wrong with taking it and redeeming it at another store that is selling them for 1.99. Either way, the coupons are redeemed, and the manufacturer sold more product.
The initial post in the thread was a rant about being told one thing by a store manager, then having your legs cut out from under you when they pull an about face and hassle you beyond belief. I understand that and am sorry for the OP.
I don't know if this post should be removed, or just a reminder to stay on topic or lock the thread - I defer to the folks in charge.
Thanks for your time. I am awaiting a response from the mods letting me know if I can post any/all of the above as a public reply without causing trouble.

I don't know if you meant anything inflammatory by your post, but at least part of it sure reads that way to some. I appreciate your point that folks will do what they want and that everyone's conscience and comfort levels are different.

I think the initial thread has since been edited. I haven't heard from the mods if my response in public would have been okay - I guess not.

The reply from the user I reported for going OT must be what got me in trouble. Ya think this was reported to the mods?

Re: wanted to let you know I reported your peelie post

I'm sorry if I offended you, it was not meant to offend anyone. I was simply stating my opinion. I'm not really sure what "trollish in nature" means...but I'm sure it is not good. But thanks for pointing this out, I will keep my opinion where it belongs...Off the list.

Slickdeals has been blocked from the computers at the foundation I volunteer with.
What a crock of **** that letter is!:bs:

and you didn't get it until now. seems like they have someone peeping around here and felt they had to come up with something.

Can you hear the "board meeting" in the "back room" now?

:mic:"OK ladies...ladies...what should we do about T-O-N?"
That is why it stinks of cone. I don't care who it officially came from. Ton you would be surprised how many people here goes to sr and s&s. But if you want to put your tail between your legs when after reading the pms do not be surprised when they feel you are a bully Like negging a poster ect. All you contribute and keeping their forums going mean zip to them when they decide you are not wanted.
Permanent record?
Rethink interactions?
Perma ban?
Reading your pm's?

I can't decide if this sounds more like high school or a bad episode of Big Brother. I'm not a fan of either. :jack:
Sorry TON that this happened to you.

I know how it feels to be banned, departed, what the hell ever, and not get a true explanation. However, this does not surprise me coming from that site.

Fiya hit it on the head with this one!

Dear too-old-now,

You have received an infraction at Hot Coupon World. Your face will be plastered on every news channel across the Eastern seaboard.

Reason: Cavorting with the ****s at CW
You have been banned from HCW for a 5 day period. This ban comes as a result of nothing that can be pinpointed exactly, it's just that HCW is run by a bunch of selfish overweight cows who are jealous of people who have 5 cats. You are not a mod here and therefore are just a measly common peasant that we can look upon with disdain. You also do not have any authority to chide another member, that right is reserved for the Lunchlady or Wartlady. You have a history of harsh exchanges here at HCW, and since many of our members have reported recent sightings of you at couponerswanted, you have left us no other alternative than to take this immediate action. Afterall couponerswanted is a far superior coupon site that actually allows their members to have thoughts and opinions. Your actions call your judgement into question, and while you are absent from HCW, I suggest you rethink where your loyalties lie.

Many have reported your posts, and have not found them amusing. We fail to see any hilarity regarding your recent OREO encounter, as many of our mods have been known to down a few bags of Oreos in one sitting.

This banning is noted on your record, and we have contacted Homeland Security so that they can be prepared for any retaliation that you may have planned. We realize that a ban of this magnitude could seem like the end of the world for most people. We implore you not to take your life or the lives of others. At HCW we make sure that our members never question our authority or they will suffer the consequences.

Aren't we the best,
Hot Coupon World

:rock: :giggle1: :atcw:
I love that Homeland Security mention. Careful Ton, they might escalate it and report you to the Hairnet Security.
That response is truly funny. Could they be any less obvious that they are asshats who have some unfulfilled need to exert some power over someone. Freaks.
Aww they have a shamu one too!



You forgot this one:

It wasn't Mrs. Pinecone. It was mama22qts.

Well in that case you should respond that you'd like to drink Kool-Aid while rollerskating and peeing on each other followed by a celebration of shouting from the rooftops.

That about covers her past . . . .
You forgot her bible-licking and coming face to face with an uncircumsized penis that wasn't exactly clean....
You forgot her bible-licking and coming face to face with an uncircumsized penis that wasn't exactly clean....

:???: :135: :link?:

I KNOW I missed story time on this one......