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Is Watching Porn A Form of Cheating?

Dreek Lass

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The question might seem strange, because many people consider cheating to be a purely physical and emotional thing with a physical person, or with someone that they have met in person or will have a large chance of meeting. But for me, and for a few others as I have discovered, porn can be considered cheating.

If I ever had a girlfriend and caught her watching porn without me, that would be, for me, grounds to end the relationship. When I am with someone I am in in 100%. There is no one else that I would seek that sexual gratification from, whether it is physically or getting off on sexual acts that they are doing through a computer or television screen. It is all the same thing to me.

What do you think? Do you get where I am coming from or not?
Porn isn't cheating.

My girlfriend looks at porn plenty enough. Whacking off isn't the same as sex with someone else, and pornography is just an aid in masturbation- my gf certainly wouldn't choose the people in porn over me.

IMO if porns cheating, a vibrator or other personal toy is cheating too.
Porn isn't cheating.

My girlfriend looks at porn plenty enough. Whacking off isn't the same as sex with someone else, and pornography is just an aid in masturbation- my gf certainly wouldn't choose the people in porn over me.

IMO if porns cheating, a vibrator or other personal toy is cheating too.

I disagree. Porn is cheating, blatantly lol. I think porn is cheating because they are actually using images of someone else to get themselves off. With a vibrator, you could be the one working it or involved some other way. With porn, they have actually gone out of their way to look at someone else who isn't you, and that is cheating in my book. That is why the porn thing isn't the same as masturbation or using a vibrator.

I would never watch porn if involved with anybody else. it is not about trying to control what my partner does. They shouldn't want to look at something else over me, in my opinion. I don't want to look or see anyone else having sex if I am with someone - If I have gotten to the point where I liked them enough to actually date them.
In my point of view, watching porn isn't cheating. Expecting your partner to be exclusively attracted to you is unrealistic, and being jealous of porn stars should be the least of your worries. I guess it is important to put your point across as soon as convenient, though. Talking about insecurities is important in a relationship, and you should express your worries about this, if it's ever the case.
Although, I think ending a relationship because of that is a bit drastic. Unless it has consequences over the relationship between the two, it shouldn't be such a big deal.
There are couples who sometimes don't get to see eachother as often, and sometimes have to rely on masturbation(+porn) to saciate their physical needs.

I can certainly understand why you seem wary/uncomfortable of this; in relationships where two people have drifted apart, adding pornography into the mix can be so threatening - it can really reinforce the message that *you* no longer meet my needs. But that's, as I said, when relationships kind of start to be a burden.
Porn is a masturbatory aid, it is not cheating. Are you committing adultery by watching it? No. Are you using it to solicit sex from somebody you do not know? No.

Are wet dreams cheating? No. Is masturbation cheating? No. Is reading Fifty Shades of Grey cheating? No.

You see where this is going.
i don't feel watching porn as cheating at all.
it's just to help someone get off; i don't know about anyone else but sometimes i just want to get off without thinking, and porn is perfect for that lmao
it's natural for people to look at other people while even in a relationship. the big deal is whether or not they do anything about it.
like if someone fell in love with someone in a porno and went out of their way to find them, yeah. that's cheating. and a little crazy.
but if they just jerk it? that's what porn's for, you can't please them every single time they get horny :b
Yeah... no.

You could also consider talking to a friend cheating emotionally, because your friend is listening to you instead of your partner.
If I had a SO and I walked in on them watching porn,
I don't think I would be upset, and I don't think I'd consider it to be cheating.

I guess I wouldn't consider it to be cheating because it's basically just for masturbating. Yeah, I would prefer that they masturbate to the thought of me. (Yeah. Narcissist. I know.) But, I can totally understand that watching porn can give you a different sexual experience than it does with having sex. So, it's kind of whatever floats your boat. And I'm not really the kind of person who enjoys sex, so I'd totally understand watching porn instead of having sex with your partner.
I don't think watching porn is cheating.
It's used as an aid, and if my partner chose to watch it, I wouldn't be mad or anything. I know my partner wouldn't leave me for a porn star. I know he wouldn't expect me to look like one or act like one, either. I trust him not to have stupid expectations of me like that after watching porn :p
That and I'd rather he watched porn than go out and find another, less faithful way to get off..
Honestly, I disagree 100% given it's not some porn addiction or something. We're talking strictly natural porn watching.

If a guy can't be cool with me watching some porn, he's not the guy for me. I'm not interested in a relationship with such a narrow minded person.
You're an idiot. By your logic, if you even imagine sex with someone else, you've cheated? How can it be cheating without any contact? It's just porn. Plenty people watch it. It's simply a masturbatory aid. Good luck with your finding and keeping a partner goals of the rest of your life if you can't deal with something as petty as that.
No, hell no. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional and irrational or amazingly insecure.
With respect, can I remind you all to keep things cool and take into account how individuals may feel
about the responses given.

Thank you! :)
I don't see it as cheating, no. I see cheating as sexual contact with another person. With that said - if someone did have a problem with porn I think it's fair for their partner to refrain from watching it out of respect or it'll just cause problems in the relationship.

It does often seem to be an insecurity issue though where the person thinks that they're not good enough for their partner as they're looking at other girls/guys ("oh those girls have bigger breasts than me" "he has a bigger penis than me" and so on).
I can kind of understand where you're coming from, I know people who are personally hurt by their partners watching porn and if you step into their shoes it's perfectly understandable. Personally, although I'm insecure about myself I would have no problem if my partner watched porn because I know it was being used for it's purpose. It's sexual material there for a quick get off. In my opinion though, watching porn can't really be "counted" as adultery or cheating as nothing wrong has been committed with another person. I can kind of understand the hurt behind knowing your SO was getting off on someone else but the fact of the matter is that every human being will find more than one person psychically attractive in the world and you should enter a relationship already knowing that fact.
Personally, if my partner took a fancy to a celebrity or pornstar, it would really really hurt my feelings but my solution is that I just don't wanna know. He's human, I'm human and it can't be helped, so I save myself from my jealous misery and pretend I don't know he finds other women attractive. I pretend I don't find other men attractive. Point blank, if you really love each other then it's irrelevant who you find attractive isn't it? My boyfriend isn't going to leave me for a pornstar.

Honestly though, I can understand what you mean and the emotional upset it can cause for people who haven't quite opened their minds to accept porn as a normal/daily thing can be quite painful. For instance, I know someone who caught their husband watching porn and was deeply upset and hurt. She knew it was a natural thing but couldn't deal with the fact that their love life was diminishing, he didn't want her psychically yet he wanted those women? It was very upsetting and hard to witness and I really do understand that part.
As hurtful as it can be to realise you're not the only girl fluttering through your man's mind, you have to trust him that he loves you and he'd forget about them in a heartbeat for you. If he really wanted them he'd be with a pornstar wannabe and not you :p
Watching porn isn't cheating in my eyes. It's not like you're having sex with someone, you're just watching a couple enjoying the natural act of sex. It's not cheating at all. People are becoming too liberal with calling things cheating.
Porn is not cheating. Porn is porn. If you're willing to end a relationship just because they watched porn, then you really seem possessive and what not.
'You can't enjoy anything unless it involves me'.
No, it just allows you to blow the pressure off you can't share with your other half or "relax" alone.

Having sex is different, your being physical with someone...porn you aren't.
Porn is a masturbatory aid, it is not cheating. Are you committing adultery by watching it? No. Are you using it to solicit sex from somebody you do not know? No.

Are wet dreams cheating? No. Is masturbation cheating? No. Is reading Fifty Shades of Grey cheating? No.

You see where this is going.

I couldn't have said it better myself.