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If you medicatate for ADHD

we give DS some Mt Dew in the afternoon when his meds start to wear off. I don't give him too much but put it in a small glass where it looks full when even when there's not much. We know its starting to wear off when he starts humming and singing loudly; asking questions repetitively. The caffeine in Mt Dew has the opposite effect on him and calms him down as we observed. I was doubtful when his pedia first suggested Mt Dew instead of increasing his dose; but I gave it a try and it works. He's doing great in school. We wean him off meds in the summer when we have lots of activities for him to spend his energy. We put him back on meds 3 days before school starts. so far, so good. Meds has been our lifesaver after we've tried other alternatives.

I think DH and I both have ADD but we weren't diagnosed back then. I don't know how I coped but I remember getting punished a lot for 'misbehavin' when I was a child. DH says the same thing. Surprisingly, DD didn't have issues as a child, DS got the full concentrate :lol:
I do not have the time to read all the posts sorry...this is what I know form our experience and what I know from being a teacher. I hate all this typing and way prefer to talk....but here goes.

1.is it possible that he really did better the first time or am I reaching here? Did you notice a change in your child right away? Please tell me your kid's age at the time if you respond to this question.
You will more then likely see a difference the first time he is on...it is a stimulant...it is not a build up to work kinda thing. I would be surprised if you did not see any change...even slight. Spencer takes Metadate 20 mgs once a day. it is ex release it is a capsule and it is given opened and dumped into a spoon of yogurt or applesauce. It is not a problem. We tried FocalinXR and it made him quiet and unimaginative and he had trouble sleeping. We tried Vyvanse and he started with a nail picking tick as well as the other issues. Metadate is a reconstituted formula of Focalin. It is working. He is 8.

2. the ped said it will likely take a while before we notice anything if at all...this is not true unless the dose he starts him on is way low...it is a CNS stimulant. It will effect him immediatly.

3. ped also said we may have to try different doses or different drugs before we notice anything....this is VERY common it is often hard to get the exact dose the first time or even the right med since all formulas are different.

You can use the shorter acting things like Ritalin if homework becomes an issue...it lasts four hours and should not have much effect on his sleeping...and

really if you ever want to talk PM me I will call you.
PS I am sure I am ADD and never was diagnosed...Very rarely does ADD 'travel alone" we are having Spencer evaluated in Audiological processing next week.
Ditto. Two TVs in the house and none in bedrooms. Upstairs living room and downstairs family room. No gaming systems and just got DirecTV in the last year. Before that just the basic rabit ears channels.
PS I am sure I am ADD and never was diagnosed...Very rarely does ADD 'travel alone" we are having Spencer evaluated in Audiological processing next week.

I've always had a feeling my dd has had this but i have always been put off by her teachers and doctors. Now we are without insurance and i'm hoping one of you could steer me in the right direction to get her evaluated and possibly started on some meds. She's 7 and starting to show signs in her reading and i can't even get her to finish a bowl of cereal in a timely fashion.
Add another freakazoid of a family. No t.v.s in the bedrooms.

No TV's in children's bedrooms here. :cartwheel:

Now the big baby (the man who is sitting beside me watching his nightly quota of COPS)? That's a different story. :hurt:
I've always had a feeling my dd has had this but i have always been put off by her teachers and doctors. Now we are without insurance and i'm hoping one of you could steer me in the right direction to get her evaluated and possibly started on some meds. She's 7 and starting to show signs in her reading and i can't even get her to finish a bowl of cereal in a timely fashion.

Has your DD's teachers mentioned anything to you about her in school? They'll likely be the first ones to notice it. If so and if it's becoming an issue then you might want to find a ped who specializes in ADD/ADHD. I did and found one at Children's. They'll want you and her teacher to fill out evaluation sheets and then discuss it with you and go from there as far as diagnosing or not.
Mind you for a couple years before even seeking a doc I tried things like a mostly organic diet (did that for over a year) and liquid vitamins that I researched online and bought from a health food store, changed sleeping times, took away "stimulants" like video games and limited tv and shut it off an hour before bed time and would read to him to try to calm him, etc. None of this helped his performance at school.

It's going to be tough without insurance though. Good luck and feel free to vent here because my kids make me wanna :gah: most of the time. :surrender:
pssst....TV in his bedroom.....pssstt.....

Most kids these days have a tv in their bedrooms ****-nugget! :ranting:

Theres a TV in every room in my house BUT the bathroom/laundry room..... Just curious.. do people think of me less of a Mom because of electronics that are in my kids rooms??

Oh and my DS1 has his own computer... too that he bought with his birthday money, IN HIS ROOM. Oh and that same child is a A-B student in all accelerated classes.

Just wondering is there a point to this?? Am I missing something vital??
Mrsmom....how did your teacher meeting go?

Well....a couple things before I get to that. My MIL works for unified and asked an aide who works with kids with needs who works at her school about help for private school kids who gave her info to give me. The long of the short of that is (according to this aide) is once a child is diagnosed and needs help then the principle of the private school needs to call unified and request a consult and we go from there. Apparently this aide has been to my kid's school (not lately) over the years.

SO I told his teacher this which she did not know (I asked them last year and they gave me totally different info).
The teacher didn't say anything new really and nothing that she couldn't tell me when I pick my kids up from school everyday and she sees me or nothing she couldn't have called me about like "When we're all sitting on the mat for reading time Matthew doesn't pay attention and lays down and wiggles around, etc." Ummm.....duh. Just **** like that but she did say he's gotten worse in the last two months. She had him last year too so she does have something to compare him to. She said the beginning of the year wasn't too bad but now when she really tries to get him to stop being silly, he won't/ can't where as before he would eventually stop when she really got serious with him.

OK so after leaving two messages with the docs office yesterday and being told they would call me today I was shocked when the doc herself called me at 7:00 last night and discussed Matthew with me for a half hour and talked about different meds, etc. She is going to see him monday morning at 8:30 and wants my DH and anyone who might take care of him or is interested to come too and hear about the drugs and side affects, etc. so they know what to expect.
Basically the one that will help him might also make his ticks worse which may be irreversible even when off the drugs so that's really something I'm worried about because I don't want him to get picked on by other kids.

God.....am I doing the right thing? :surrender:

Thanks for reading my book. :redface:
I don't think that makes you less of a mom. Maybe I am less of a mom denying my kids TV in their room?

No maybe there is a reason for not having it... I dunno. I just was wondering WHY?? Is there a reason or has it never come up?? Etc etc... not just you but anyone who is against it.. I would love to hear the reasons...

to me I guess it's just not a big deal.. so I wanna hear why some others are dead set against it... not judging just curious.
Well....a couple things before I get to that. My MIL works for unified and asked an aide who works with kids with needs who works at her school about help for private school kids who gave her info to give me. The long of the short of that is (according to this aide) is once a child is diagnosed and needs help then the principle of the private school needs to call unified and request a consult and we go from there. Apparently this aide has been to my kid's school (not lately) over the years.

SO I told his teacher this which she did not know (I asked them last year and they gave me totally different info).
The teacher didn't say anything new really and nothing that she couldn't tell me when I pick my kids up from school everyday and she sees me or nothing she couldn't have called me about like "When we're all sitting on the mat for reading time Matthew doesn't pay attention and lays down and wiggles around, etc." Ummm.....duh. Just **** like that but she did say he's gotten worse in the last two months. She had him last year too so she does have something to compare him to. She said the beginning of the year wasn't too bad but now when she really tries to get him to stop being silly, he won't/ can't where as before he would eventually stop when she really got serious with him.

OK so after leaving two messages with the docs office yesterday and being told they would call me today I was shocked when the doc herself called me at 7:00 last night and discussed Matthew with me for a half hour and talked about different meds, etc. She is going to see him monday morning at 8:30 and wants my DH and anyone who might take care of him or is interested to come too and hear about the drugs and side affects, etc. so they know what to expect.
Basically the one that will help him might also make his ticks worse which may be irreversible even when off the drugs so that's really something I'm worried about because I don't want him to get picked on by other kids.

God.....am I doing the right thing? :surrender:

Thanks for reading my book. :redface:

Eeeekkkkkk... that's alot to make a decision on..
I will here on out be moving the TV debate to the proper thread..... please feel free to join me! :lol:
Theres a TV in every room in my house BUT the bathroom/laundry room..... Just curious.. do people think of me less of a Mom because of electronics that are in my kids rooms??

Oh and my DS1 has his own computer... too that he bought with his birthday money, IN HIS ROOM. Oh and that same child is a A-B student in all accelerated classes.

Just wondering is there a point to this?? Am I missing something vital??

Man I was just teasing her...take a chill pill, and yank that corncob outta your butt!
DO YOUR RESEARCH....google the meds that they have talked about...read the information for yourself..I do not know of any irreversible ticks....please remember that as professionals they MUST give you all the information out there...I think that like Adderall has shown to caus nerve fiber damage in rats...but people?? I mean I am not pro meds at all really, we struggled to keep him off...at some point we decided it was worth a try after exhaustive research...and it has been good for him. In the end that is what we decided was the most important...best for him and least negative reaction.

There are non stimulant meds like stratera maybe you can start with those?

As for help in private schools...in Illinois....sorry just over the border...if a child has needs for special 'help' they can get it for free through the school dist...but the child will have to be serviced in the Dist. buildings usually not during the school day. A parent can pay for the services at a private school and Insurance might pay out...not too sure.

http://dpi.wi.gov/sped/sb504.html is a place to read about 504 plans that might suffice yours sons immediate or future needs. %04 plans are for the kids who don't need and IEP and here http://www.child-disability-attorneys.com/idea/the-differences-between-section-504-plan-and-ieps.php is some stupid attorney site but has good information ...

Hope that this all helps you some how...PM me anytime if you want to talk IRL